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A “new single” from “Kyuss” that’s nothing of the sort

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
It’s popped up on YouTube and Spotify, and I got all excited, but apparently it’s fake.

Oh. Kyuss were great of course. Is this some AI shit? Not read article yet.
Apparently. I haven’t listened, as I realised how unlikely a new song was, so went off to see if it was a re-release. It wasn’t a song title I recognised, but I thought maybe it was some rare track I hadn’t come across.

Turns out it’s some kind of AI thing, and not even good. So I haven’t bothered listening.
I never really got the appeal. And I've really tried because a lot of people whose music taste I respect rated them, but they just did nothing for me compared to other rock/metal bands of the era.

The fake new one doesn't sound anything like them either.
Yeah, it sounds like metal but not Kyus. Too heavy muted power chord chugging and the double kick stuff. That's not really the Kyus sound.

It was Gardenia on Welcome to Sky Valley that got me in to them. Just that big rumble of sound. Like a big slow truck driving at you but in a good way.
Supposedly flooding Spotify with AI music and then getting bots to listen to it is a money maker...though illegal

"Titles of the fake songs taken from an alphabetized list included Zygotic Lanie, Zygotic Washstands and Zyme Bedewing, while fake artists got names like Calliope Bloom, Callous Humane and Calvinistic Dust."
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It’s popped up on YouTube and Spotify, and I got all excited, but apparently it’s fake.

I didn't have you down as a Kyuss fan 🤘

More Val Doonican one, complete with rocking chair* :p
*Runs off
I didn't have you down as a Kyuss fan 🤘

More Val Doonican one, complete with rocking chair* :p
*Runs off
Yup, big fan of 90s stoner rock. Was a grunger, loved Screaming Trees, Sleep, and indeed Ozzy era Sabbath, especially Master of Reality. So all the palm desert scene stuff. Still follow QOTSA, Brant Björk, Hermano, Stöner, Fu Manchu (all of whom have stuff out this year) etc.

That punk/doom/indie/alt rock/sludge melting pot is very attractive to me.

There were green alligators and long legged geese
Yup, big fan of 90s stoner rock. Was a grunger, loved Screaming Trees, Sleep, and indeed Ozzy era Sabbath, especially Master of Reality. So all the palm desert scene stuff. Still follow QOTSA, Brant Björk, Hermano, Stöner, Fu Manchu (all of whom have stuff out this year) etc.

That punk/doom/indie/alt rock/sludge melting pot is very attractive to me.
You've made me smile, thank you....just goes to show you never can tell ....there's a song in there somewhere :D
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