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60th anniversary of the coronation

well they are billing it as 'the peoples' because it was the first time it was televised for the peons
I think the Beeb generally does alright with its neutrality, but the monarchy is one area where they very definitely show extreme bias.

I haven't forgiven them for taking the Trump-Ding semi at the World Snooker Championship off the telly for two people getting married two years ago. :mad:

they really don't. A negative propaganda story about the NHS every single fucking day.
I'm too pissed to work out if you mean this or if you're being A Massive Bell End.

Ah...the liminal strip between profound bell-endedness and (oh so) subtle, dissimulated irony can be a challenging terrain for the inebriated reader. Apparently, my ironic capabilities were also so benumbed by potation that I first failed to comprehend the wit intended.

My bad.

But perhaps the use of emoticons might help?
remember when the queen mum died and the beeb had to go all solemn for a day even though nobody but nobody gave a tupenny knee-trembling fuck?

what was that about
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