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5G networks - safety, conspiracies and moron cell tower attacks

5G: Masts at centre of row in Bath - BBC News

Just had an email from OFCOM regarding the terms of my ham radio licence.

I was never going to do use than a few watts at 7MHz-ish, and I know there are people out there using kilowatts - but not near enough to human beings for any detectable effect...

I haven't actually bothered to look at the specifics, but this has surely got to be bullshit and I wonder if it's going to be more about squeezing amateurs out of spectrum that commercial operators want to use...

RSGB response :-

Dear Licence Holder,

We are writing to make you aware of some important changes that we are proposing to make to your Wireless Telegraphy Act licence(s) issued by Ofcom.

In February and October last year, we issued two public consultations on our proposal to formally require licensees to comply with the internationally agreed levels in the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines for the protection of the general public from electromagnetic fields (EMF). We refer to these levels as the ICNIRP general public limits. In October, we also issued a Statement setting out our decision to formally require licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits and we recently published an update on how we propose to implement that decision.

We are now writing to you to inform you of our proposal to vary the terms and conditions of your licence(s) to require you to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits. In accordance with the Wireless Telegraphy Act and your licence(s), we are giving you notice of our proposal by publishing a General Notice on our website.

We’ve put all the relevant information about our proposal including the General Notice on a dedicated EMF webpage ofcom.org.uk/emf. Here you will find details of the licence variation process alongside the background to the changes and lots of FAQs to help you understand what our proposal means for you.

If, after reading the above information, you wish to make a representation to Ofcom in relation to our proposal to vary your licence(s), you have up until the 18 April 2021 to do so. However, if you do not wish to make a representation you do not need to take any action at this time. More information on the representation process can be found by visiting the Ofcom EMF webpage.

We will consider all representations before coming to a final decision on the variation of your licence(s). We will publish our final decision on the EMF page of our website by 18 May 2021. We will explain whether we have decided to vary your licence(s) to include the EMF condition. If your licence(s) has been varied we will send you an update of it or information on where a new version can be obtained from.

In future we intend to make greater use of General Notices published on our website and may not individually contact you to inform you that we have published one. We would therefore urge all licensees to regularly check the Ofcom website or subscribe to email spectrum updates by going to the following page on our website ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/email-updates.

If you have any questions about this change and what it means for you, further information can be found on the dedicated EMF webpage using the address provided above.

Yours faithfully,

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Reads like a bunch of bullshit to me. Like OFCOM wants to be seen to be doing something. Bureaucratic idiocy. Where's the evidence for harm that necessitates this change? It's not shown anywhere, yet if it exists then surely it would be shown front and centre?

Good luck to the RSGB and all amateur radio operators in fighting this nonsense.
Reads like a bunch of bullshit to me. Like OFCOM wants to be seen to be doing something. Bureaucratic idiocy. Where's the evidence for harm that necessitates this change? It's not shown anywhere, yet if it exists then surely it would be shown front and centre?

Good luck to the RSGB and all amateur radio operators in fighting this nonsense.
Ironic really - as in the old days it was all about hams not causing RFI in poorly-built domestic radios and TVs - whereas now it's a massive challenge to be an operator in an urban setting for the opposite reason - with every portable device being one or more poorly-screened transmitter - even down to domestic lighting and USB power packs - and with digital communication being inherently tolerant of interference.

It was such a shock when I hooked up a SW radio to a proper antenna for the first time in decades ... the only form of communication I would attempt where I currently live would be Weak Signal Propagation Reporter - which uses the protocols used for getting data to and from interplanetary probes...

Shameful to see an official body going along with this crap - even disingenuously - there are parallels with the "glyphosate causes cancer" nonsense ...
Ironic really - as in the old days it was all about hams not causing RFI in poorly-built domestic radios and TVs - whereas now it's a massive challenge to be an operator in an urban setting for the opposite reason - with every portable device being one or more poorly-screened transmitter - even down to domestic lighting and USB power packs - and with digital communication being inherently tolerant of interference.

It was such a shock when I hooked up a SW radio to a proper antenna for the first time in decades ... the only form of communication I would attempt where I currently live would be Weak Signal Propagation Reporter - which uses the protocols used for getting data to and from interplanetary probes...

Shameful to see an official body going along with this crap - even disingenuously - there are parallels with the "glyphosate causes cancer" nonsense ...

I don't even know why they would even be disingenuously going along with nonsense like this; it seems to betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the conspiranoid mindset, and the kind of fearful and paranoid thinking that can lead one down the primrose path to such worldviews. "No smoke without fire", and so on and so forth. Official bodies shouldn't even be dignifying such crap with a response.
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Mail Story [link]

Conspiracy theorist, 41, caused up to £150,000 damage when he set 5G phone mast ablaze
after making a 'bunker' in his kitchen using pans and covering himself in tinfoil


A conspiracy theorist caused around £150,000 damage when he set a 5G phone mast ablaze in a bid to 'protect' others.

David Patterson, 41, had previously constructed a 'bunker' in his kitchen using tins and covered himself in foil in a bid to make a barrier against harmful 'waves' from the transmitter.

After breaking into the locked compound in Wardley Garage, Gateshead, Patterson admitted to setting fire to the BT phone mast on the roof - which cost between £100,000 and £150,000 to replace.

He said he was motivated to commit arson because he believed 5G was 'dangerous' and that he genuinely thought at the time he was 'protecting his family and others from harm'.

Speaking from the dock in Newcastle Crown Court, Patterson admitted his actions were wrong and said conspiracy theories 'don't apply to me no (sic) more'.

Newcastle Crown Court heard in the early hours of June 21 last year the 41-year-old climbed over a fence into a locked compound at Wardley Garage in Gateshead and set fire to a BT phone mast on the roof.

Prosecutor Alec Burns told the court: 'Police attended and they arrested him.

He admitted he had set fire to the mast, saying because it was 5G he believed it was 'dangerous'.

Mr Burns said there were two seats of fire and the mast, which was destroyed by flames, cost between £100,000 and £150,000 to replace.

Damage caused to the garage building is estimated to cost around £15,000 to repair.

The court heard at the time of the fire Patterson had the 'delusional belief' that he was 'protecting his family and others from harm'.

Judge Sarah Mallett said Patterson had previously 'covered himself in tin foil and had a self-made bunker in his kitchen'.

Judge Mallett added: 'His belief was the tins and tin foil would act as a bunker from the waves he believed he was experiencing from the 5G mast, furthered as it was, that belief, by material that is readily accessible on the internet that frankly feeds beliefs that are widely considered and accepted to be completely delusional.'

Patterson, of Pensher Street East, Felling, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, admitted arson.

Speaking from the dock, Patterson told the court: 'I know what I did was totally wrong.

'Conspiracy theories don't apply to me no more. I am well aware my mind can't take it.

'I want to spend time with my lovely friends and lovely family now.'

Tony Davis, defending, said Patterson has been under the care of mental health services.

Judge Mallett adjourned sentence until October 1 and said although Patterson has made 'good progress' she has concerns about the future and wants more information about the mental health interventions available to the court.

The judge told him: 'I need to make sure the sentence I pass not only benefits you but, more importantly, benefits everyone by reducing the risks you have shown you are capable of causing.'

Patterson has been given conditional bail until the next hearing.

Bit of a shame he wasn't more paranoid about CCTV

I don't remember anyone saying anything til 5G.

Lots of people were anti phone masts before 5G came about, failing to realise that having a cell tower closer to your house actually reduced the amount of power your phone would kick out thereby reducing the possible danger of cell phone radiation giving you cancer.
Here you go

Yeah, "someone said something said on Facebook" blah blah. I don't recall protests or anything on the scale of the 5G paranoia.
Not saying there wasn't an evolutionary thing going on from previous tech generations, but it was pretty niche.
Lots of people were anti phone masts before 5G came about, failing to realise that having a cell tower closer to your house actually reduced the amount of power your phone would kick out thereby reducing the possible danger of cell phone radiation giving you cancer.

Yes, NIMBY radiation type fears and stuff. I think that's of a different kind to 5G's all-encompassing power to cause any and all manner of ills. It was mostly about people not understanding the inverse square law.
Mail Story [link]

Conspiracy theorist, 41, caused up to £150,000 damage when he set 5G phone mast ablaze
after making a 'bunker' in his kitchen using pans and covering himself in tinfoil


A conspiracy theorist caused around £150,000 damage when he set a 5G phone mast ablaze in a bid to 'protect' others.

David Patterson, 41, had previously constructed a 'bunker' in his kitchen using tins and covered himself in foil in a bid to make a barrier against harmful 'waves' from the transmitter.

After breaking into the locked compound in Wardley Garage, Gateshead, Patterson admitted to setting fire to the BT phone mast on the roof - which cost between £100,000 and £150,000 to replace.

He said he was motivated to commit arson because he believed 5G was 'dangerous' and that he genuinely thought at the time he was 'protecting his family and others from harm'.

Speaking from the dock in Newcastle Crown Court, Patterson admitted his actions were wrong and said conspiracy theories 'don't apply to me no (sic) more'.

Newcastle Crown Court heard in the early hours of June 21 last year the 41-year-old climbed over a fence into a locked compound at Wardley Garage in Gateshead and set fire to a BT phone mast on the roof.

Prosecutor Alec Burns told the court: 'Police attended and they arrested him.

He admitted he had set fire to the mast, saying because it was 5G he believed it was 'dangerous'.

Mr Burns said there were two seats of fire and the mast, which was destroyed by flames, cost between £100,000 and £150,000 to replace.

Damage caused to the garage building is estimated to cost around £15,000 to repair.

The court heard at the time of the fire Patterson had the 'delusional belief' that he was 'protecting his family and others from harm'.

Judge Sarah Mallett said Patterson had previously 'covered himself in tin foil and had a self-made bunker in his kitchen'.

Judge Mallett added: 'His belief was the tins and tin foil would act as a bunker from the waves he believed he was experiencing from the 5G mast, furthered as it was, that belief, by material that is readily accessible on the internet that frankly feeds beliefs that are widely considered and accepted to be completely delusional.'

Patterson, of Pensher Street East, Felling, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, admitted arson.

Speaking from the dock, Patterson told the court: 'I know what I did was totally wrong.

'Conspiracy theories don't apply to me no more. I am well aware my mind can't take it.

'I want to spend time with my lovely friends and lovely family now.'

Tony Davis, defending, said Patterson has been under the care of mental health services.

Judge Mallett adjourned sentence until October 1 and said although Patterson has made 'good progress' she has concerns about the future and wants more information about the mental health interventions available to the court.

The judge told him: 'I need to make sure the sentence I pass not only benefits you but, more importantly, benefits everyone by reducing the risks you have shown you are capable of causing.'

Patterson has been given conditional bail until the next hearing.

Bit of a shame he wasn't more paranoid about CCTV

If only he'd worn a tin foil balaclava.
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