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4 minute warning?


Well-Known Member
I read a story in the Ukraine war thread and got me thinking if there was a Nuclear attack on the UK and there were air raid sirens and a 4 mintue warning what happens next?

Where will people go incase of a missile strike or a Nuclear attack as we dont have bunkers anymore would people hav to find or build shelters to make sure friends and family are safe?

And what would you do if heard it would you take it seriously?
I'd snuggle up to my wife, tell her how much I love her, and comfort her as much as I could.

I'd hope to tell my family and friends how important they are to me. But I'd assume that the phones would be down.

Thinking about this, I'll tell them now while I know I can. People don't do this enough. We should. Time is short and precious.
I have given this a bit of thought since the start of the Ukraine invasion....

I'm not near a major target, so might survive initial exchange. I have a small cellar so would retreat there and wait and see.

If there was some more obvious build-up to it looking likely I have a plan to what to do with the house and supplies etc.
I have thought about this since the start of the Ukraine invasion....

I'm not near a major target, so might survive initial exchange. I have a small cellar so would retreat there and wait and see.

If there was some more obvious build-up to it looking likely I have a plan to what to do with the house and supplies etc.
Where are the major targets?

My concern is if they hit Plymouth, I’m 25 miles NE from there so I imagine a risk given prevailing winds
I seem to remember it's not that they'd get hours yet only give the proles 4 minutes, it's to do with the likely time left between launch being detected, confirmed and then probably go through a few focus groups or something before they sound the alarm for us.
You'd think with all these drones and satellites they could do a bit better than that tbh . Not sure we are getting the best value for money
Our cellars were originally built as bomb shelters/communal laundry, although given my proximity to Manchester city centre, I'm fucked, fried any which way.

Btw, there's a nuclear detonation simulator map:

You put in where you live and then select the type/size of the bomb from the drop down menu, and it shows you the blast radius. You're welcome.
I have given this a bit of thought since the start of the Ukraine invasion....

I'm not near a major target, so might survive initial exchange. I have a small cellar so would retreat there and wait and see.

If there was some more obvious build-up to it looking likely I have a plan to what to do with the house and supplies etc.
What could be worse than retreating into a small cellar then finding you were trapped in it?
Here in Czech Republic we still have public sirens, which are tested monthly. Prague has some limited space in public shelters; these used to be kept stocked with food and water, but that stopped many years ago. If I was at home and the warning went off, I'd scoop up the cat and head to the basement. My old work was seconds from a deep metro station equipped with air filters and blast doors. No idea where the nearest shelter to my new work place is; it's a solid old building so probably the cellar is as good as anywhere.

Good article here: Inside Prague's labyrinth of bomb shelters.
And a recording of the different sirens here, with instructions for action.
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