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"37 social units is 37 too many" says estate agent about Lambeth's shrinking affordable housing

TBF, posters such as spammisery and passivejoe are at least revealing which side they're on.

Thats ridiculous. Its not about sides. Its about fairness. Notwithstanding the content of the comment in question, in my opinion its not right that the Editor dobs a commenter in to his company about a comment he made from work. Not when he was within his rights to say it on a public forum and surely within his rights to keep his identity private.
Its a leap but say he lost his job as a result? Say he wasn't in the property industry but a tube worker commenting on job losses and pickets and the Ed. took against his position... would it then be fine for the Editor to dob him in to TFL?
Well we've interpreted it differently then.

"I won't name them for now but I've emailed them to ask if that's their official take on it."

You think editor means he emailed the person who posted the comment to see if their comment was their official take on it? That would be a little odd. You think "I won't name them for now" means he is going to name the individual or the company? Odd that he hasn't refuted that point.

Perhaps editor could clear it up. Did you email the person who posted the comment directly or the company they work for?
Was it the individual or the company you emailed editor ?
imaginary scenarios, unlikely hypotheticals, just two of the tools of the piss poor wind up merchant.

editor, what if it was hitler who made that comment and now you've got him sacked so that he's going to get mad and go back in time and do the holocaust? how do you feel now? you're literally responsible for the deaths of 11 million people.
Because that's REALLY likely to happen, isn't it?

How much do you want to bet that this twat hasn't lost his job?

Its less about this individual instance than the fact that you're willing to use your ability to identify posters to cause trouble for them if you don't like their view point. In my view, moderators should be fairly balanced and foster discussion, not take revenge someone whose post irritated you.
I think its an abuse of power. Yes you have the right to do it but I don't think you should.
Indeed. This thread has got too ridiculous to continue with. No one has lost their jobs. At best, the loathsome shitsmudge of an estate agent got a well deserved slap around his chops for being so offensive.
Its less about this individual instance than the fact that you're willing to use your ability to identify posters to cause trouble for them if you don't like their view point. In my view, moderators should be fairly balanced and foster discussion, not take revenge someone whose post irritated you.
He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site.
Its less about this individual instance than the fact that you're willing to use your ability to identify posters to cause trouble for them if you don't like their view point. In my view, moderators should be fairly balanced and foster discussion, not take revenge someone whose post irritated you.
I think its an abuse of power. Yes you have the right to do it but I don't think you should.
More and more often, I find I'm surprised by the Editor's obsession with money. Generic posts and news items end up with snarky references to people's wealth.
He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site. He wasn't a poster on this site.

Why does that make a difference? Do you hold yourself to a different moral standard when you click on the BBuzz tab on your computer?
Indeed. This thread has got too ridiculous to continue with. No one has lost their jobs. At best, the loathsome shitsmudge of an estate agent got a well deserved slap around his chops for being so offensive.
i think if editor was going to use his power to fuck things up for various posters, it might have happened by now. but, i seem to recall that during the whole ernestolynch being a dickhead for years period, editor followed around pk and others deleting posts that identified his real name, position, and school that he worked at.

instead of losing the sad wanker his job, which considering some of his posts, would have been easily done.

so i don;t think you have anything to worry about posting on urban75.
this is just more attacks on the editor's politics disguised as moderation issues. waaa waaa editor says mean things about estate agents, waaa waaaa editor says mean things about landlords, lets see if we can paint him as making all our personal data available, lets see if we can paint him as undertaking vengeance against people he doesn't like. pathetic stuff.
it was more fun around here when i was haranguing the editor for being a wet liberal. now its necessary to defend even his wet liberalism from the tide of toryism and gordon geckos. this is a microscosm of politics in the UK as a whole. the labour party moves to the right, is attacked for being left wing by the right, moves further to the right because its too cowardly to stand and fight. in the end we get milliband arguing with cameron about who hates foreigners more.
Well the precedent has well and truly been set!

Post a comment that YOU personally do not like too any BB article and expect;

1; that comment to be broadcast not only on that site, but on every other site you have an interest in. Plus tweeted to x amount of your followers via twitter.

2; you will then contact the persons employer stating so publicly (thus raising the stakes for them) for "comment". This could result in an investigation, disciplinary action and even the termination of their employment. Which seem not to give a flying fuck about?

I don't see any disclaimer on the BB comments section stating that you reserve the right to contact an employer if you don't like their comment. Nor do I see any disclaimer stating that you will start a witch hunt across every site you have an interest in, nor tweet that witch hunt to your followers via Twitter?

Now if it was offensive or discriminatory - homophobic, racist etc - we'd say good on you Ed go for it.

But wilfully attempting to start a witch hunt and get somebody sacked for that comment?

You're an absolute shambles if you think any of this is reasonable behaviour.
Do us all a favour, fuck off.
Ah, with your poor arguments failing to gain traction, you're hoping to make it more personal now by throwing around some daft ad hominems. Tut tut. Very poor show.
Utterly defeated with valid points he does head for the high ground
If you post on the Internet and don't make an attempt to hide your IP, then assume that where you post from is not private. Especially if posting from work.
Perhaps it's time for a sticky in the main forum then. Especially as people post politically sensetive posts, posts about drugs etc. I'm sure plenty of 'good' people post from work/university and now it's not a case of if the management here are prepared to tell tails to teacher but whether you sit on their moral compass.

It's a broader issue and I'm disappointed at how many people think it's just about evil estate agents.
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Perhaps it's time for a sticky in the main forum then. Especially as people post politically sensetive posts, posts about drugs etc. I'm sure plenty of 'good' people post from work/university and now it's not a case of if the management here are prepared to tell tails to teacher but where you sit on their moral compass.
Perhaps it's time for a sticky in the main forum then. Especially as people post politically sensetive posts, posts about drugs etc. I'm sure plenty of 'good' people post from work/university and now it's not a case of if the management here are prepared to tell tails to teacher but where you sit on their moral compass.
Perhaps it's time for a sticky in the main forum then. Especially as people post politically sensetive posts, posts about drugs etc. I'm sure plenty of 'good' people post from work/university and now it's not a case of if the management here are prepared to tell tails to teacher but whether you sit on their moral compass.

It's a broader issue and I'm disappointed at how many people think it's just about evil estate agents.

As I said - there are a few people posting who don't understand how the Internet works.
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