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"37 social units is 37 too many" says estate agent about Lambeth's shrinking affordable housing

Ah, with your poor arguments failing to gain traction, you're hoping to make it more personal now by throwing around some daft ad hominems. Tut tut. Very poor show.

I apologise for that comment. I actually thought I'd deleted it before adding the quote and the other line. Sorry.
Thats ridiculous. Its not about sides. Its about fairness. Notwithstanding the content of the comment in question, in my opinion its not right that the Editor dobs a commenter in to his company about a comment he made from work. Not when he was within his rights to say it on a public forum and surely within his rights to keep his identity private.
Its a leap but say he lost his job as a result? Say he wasn't in the property industry but a tube worker commenting on job losses and pickets and the Ed. took against his position... would it then be fine for the Editor to dob him in to TFL?

It's absolutely about sides. You took sides the moment you decided to attack editor and give your support to an misanthropic estate agent (his comment, if nothing else, being misanthropic). If you were interested in fairness, you'd have taken the misanthropy and classism inherent to his remark into account. You didn't, so you're either confused as to what "fairness" means, or you're disingenuous.
Oh, and if you'd read editor's post in context, it's fairly obvious to anyone with a GCSE in English that he's talking about contacting the employee, not the employer.

I reckon your username must be an abbreviation of passive-aggressive joe.
Didn't know it had a name. I can see that it could be a problem but on the flip side, all genuine personal opinions should be allowed and I guess if you work in property development then you're likely to be morally ok with your business's aims so it may well be an honest personal opinion.
I'm not particularly tech-literate... can IP addresses be hidden or disguised?
IPs can be hidden but it's surprising that people often don't. Perhaps it's just the shit ones that get noticed.

It is pretty essential to look at the source of peculiar drive-by comment bombing, particularly when there are lots of comments saying similar things. I'm not sure whether this particular comment was part of a general strategy to make it look like there are real people who actually don't like the idea of affordable housing, or whether it was just some cunt of an estate agent posting on his own initiative, but odd "coincidences" like this are worth highlighting publicly; just like it might be worth mentioning that, say, comments from local residents approving of a new Tesco appearing on a local blog criticising it all seem to have IPs coming from a PR company hired by Tesco.
If you post on the Internet and don't make an attempt to hide your IP, then assume that where you post from is not private. Especially if posting from work.

I'm an old fart, yet I've always been aware of this from the first time I used a networked computer 20 years ago. I won't go as far as to say that people ignorant of this get what they deserve, but it hardly takes much effort to cover yourself.
Perhaps it's time for a sticky in the main forum then. Especially as people post politically sensetive posts, posts about drugs etc. I'm sure plenty of 'good' people post from work/university and now it's not a case of if the management here are prepared to tell tails to teacher but whether you sit on their moral compass.

It's a broader issue and I'm disappointed at how many people think it's just about evil estate agents.

It's nothing to do with the forums here, except with regard to this particular thread. The comment was made on another site.
You should stop letting your self-righteousness assert itself so strongly. that way you could avoid showing yourself up as a berk with posts like the above.
As I said - there are a few people posting who don't understand how the Internet works.
I'm not sure if that's intended as a dig at me however I know exactly how the internet works, it's what I do for a living and I have access to dozens of sites. As a result I take privacy very seriously. A line has been crossed here and it's not about an estate agent it's the principle. But go on drop the underhand comments and say what you mean.

But please again, if youve got
Given the fact that you've completely misrepresented everything I've said thus far and keep on persisting with misinformation even after you've been corrected, I think I'll give it a miss, ta.
Go on answer the fucking question.
I'm not sure if that's intended as a dig at me however I know exactly how the internet works, it's what I do for a living and I have access to dozens of sites. As a result I take privacy very seriously. A line has been crossed here and it's not about an estate agent it's the principle. But go on drop the underhand comments and say what you mean.

But please again, if youve got

Even less excuse for it then
this is just more attacks on the editor's politics disguised as moderation issues. waaa waaa editor says mean things about estate agents, waaa waaaa editor says mean things about landlords, lets see if we can paint him as making all our personal data available, lets see if we can paint him as undertaking vengeance against people he doesn't like. pathetic stuff.
Aye that some pricks have wanted on about this rather than the real issue of scum like this wanting to destroy social housing says everything you need to know about them. Fucking wastes of space destroying what could have been a good thread.
I'm not sure if that's intended as a dig at me however I know exactly how the internet works, it's what I do for a living and I have access to dozens of sites. As a result I take privacy very seriously. A line has been crossed here and it's not about an estate agent it's the principle. But go on drop the underhand comments and say what you mean.

But please again, if youve got
only dozens?? :(
didn't anyone tell you there are millions and millions of sites out there?
and how come part of your post is missing if you're so good at this internet game? :hmm:
More and more often, I find I'm surprised by the Editor's obsession with money. Generic posts and news items end up with snarky references to people's wealth.

Why does that make a difference? Do you hold yourself to a different moral standard when you click on the BBuzz tab on your computer?

More and more I am noticing some poster's obsession with Editor. I find I am surprised they are so blatant about it and don't realise how ridiculous they seem.

Snarky references to people's wealth are completely valid when those people are looking down their noses and sneering at those with less/in social housing/signing on etc...

Next you will be telling us that it's wrong to out DWP workers who sneer and abuse claimants online or racist police who owt themselves online...seriously, why do you think this is okay?
IPs can be hidden but it's surprising that people often don't. Perhaps it's just the shit ones that get noticed.

It is pretty essential to look at the source of peculiar drive-by comment bombing, particularly when there are lots of comments saying similar things. I'm not sure whether this particular comment was part of a general strategy to make it look like there are real people who actually don't like the idea of affordable housing, or whether it was just some cunt of an estate agent posting on his own initiative, but odd "coincidences" like this are worth highlighting publicly; just like it might be worth mentioning that, say, comments from local residents approving of a new Tesco appearing on a local blog criticising it all seem to have IPs coming from a PR company hired by Tesco.

totally agree! Apart from the fact that this happened on a different platform than urban, I can't see where ed has publicly named or identified this person or the estate agency. Urban has always been somewhere you can be anonymous and the only times I've ever know of mods having used ip addresses are where there has been a danger to someone. Generally a poster in distress and then it's always been well handled
One poster has suggested that the offending post was akin to astroturfing, or seeding community blogs with corporate messages disguised as citizen comment. That's unlikely to be the case if it's the firm I believe it is, which has a division offering "development services" to clients with a "diverse product range" of affordable housing, and would presumably shout about this in the unlikely event that TK's unpleasant post became a cause celebre.
i'm not accusing anyone of anything. If you describe a firm in its own language, you run the risk of identifying it.
Seems to be me that you're the one doing al the 'identifying' and the going even further by adding fascinating details about the claimed company's set up.

Even though my search didn't bring up the company concerned, I edited my post within minutes when another poster told me he could identify them. So the words are different.

Anyway, this is a classic case of a poster with well known beef coming in late in the day to stir things up. Not interested any more.
One poster has suggested that the offending post was akin to astroturfing, or seeding community blogs with corporate messages disguised as citizen comment. That's unlikely to be the case if it's the firm I believe it is, which has a division offering "development services" to clients with a "diverse product range" of affordable housing, and would presumably shout about this in the unlikely event that TK's unpleasant post became a cause celebre.
One poster has also seen some really appallingly incompetent instances of attempted astroturfing from people who one would have expected to know better, or at least be a bit better at it given how much they will be charging.
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