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"37 social units is 37 too many" says estate agent about Lambeth's shrinking affordable housing

Seems to be me that you're the one doing al the 'identifying' and the going even further by adding fascinating details about the company's set up.

Even though my search didn't bring up the company concerned, I edited my post within minutes when another poster told me he could identifiy them.

I'm going by what's on Brixton Buzz at the moment, so your edit definitely didn't go far enough. The details about the affordably housing set-up don't include a telling and googlable phrase.

I edited out the name once you had had an opportunity to see it; are you minded to redact the post that quoted mine? Perfectly happy to delete the references to towns and authors as well.
I'd actually prefer it if you redacted your post in which you quoted my naming of a specific firm. I edited it pretty swiftly after posting.
Why are some people so against calling nutwats on what they say? Why are some people so obsessed with protecting the reputation of firms that are ripping shreds out of London/the rest of the UK/elsewhere?

because calling people on their opinions is only allowed if you're a tory prick calling editor on his. everyone else has absolute freedom of speech. and actually, editor is worse than hitler for not having made estateagents75.com for them post on, which clearly shows his bias.
It is true that if you replace the single quotes round the phrase in editor 's response on Brixton Buzz with double quotes and Google it it does identify the firm named above on this thread pretty clearly but I don't see why that would be a concern? Even if he'd named them directly I don't know why it would be a concern, it's hardly libel.

I had planned to stay out of this thread, but what Shakespeare Girl said seemed completely inaccurate.

It's unusual, that's all. There's a general convention that media owners - even bloggers - don't challenge the anonymity of their anonymous posters in public, even if they are quick to pass on IP details to police or lawyers on request. So that's why there's some surprise. I was surprised, even though I thought it was a particularly wanky comment.

I don't think any purpose is usefully served by identifying the firm and I'm surprised that my request for redaction of the post which quotes mine has been ignored. It wasn't intended to be a permanent post.
because calling people on their opinions is only allowed if you're a tory prick calling editor on his. everyone else has absolute freedom of speech. and actually, editor is worse than hitler for not having made estateagents75.com for them post on, which clearly shows his bias.
Exactly. The thread on the Atlantic Road arches should have been somewhere for people to organise against Network Rail and has been absolutely ruined by these nitpicking fuckwits insisting on their 'freedom of speech'. Should just fuck them off and ban them, as has been said there's a fucking war on.
because calling people on their opinions is only allowed if you're a tory prick calling editor on his. everyone else has absolute freedom of speech. and actually, editor is worse than hitler for not having made estateagents75.com for them post on, which clearly shows his bias.
What fucking horseshit.

Let's leave the subject matter aside. Your posts are so counterproductive to what sensible people like mango5 stated they want to achieve over the weekend. You treat every disagreement as a personal attack on editor and by extension anyone who agrees with him generally.

You are as much the problem - and to the ultimate detriment of the boards - as those you accuse of behaving exactly like you fucking do.

Wind your neck in a bit ffs and maybe all of this will sort itself out.

Obviously having this view will mark me down as the enemy, or a Tory, or a property developer, or posh or any number of things I'm clearly not.

Such a fucking shame.

And do you know what's worse. I've sat on this post for quite a while because I know if I hit post I am done. That's it, I am lumped in as the enemy. Pathetic.
this is just more attacks on the editor's politics disguised as moderation issues. waaa waaa editor says mean things about estate agents, waaa waaaa editor says mean things about landlords, lets see if we can paint him as making all our personal data available, lets see if we can paint him as undertaking vengeance against people he doesn't like. pathetic stuff.

As a regular poster on the Brixton forum I agree 100%

I am getting sick of it here sometimes. Urban75 is or was a refuge for me from the mainstream middle of the road media.

I am sick of the way the editor is continually attacked here on brixton forum. And yes ur right its all about the left of centre politics he has.

As u say in later post when Ernestolynch etc were posting here people like me and the editor were castigated as back sliding reformist liberals. Its changed now.

I find it depresssing. So many of the people I used to know in Brixton have been pushed out we are now reduced to arguing the toss about the rights of estate agents to post up a different opinion ffs.

I am so glad butchersapron and ViolentPanda have both been the voice of sanity here.

BTW editor has recently done a lot on Brixton Buzz to get the Guinness Trust occupation in media and had done a lot to support the shopkeepers threatened with eviction by Network Rail.
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What fucking horseshit.

Let's leave the subject matter aside. Your posts are so counterproductive to what sensible people like mango5 stated they want to achieve over the weekend. You treat every disagreement as a personal attack on editor and by extension anyone who agrees with him generally.

You are as much the problem - and to the ultimate detriment of the boards - as those you accuse of behaving exactly like you fucking do.

Wind your neck in a bit ffs and maybe all of this will sort itself out.

Obviously having this view will mark me down as the enemy, or a Tory, or a property developer, or posh or any number of things I'm clearly not.

Such a fucking shame.

And do you know what's worse. I've sat on this post for quite a while because I know if I hit post I am done. That's it, I am lumped in as the enemy. Pathetic.

Its u thats being pathetic.

I have a lot of time for el-ahrairah outspoken she/he maybe but its always to the point. Not my posting style but its needed sometimes. Like now. el-ahrairah cuts through the bullshit.

You should have sat on your post.
Its u thats being pathetic.

I have a lot of time for el-ahrairah outspoken she/he maybe but its always to the point. Not my posting style but its needed sometimes. Like now. el-ahrairah cuts through the bullshit.

You should have sat on your post.
Maybe I should. Maybe you are correct.

Am just expressing my opinion on the way things are heading here.

I am quite likely seen as wrong but I wanted to say my piece.

I think this place is great but I don't like the way it is going. Probably that is my problem.
I can't believe that salem , passivejoe , Maurice Picarda , superfly101 and others on this thread still don't understand that when you post on a public website / forum / messageboard etc there is no reasonable expectation of 'privacy'.

You are voluntarily sending your IP address, not only to the website in question (and all the people who have access to that), but also to the host of that website, to your ISP, to various CSPs, to various DNS servers, to literally hundreds and probably thousands of people and organisations around the world.

Those who do not understand this are naive or stupid.

Many forums and messageboards automatically publish the IP address of posters when they post messages, precisely because this is openly available information (and contributes to transparency.) (In fact, the fact that u75 and Brixton Buzz do not routinely publish IP addresses could be considered an extra layer of protection/privacy afforded the users of those sites - but nevertheless, the information has been voluntarily given and should be considered public.)

If you want 'privacy' you need to use an IP masker or similar tool. Calling yourself "bigboy69" and entering your email address as "a@b.com" will not protect your anonymity.

Many people still don't understand this.

This poster "TK" has been caught bang to rights posting shit from a company account. Not only have they voluntarily sent their IP address to Brixton Buzz and hundreds of others, they are also a massive cunt.

Anyone who doesn't understand this should educate themselves, for example by fucking googling it or taking the free, online Open University course Introduction to Cyber Security or anything else mildly educational.
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all this comical ho-ha about identifying company blah blah. the company probably wouldn't give a hoot about what is being said here. Urban75 clearly thinking it is more important then it really is. LOL.
a politically leftish commentator who talks about wealth in a neo-liberal capitalist society during a period a local gentrification?

fucking hell, call the hangman.

Actually, while I didn't intend to post the personal line, it'sNot so much talks about wealth but bitches about the perceived wealth of others, and drags wealth into items where it has no place.
Why do you think you deserve one? You went on the attack, as did salem, and now you're being petulant that your demands aren't being met? Just how fucking entitled are you?

You are astonishingly aggressive.
Not petulant, no. There have been a lot of angry responses stating that the Ed's post was clear and that the poster's company has not been contacted, rather the poster himself. Salem (and I for that matter) don't think its clear. Its pretty easy to clear it up... and give the flak on both sides, I don't think its unreasonable to ask.
Many forums and messageboards automatically publish the IP address of posters when they post messages, precisely because this is openly available information (and contributes to transparency.) (

Which ones? Particularly community, general interest forums, rather than tech or specialist. The only place that springs to my mind that does it routinely is Wikipedia, and that has always seemed like a big stick to get users to register instead.
all this comical ho-ha about identifying company blah blah. the company probably wouldn't give a hoot about what is being said here. Urban75 clearly thinking it is more important then it really is. LOL.

Its not U75 thinking its important.

Its the posters here whining about Ed and defending estate agents that are the joke.

I bet the tossers in the estate agents office are all having a laugh. It pathetic that people who do not have much are defending the enemy. Self oppression in my book.
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Which ones? Particularly community, general interest forums, rather than tech or specialist. The only place that springs to my mind that does it routinely is Wikipedia, and that has always seemed like a big stick to get users to register instead.
Yes, Wikipedia is one of the biggest - over 24m users.
Wordpress gives you the ability to do this.
The thousands and thousands of messageboards /bulletin boards like www.boardhost.com
Loads basically…have a look around. Check the comments sections of various sites.
But the point is not 'who publishes IP addresses?' but that users willingly give their IP address to anyone and everyone…(unless they protect it somehow.)
I can't believe that salem , passivejoe , Maurice Picarda , superfly101 and others on this thread still don't understand that when you post on a public website / forum / messageboard etc there is no reasonable expectation of 'privacy'.

You are voluntarily sending your IP address, not only to the website in question (and all the people who have access to that), but also to the host of that website, to your ISP, to various CSPs, to various DNS servers, to literally hundreds and probably thousands of people and organisations around the world.

Those who do not understand this are naive or stupid.

Many forums and messageboards automatically publish the IP address of posters when they post messages, precisely because this is openly available information (and contributes to transparency.) (In fact, the fact that u75 and Brixton Buzz do not routinely publish IP addresses could be considered an extra layer of protection/privacy afforded the users of those sites - but nevertheless, the information has been voluntarily given and should be considered public.)

If you want 'privacy' you need to use an IP masker or similar tool. Calling yourself "bigboy69" and entering your email address as "a@b.com" will not protect your anonymity.

Many people still don't understand this.

This poster "TK" has been caught bang to rights posting shit from a company account. Not only have they voluntarily sent their IP address to Brixton Buzz and hundreds of others, they are also a massive cunt.

Anyone who doesn't understand this should educate themselves, for example by fucking googling it or taking the free, online Open University course Introduction to Cyber Security or anything else mildly educational.
This is one of the stupidest posts I've read in a while.

When you walk down the street at night, with your physical being available to all and sundry, is there a reasonable expectation that you won't be assaulted? Right.

So the fact that emailing your boss about your inane blog comments is sometimes physically possible doesn't automatically make someone having actually done that either appropriate or unremarkable.

You have a curious idea of what reasonable expectation is, apparently belonging to some sort of Mad Max version of the world.

Edit: I added 'automatically' to the above because despite appearances, I'm not interested in wading into the actual argument of the thread, just taking issue with the guff above
emailing your boss about your inane blog comments is sometimes physically possible doesn't automatically make someone having actually done that either appropriate or unremarkable.

Is that what's happened? It's unclear. VP is insisting furiously that only the employee was contacted, not the employer, and he hasn't been corrected on this. You'd have thought that if the editor was being defended on the grounds of a misapprehension, he'd be quick to set the record straight.
Is that what's happened? It's unclear. VP is insisting furiously that only the employee was contacted, not the employer, and he hasn't been corrected on this. You'd have thought that if the editor was being defended on the grounds of a misapprehension, he'd be quick to set the record straight.
I don't know, just going off my skim-reading of the thread - don't read too much into it.
Is that what's happened? It's unclear. VP is insisting furiously that only the employee was contacted, not the employer, and he hasn't been corrected on this. You'd have thought that if the editor was being defended on the grounds of a misapprehension, he'd be quick to set the record straight.
Both are pretty shitty. One threatens an employee directly with telling there boss, the other tells the boss.
Its not U75 thinking its important.

Its the posters here whining about Ed and defending estate agents that are the joke.

I bet the tossers in the estate agents office are all having a laugh. It pathetic that people who do not have much are defending the enemy. Self oppression in my book.

You seem to be massively missing the point. This isnt about politics. Its about whether its right or wrong for the Ed to contact a poster's place of work and ask whether a post that he didn't like, made from their office, was the official company line.
The particular comment was ridiculous but that's neither here nor there. Questioning the Ed's use of access to IP addresses for this purpose has bought so many rushing to the Ed's defence but they get all shouty about class war and bastard estate agents. It's become a U75 obsession.
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