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2022 Tube Strike woes.


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
I use buses and the DLR to get to work but left early just in case of general congestion and confusion. So far, I have encountered neither. The 300 bus was empty not crowded with refugees from the District Line, so I didn't have to walk to Beckton Station. The DLR is uncrowded and not stopping at Canning Town, so likely to remain so

I fear I shall arrive in Greenwich an hour early. Problematic as I won't be able to get into work and the Zero Meridian is a caféterial wasteland at that time in the morning

Slava RMT!
I'm having a rare #wfh day , couldn't be arsed with going in today , lucky that I can work from home & that I hadn't booked any appointments.
I'm 'lucky' that I live so far from work that train is my usual method of travel, but it's a bit moot this time round as I'm WFH today and then on strike myself on Thursday :D

Do feel for anyone who relies on the tube, though, and are trying to navigate their way without it. Obviously stand with the striking workers, but still doesn't mean it isn't a pain. Hell, that's rather the point they're making, really!
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OH had a bit of a train and bus odyssey from Bushey (Hertfordshire) to Canning Town but did pretty well and he was less than an hour later home than usual. He's due back in Thursday night so will be doing the reverse then, but he now knows how much earlier to leave to get there on time.
An hour and ten minutes too early, I had breakfast at Bill's which easy decent quality, but more expensive than I'd have liked. The sourbread toast was singed at the edges but otherwise cold but not as cold as the generous oat of butter that accompanied it. The journey home has been very undramatic, so far. Hopefully, there will be rioting mobs besieging the East Ham Conservative Club, but I doubt it.
An hour and ten minutes too early, I had breakfast at Bill's which easy decent quality, but more expensive than I'd have liked. The sourbread toast was singed at the edges but otherwise cold but not as cold as the generous oat of butter that accompanied it. The journey home has been very undramatic, so far. Hopefully, there will be rioting mobs besieging the East Ham Conservative Club, but I doubt it.
There's nothing worth taking in it, raze it to the ground
My tube strike woes were the cold and the wet as I stood on the picket line. Freeeezing!

Could have been worse. Other pickets have suffered verbal abuse and missiles thrown at them.
An hour and ten minutes too early, I had breakfast at Bill's which easy decent quality, but more expensive than I'd have liked. The sourbread toast was singed at the edges but otherwise cold but not as cold as the generous oat of butter that accompanied it. The journey home has been very undramatic, so far. Hopefully, there will be rioting mobs besieging the East Ham Conservative Club, but I doubt it.
East Ham has a Conservative Club? :eek:
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