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2012 Lambeth Country show - 15 and 16 September, Brockwell Park

They seem to think it will still be a full on copy of the normal county fair too, judging by the ads in Lambeth Weekender.
Alabama 3 are inarguably better, but also a bit over them now tbh. Not sure why you're comparing them though - they're entirely different.
Alabama 3 are inarguably better, but also a bit over them now tbh. Not sure why you're comparing them though - they're entirely different.

Different musically, but they both constantly appear at festivals year in, year out, playing the same old stuff.
I like Alabama 3
I do not like Dreadzone
I like Chucklehead Cider
I do not like Fosters
I like Owls
I do not like moths

I am going to the Country Show :)

Me too
Me too
Me too, my body doesn't, so none for me
I do, mu body doesn't, so none for me
Me too, with chips
Nah....they're just butterflies with dust for wings.....

I haven't decided.....I like Holly Cook
Isn't there an adult competition?
Yes. Rules.

Under Section E (Floral Art Exhibits) there is Class 69 "A vegetable figure"
Under Section F (Children's Exhibits) there is Class 70 "A vegetable animal"

So the kids get to do crocodiles etc and the grownups have Usain Bolt modelled in cauliflower or whatever.

I should probably knit something :hmm:
I'd have to go for a Bradley Wiggins - but I've seen such a good one done (can't find the pic now) that I couldn't compete. Also, the knitting category is actually for an "item of hand-knitted wear". Anything that can't be worn, and anything crocheted, has to go in the general handicraft category.

One of these days I'm going to do a knitted scale model of the lido though.
I'd have to go for a Bradley Wiggins - but I've seen such a good one done (can't find the pic now) that I couldn't compete. Also, the knitting category is actually for an "item of hand-knitted wear". Anything that can't be worn, and anything crocheted, has to go in the general handicraft category.

One of these days I'm going to do a knitted scale model of the lido though.

Put it on a hat. jobs a goodun.
Has anyone ever entered the fruit and veg show? What's the competition like? I reckon I'll have some great tomatoes ready by mid-Sept but I guess I'll probably be blown out of the water by some retired 80 year old expert with a 10lb heritage moneymaker or something...
Has anyone ever entered the fruit and veg show? What's the competition like? I reckon I'll have some great tomatoes ready by mid-Sept but I guess I'll probably be blown out of the water by some retired 80 year old expert with a 10lb heritage moneymaker or something...

Never done the fruit and veg, but craft club have done the jam compo 2 years on the trot. We won a prize last time :cool:
this may sound like a silly question.....but I want to enter the American brownie competition at this years show and I was just wondering if anyone knows if you can use your own recipe or do you have to use the one that they list?

think I might carve a few vegetables too!
<snip>just wondering if anyone knows if you can use your own recipe or do you have to use the one that they list?<snip>
AFAIK you have to follow the recipe in the booklet, to the letter. Seems a bit lacking in creativity to me.
this may sound like a silly question.....but I want to enter the American brownie competition at this years show and I was just wondering if anyone knows if you can use your own recipe or do you have to use the one that they list?

They aren't specifying "as per recipe" againts the class as the LHS do at some of their other shows, but this class is one of those about demonstrating technical cooking/baking ability rather than originality of recipe, so I think it is pretty clear what is expected.

"Rules is rules". If you did add some secret ingredient and were subsequently to be found out, I think the organisers would be within their rights to strip you of your gold award (or even the coveted "Cup for best exhibit in domestic classes"). True Lambethans -for whom fair play is paramount -would mount a campaign of public vilification that would make the allegations of doping against Lance Armstrong look mild, and you would never bake in this Borough again.

[I'm not sure if even the "Rural" still sticks to such a 1950s approach to competitive housewife skills!]
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