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2012 Lambeth Country show - 15 and 16 September, Brockwell Park


Rescheduled date:
Lambeth Council is pleased to propose that the 2012 Lambeth Country show will take place on the weekend of the 15 and 16 September in Brockwell Park.

Councillor Florence Nosegbe said: "The last few weeks of speculation and debate have demonstrated how much passion there is for the Country Show in Lambeth. We always said we would make sure there would be a range of other community events and festivals and I'm delighted we are able to propose a smaller-scale event for this year only to take place in September.

"The fact that the Olympic Games will be taking place just days after the usual Country Show weekend means costs for heightened security and the lack of available infrastructure means it had to be delayed. Holding an alternative event in September makes it cheaper and safer. We are speaking to local groups including the Herne Hill Forum and the Friends of Brockwell Park to design a remodelled event for 2012. It's too early to say exactly what the show will look like but it will be driven by the community groups with the council's support. I always said we hoped to offer an alternative community-led format this year and I'm delighted we’ve met that promise.

"The Country Show will be back to its usual slot in 2013 - and I hope we can build on the increased community involvement we are seeing this year.

"We are also making a fund available to help community groups produce local Olympic themed events in the run up to the games as part of the borough's 2012 celebrations."
Good work, ed. Will be interesting to see what 'scaled down' means. Got to be good that it's still two days. Hopefully the weather will still be decent, etc.
"We are also making a fund available to help community groups produce local Olympic themed events in the run up to the games as part of the borough's 2012 celebrations."


how about an U75 Olympic themed event?

what sports would feature in the U75 olympics?


how about an U75 Olympic themed event?

what sports would feature in the U75 olympics?


800mtr Talking Nonsense Relay - 6 teams per race, 8 members per team, talking opposing bollocks at 100mtr intervals.

The Urban Hurdles - Newbies compete to complete all the urban hurdles - First Post, First Thread, First Insult, First Argument, First Ugly Mug Pic, First Naked Pic, Flounce.

Music Thread High Jump - compete to have the loftiest musical tastes while looking down on your opponents

Film thread High Jump - As above, but more cinematic and with a Clint Boon film score (Because Morricone would be sooooooo obvious!)

The Politics Forum Aquatic Endurance - Enter a pool full of sharks - winner makes it to the other end with the least amount of flesh missing.

Brixton Thread Long Jump - A fast run and jump to leap above and beyond a collective of Brixton-Urbans yapping about gentrification, the way it used to be, and Raverdrew.

Drugs Thread Javelin - Stand at the foot of a field shaped like a big arm, throw javelin.....hit a vein!

Transport Thread Boat Race - Load of cyclists in a sinking boat moaning about cars. Last one to drown wins.

General Forum Marathon - 26 miles of random conversation with no direction and little chance of ever ending without a full blown scrap. Foxyred cuts the ribbon at the start!

Suburban Forum Bowls - Gentle, relaxed, with cakes and lashings of ginger beer (also, some very lovely landscaping!)
Quite interesting how the Herne Hill Forum has 'connected into' decision-making in the borough. I've come across them a few times now as local policies have/are being developed.
Quite interesting how the Herne Hill Forum has 'connected into' decision-making in the borough. I've come across them a few times now as local policies have/are being developed.

Weren't they the ones who got the road diverted to go through the park? One of the council's worst recent decisions.

Genuine friends of Brockwell Park can join 'Friends of Brockwell Park'. It costs £5 a year, you get a comprehensive newsletter every couple of weeks, and I don't think they're campaigning to divert any more roads through the park.
Yay! I think it's good having the LCS in September when there are fewer other events going on (in my life, anyway). The Josephine Avenue Art Fair always used to be the same weekend as the LCS - will that move too? Not sure if the organisers found the event complementary - presumably visitors walking down Effra Rd would take a short diversion?

how about an U75 Olympic themed event?

what sports would feature in the U75 olympics?


Crack Pigeon racing

I would have to add I am fated never to attend a country show again. It always clashes with other stuff including this september. Grrrr.
At least havign Dreadzone play means there is someone worth going to see. Not that it usually makes any difference.
Dreadzone are horrific festival dub like Zion Train, but Dennis Bovell and Skip McDonald more than make up for it

I never actually manage to pay attention to the music at the country show. far too busy queuing for cider, playing with owls and watching terriers defy gravity.

hopefully the weather is along these lines.
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