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  1. Pickman's model

    Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

    You can learn a lot about people from what you consider throw away comments. I don't think that condemning a whole genre as pap's anything other than arrant snobbery, and you've associated yourself with that unhappy posture through your dubious support for br75. E2A and tbh the constant...
  2. Pickman's model

    Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

    I don't see the qualification you're seeking to impose in boo radley75's post. You're making it up. It's part of a common belief that comics of all sorts are intellectual pap. What sort of comics do you think syl's fans are likely to read, Cupid?
  3. Pickman's model

    Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

    Seems you're not the brightest spark here if you don't understand that dismissing comics as simple and unchallenging reading is snobbery. How are your knuckles dragging today?
  4. Pickman's model

    Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

    It's strange to see such snobbery here
  5. Pickman's model

    London Anarchist Bookfair 2024

    Whatever happened to anarchist mastermind the raven?
  6. Pickman's model

    Keir Starmer's time is up

    Victoria starmer can buy her own clothes out of her own wages from working in the nhs. Or sks can buy her some out of his earnings.
  7. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    To be honest I voted Labour once, in the 1990 local elections in Haringey. I realised my mistake quickly as the council landed us with the highest poll tax in the land, £508.34 in 1990/91. I expect a large number of the 2024 Labour voters will feel as I did and make sure they don't repeat the error
  8. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    There's the people who voted Labour because they admired starmer, something like 1% of the total. Not sure if they're stupid, credulous, fuckwitted or whatnot but they're certainly not the sharpest tools on the box
  9. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    How many of you constitute this we?
  10. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    The government's priorities are the priorities of business
  11. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    Einstein was right when he declared that the difference between genius and stupidity was that genius has its limits
  12. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    He leads a troglodyte existence
  13. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    It is if you think about it.
  14. Pickman's model

    Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

    It is how this works. A decision's been made to deprive pensioners of a payment, which the government when in opposition said would cost the lives of thousands of pensioners. Do you agree with the government's calculus?
  15. Pickman's model

    Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

    How many dead pensioners is that worth?
  16. Pickman's model

    Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

    You are giving the Ukrainians the money saved from axing the universal winter fuel allowance
  17. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    Because they feel cold of course. Have you ever thought of engaging brain before posting? You should
  18. Pickman's model

    New Labour government - legislative agenda

    At the next election I expect you to vote tory to get rid of the worst party of government you can remember in your lifetime
  19. Pickman's model

    Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

    Can we stfu about this because it's been better done a score or more times before and it's really fucking boring now
  20. Pickman's model

    Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

    Not really, not to anyone for who the words sykes-picot mean anything
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