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Your favourite film trailers you’ve watched again and again

T & P

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Surprisingly there isn’t seem to be a previous thread on best/ favourite movie trailers.

Which film trailers do you particularly like and have watched multiple times, whether for the music score, production values or because it still gives you spine chills of childish joy?

I don’t think I’ve watched any nearly as often as the one for The Force Awakens. Even though the film ended up being a disappointment, I’ve continued treating myself to it from time to time. JJ Abrams certainly knows how to do a good trailer.

Surprisingly there isn’t seem to be a previous thread on best/ favourite movie trailers.

Which film trailers do you particularly like and have watched multiple times, whether for the music score, production values or because it still gives you spine chills of childish joy?

I don’t think I’ve watched any nearly as often as the one for The Force Awakens. Even though the film ended up being a disappointment, I’ve continued treating myself to it from time to time. JJ Abrams certainly knows how to do a good trailer.

It's a great trailer and wasn't disappointed with the film at all.

Not so with this one. Trailer promised so much and the music is epic but the film itself was so so.

Surprisingly there isn’t seem to be a previous thread on best/ favourite movie trailers.

Which film trailers do you particularly like and have watched multiple times, whether for the music score, production values or because it still gives you spine chills of childish joy?

I don’t think I’ve watched any nearly as often as the one for The Force Awakens. Even though the film ended up being a disappointment, I’ve continued treating myself to it from time to time. JJ Abrams certainly knows how to do a good trailer.

I thought of The Force Awakens as soon as I saw the thread title.
do people really have favourite trailers?

Yes indeed.

Over the years, they have become better edited, scored and executed. It can be quite the event, the launch of a new trailer. There's many reaction videos to new trailers on YouTube, like The Reel Rejects or The Normies etc

Obviously some trailers are a bit Peter Bradshaw, while others are misleading but a really good trailer can bring you the excitement and allure of the forthcoming film, whilst not giving too much away.
Trailers don't really stick in my memory, of all the hundreds I must have seen over the years, this was the only one that came to mind, possibly because of the element of surprise

The Tinker Tailor teaser trailer - the rhythm and editing really sold me on it. I mean, I like the movie, but if the film had been more like the one-minute-promo then I would have liked it more.

Yes indeed.

Over the years, they have become better edited, scored and executed. It can be quite the event, the launch of a new trailer. There's many reaction videos to new trailers on YouTube, like The Reel Rejects or The Normies etc

Obviously some trailers are a bit Peter Bradshaw, while others are misleading but a really good trailer can bring you the excitement and allure of the forthcoming film, whilst not giving too much away.
I'm not really a fan of trailers cos they're often a) completely misleading (remember the Sweeney Todd one which hid the fact it was a musical?!) or b) include all the best bits so the film is a real let down and/or give the whole thing away.

I'd be quite happy never to see another trailer ever again tbh.
I've still not seen the film but the trailer for Tetsuo has stuck with me for years. I should really find out how I can watch it. It looks amazing/fucked up.

I've still not seen the film but the trailer for Tetsuo has stuck with me for years. I should really find out how I can watch it. It looks amazing/fucked up.

Yeah, it's well weird. Iirc, there were two versions on YouTube. One with subtitles but poor upload and one without but better quality. Tbf, there's not a huge amount of dialogue in it, so you should be able to follow it without subtitles...
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