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Your experience with feline renal failure?

Well now I'm confused.

I've had to come back to Skye today so I haven't been online. Thanks for kind replies!

I rang the vet and he says the bloods are clear so not renal failure.

But she is still floppy and has to stay in another night for more fluids. Thank god I have insurance and they already say they'll cough up.

But I want to know why she is so dehydrated, she drinks water like there's no tomorrow?
Very curious..... But very glad it isn't her kidneys.

Thyroid problems maybe? That causes cats to eat/drink a lot and still be skinny.....
But I want to know why she is so dehydrated, she drinks water like there's no tomorrow?
Can I guess that you have been feeding her dry food? If so I would suggest getting her on a really high quality wet food and then seeing how she is. I have seen changing cats onto high quality wet food work produce an immediate health improvement so many times it no longer surprises me. I'd ignore any food sold via the vet, these will be paying to use authority as their marketing strategy rather than quality. I hope this might help, and I post in the knowledge that it is a fairly general idea.
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Despite being on a drip for 48 hours she cannot maintain any level of hydration at all. They've found a lot of blood and pus in her urine.

The vet thinks she has a tumour. My son is bringing her home for the rest of the weekend and she's having an ultrasound on Monday.

The vet is already talking about putting her to sleep :(

So if nothing is showing, she's OK.

If she's peeing a lot, then it might be cystitis but I would have thought that would have shown up in any blood tests.

Cystitis in Cats

The above says cystitis is often stress related and (given your home story) that could be relevant. Maybe think of getting some Feliway to calm her down and scanning the interwebz for any natural remedies for feline cystitis...
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