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Your daily cat and kitten news


real life adventure worth more than pieces of gold
For all the stuff you might post on farcebook were it not for the fact that you don't want everyone to think you only spew an endless stream of feline minutiae.

Oh go on then, I'll start...

I caught Dylan the kitten making off with a stick of my filters the other day. I tend to scatter them about the house so there are always some somewhere when, inevitably, I run out of them in my immediate vicinity. I'd been wondering why there were fewer around than usual, and he was the answer. So I confiscated the ones I found him with. But then! I came in from work and found that he'd gathered a load and dropped them on the sofa, in my seat! A gift!! Cuteness!!

And then he picked up his mouse toy and took it to Bobby the elder statescat to play with. But Bobby wouldn't :(

That's about the size of it. You see why we (I) need this thread?
I like this thread.

Mousch, the fluffy black and white one, found a piece of my florists wire to play with last night at 2am on the wooden floored landing, which was rather tiresome and noisy.

Cilla, the older, smaller one, then threw up a hairball on the same spot at approx 3.30am prefaced by that special prevomit yowling.
The tabby has been buried in a bed most of the day, sleeping and snoring.

The Black and white cat has been lounging in her cat cave, keeping out of the rain - although she was out most of last night.

A neighbour's cat has been hanging around outside, looking to play and be stroked. He's an ingratiating little beast!
the baby was mithering and the cat came over to the cot, stood on his hind legs to look over the side, then glared at me and stalked out of the room. I guess he doesn't think much of my parenting skills...

Wor two are currently occupying wor lasses side of the bed,necessitating her trying to occupy my bit, do I retaliate against the minor players or the major player in the region?
Wor two are currently occupying wor lasses side of the bed,necessitating her trying to occupy my bit, do I retaliate against the minor players or the major player in the region?
Are you my fiancé? :hmm: No, just checked, he doesn't have his phone up here....

Just in case- you uncomplainingly lie uncomfortably on your side, perilously close to the edge of the bed all night.
Are you my fiancé? :hmm: No, just checked, he doesn't have his phone up here....

Just in case- you uncomplainingly lie uncomfortably on your side, perilously close to the edge of the bed all night.
Aye, this has been the 'state of play' for many a year, often resulting in me landing on the floor, my cry, of 'them bliddy cats' being met with you have had too much to drink:D catricide or uxoricide would be distinct possibilities if I didn't love the buggers as much, the cats, that is:D
For the past couple of weeks, Charlie has found a new place to sleep: on the cushion I rest my arm on when using my mouse with my laptop. He cries and hits me with his paw until I let him climb across my lap and settle on there. Of course, it makes using the mouse quite difficult for me. But I can't say no to him. He's there now. Snoring.
For the past couple of weeks, Charlie has found a new place to sleep: on the cushion I rest my arm on when using my mouse with my laptop. He cries and hits me with his paw until I let him climb across my lap and settle on there. Of course, it makes using the mouse quite difficult for me. But I can't say no to him. He's there now. Snoring.

Get a box or tray and put it nearby. He'll go for that instead.
Just got back from the vets with Gericat, as the vomiting is getting beyond a joke. She has taken some blood for tests for hyperthyroidism and other conditions, and recommended that I get a Furminator.
Hope Gericat improves Geri

Big Boned Bob has just curled up next to my leg and in the output from my laptop fan. Satanspawn Hellbeast has found my dressing-gown at the side of the bed and made a nest in it. I'm pretty sure I heard her hauling up a hairball in the night but haven't found it yet.....
Our cat Dylan threw up on the bed, necessitating a linen change just as we were going to bed. :mad:
How annoying! But you has a Dylan too! :cool:
Just got back from the vets with Gericat, as the vomiting is getting beyond a joke. She has taken some blood for tests for hyperthyroidism and other conditions, and recommended that I get a Furminator.
A Furminator? Hope Gericat mends soon.

Bought a heavier water bowl today as Dylan likes nothing more than to bat the old one about the kitchen floor whenever he wants food, spilling it all over the place for me to step in in my socks or slippers.
i subscribe to the thread, but not to the idea that it is boring people on fb :mad:
Moz wanted to come with the dogs on the morning walk, then insisted on being carried round the field.

Smudge, old boy that he is, has been hiding under a tarpaulin down the yard, with regular excursions to the kitchen to wail at me for dry food.

I found Heseltine (ginger stray who is adopting us) up a tree over yonder; followed me to the front door. He's nervous of my dogs though, so didn't come in today. I will try and get a pic of Heseltine soon...
We have been having some building works here, and Rusty stays in the office with me (or my husband) during the day, while the builders are here being noisy. She actually sleeps through the chaos on her pillow (she sleeps on it wherever we put it :D).

As soon as the builders leave, she comes out and does a full inspection of all the work that's been done. If I'm with her, she will look at me every now and then and miaow. It's disgustingly cute :D

Here she is inspecting the missing wall in the bathroom, and going up the attic, these was taken last week: (and yes, I posted it on Facebook, thanks Mation for this thread!)

.... Tried uploading photos, but get error every time (I decreased the size by 1/4!), and flickr is a piece of shit, I can't just drag and photos here
Moz wanted to come with the dogs on the morning walk, then insisted on being carried round the field.
Aww. I used to have a cat, Nico, that walked me to school every day :)

I found Heseltine (ginger stray who is adopting us) up a tree over yonder; followed me to the front door. He's nervous of my dogs though, so didn't come in today. I will try and get a pic of Heseltine soon...
Does Heseltine have good fur? :D
We have been having some building works here, and Rusty stays in the office with me (or my husband) during the day, while the builders are here being noisy. She actually sleeps through the chaos on her pillow (she sleeps on it wherever we put it :D).

As soon as the builders leave, she comes out and does a full inspection of all the work that's been done. If I'm with her, she will look at me every now and then and miaow. It's disgustingly cute :D

Here she is inspecting the missing wall in the bathroom, and going up the attic, these was taken last week: (and yes, I posted it on Facebook, thanks Mation for this thread!)

.... Tried uploading photos, but get error every time, and flickr is a piece of shit, I can't link the url anymore since they changed.
Rusty is one very cute kitty :)

And I'm all for posting cat stuff on fb but, you know, I feel the need to maintain a certain level of general interest quality control there!
moar kitteh pictures needed!


'I was sleeping...'

'I was sleeping perfectly well, in fact, until YOU, pathetic mortal that you are, decided to disturb my Royal slumber with something other than food...'

'If I were you, and I think the feline Goddess Horus that I am not and will never sink to your evolutionary level, I would remember whose home you are graciously allowed to live in and ponder upon your imminent suffering, for I shall at some point decide upon an appropriate punishment...'

'It shall be inflicted soon, worthless meatbag...'

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