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Longish tale.

Randy was pretty avoidant for a couple of days and not eating. When he did come in he was either coughing, sneezing or sort or retching. I suspected he had something caught in his throat and tried to look, but was wasn't really having that. So I trapped him in and got him down the vets.

In the waiting room I was trying to calm him in his carrier and thought "his whisker looks a bit weird". So I opened the carrier an inch - any more and he would have bolted, and noticed a blade of grass sticking out his nose. So into the vets we went for a pretty straightforward diagnosis. The vet gently pulled a long blade of grass from his nose (probably around 8 inches), took £55 and sent us on our way.

So he's still sneezing (understandably), but also retching/coughing and still doesn't have a full appetite. So after a couple of days, it's not getting any better, so back to the vets. Please note that he never once sneezed, coughed or retched in the vets, so I feel like I'm making it up. They think it may be infected or just irritated, so loxicom and antibiotics and see how we go. £88, as I already had a fresh bottle of Loxicom knocking about.

After the AB course he's no better so we all suspect there's something still stuck somewhere, so the next intervention will be sedation, x-rays, endoscope and some bloods. However as he's eating a bit, and has some reserves of fat, it's not urgent so book him in for his op in 5 days - these vets are pretty busy as the other big vets in town are on strike for better pay! I was given a quote of between £490 and £1,100 dependent on how far they have to go track the problem down.

On the way home his starts having huge sneezing /retching fits. I get him out the basket and he bolts out the back, not to be seen for 24 hrs. He strolls in the next day demanding food and no sign of any discomfort. So thankfully I had to cancel his op and saved a grand.


Here's pic of the stupid grass eating fucker (who I love dearly)
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I am glad to hear he is feeling better!

Blades of grass and grass seeds up the nose is more common than you might think, great news that he seems to have shifted it and avoided risky and expensive surgery - I hope he continues to do well :)
nogojones Our lovely old Stan once got a piece of grass stuck behind his soft palate, which festered there, giving him symptoms as you describe. Apparently sometimes it becomes dislodged itself, but he had to have surgery.
They encompass pretty much the full range of feline expressions from A - Z!

Don't know which is the best, the second (ginger) one's 'Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!' look, or the personification of utter contempt that is the tabby by the red door.
They encompass pretty much the full range of feline expressions from A - Z!

Don't know which is the best, the second (ginger) one's 'Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!' look, or the personification of utter contempt that is the tabby by the red door.

Yeah the wee ginger cat certainly had a look of "OK, if you want to lose a finger" look about him :D
Two kittens have moved in close to me, and I think they've just been given the keys to go out and explore. One of them seems like he/she's trying to build the confidence to come up to me. I've bent down, rubbed my fingers and kissed my teeth, and they haven't legged it, so they may come to realise that I'm a good'un.
friend in plymouth has had a kitteh move in

he thinks they have been stray for a while. he's going to take them to vet to be scanned on tuesday. i think he's got a kitteh...

I have mentioned friend who gets occasional visits from a timeshare cat - kitty turns up every week or two, stays for a day or two, then goes again.

he's managed to trace cat's 'owners' and got in touch with them.

kitty is 22 and has been doing this for years, and they have offered a contribution to his board and lodging while he's staying with friend which he's declined


friend was concerned about time-share kitty's health last week (he was officially cat sitting while 'owners' were away) and wasn't sure he would come home from the vet's.

kitty (alfie) has responded well to anti-biotics and turned up to stay for the weekend.

he has decided the bath is the right place to take a bath (so long as there's no water involved)

black cat in a white bath, washing in usual cat style

i have suggested he needs a rubber duck...

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