do you think think it may be a rag doll, is it just the coloring or do they have other points too?
Could be. Face shape and fluff looks like it, but could just be one of those things. Raggies come in a variety of colours and the newer ones are bred to be all Siamese colourings.
Ragdolls are big, mine is about 2ft nose to rump and he's only 18 months old; and if you pick them up on their backs, they do go floppy, just like ragdolls. You can manhandle them waaaay more than normal cats/cats with any self respect at all.
The other thing to look for is tabby stripes in their pointing- basically their orig genetics were Siamese, Persian and tabby (not secret government experiments, despite what the first breeder claimed). As he gets older, look at the back of his head- if there are stripes faintly visible in his pointing he may well be. They get darker with age too.
And they are vocal- they chatter as they wander round the house. Mine makes a sort of exertion 'chirrup' every time he jumps onto something.
If you think he might be a ragdoll, get the vet to check his heart at least annually- there is a genetic defect that disreputable breeders ignore (ours comes from a sire and dam who were both tested and he's free of it)- if you don't know his breeding he may be susceptible to palpitations*. If he is a raggie you should also be able to teach him to fetch, which is bloody funny. And you need to groom him, otherwise he'll get bum dreadlocks, which are not cool. Normal fluffy cats can look after themselves to some extent but Raggies seem not to.
*ragdolls are the most ridiculous cats in all sorts of ways but the cuddliest, funniest, loveliest creatures. I never wanted one, I wanted a mog; but having had one I'm not sure I could ever have any other sort of cat.