Radar's appetite has been a little low the last few days, which is almost certainly due to the heat, but given events this year has me feeling a bit anxious - he's still underweight. Doesn't help that we won't have a delivery of his usual food until tomorrow, and last night the local shop was out of stuff we know he will eat - he has turned his nose up at the replacement (tbh it says "in gravy" but it's more like semi-jellified gravy, and he's a firm "in gravy" cat - this is pushing the description - naturally he eats the jelly-gravy but won't touch the meat part).
He is eating a bit of what I put down for him, just it's all taking me back to when he had anorexia and a feeding tube - I'm still relatively calm atm, will go out in a bit to see if I can find any cat food with actual gravy rather than fake jelly gravy.
I do have some cooked shredded chicken in the freezer which I can defrost and offer him (and maybe make a little bit of broth without onion or garlic to go on it) if I can't find anything suitable before the food order turns up tomorrow.