If a cleaning product turns cloudy in water, it means it contains phenols which can cause catastrophic organ failure and neurological damage in cats - very very dangerous, if you use disinfectants like that and have cats I'd advise replacing them (the disinfectants, not the cats!) at the earliest opportunity with something safer, and don't ever wash stuff like bowls or litter trays in it or put it on your cat, or let them walk across a floor that you have just cleaned cos they'll lick it off their feet.
You have to be really careful with what you put on cats in terms of - well pretty much anything - because cats spend nearly as long grooming their fur with their tongues every day as they spend asleep, anything that ends up on them is likely to be ingested - so best thing to use as first aid to clean a small wound is sterilised water or saline solution - dissolve approximately 1/2 to 1 tsp of salt in 250ml boiled water, and allow to cool naturally (don't add cold water that isn't sterile) until it is at body temperature, and use that to wipe the scratch.
Of course if it needs treatment beyond that, then a vet is in order