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YearZero Magazine: New York New Era


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And you think to yourself, is this it ? Is this all we did ? Is this the end of the world ?
Two passenger aeroplanes slam into the side of the World Trade Centre’s so-called Twin Towers. They are twin towers no more. Like millions of others before them ordinary citizens die horrific deaths as a result of American foreign policy. But this time the deaths are American and in America.
The level of hyperbole drives through the ceiling, fear and sanctimony are everywhere, uncertainty rules. Tony Blair can’t talk to the Unions at the TUC Conference as he is too moved. The TV and the media, unsurprisingly are over majoring on it. The US-Mexican border is sealed. All flights over the US are cancelled. The internet collapsed under the weight of the news junkies desperate for knowledge of what had happened. Mobile use in the USA imploded. All flights over London are cancelled. The creator of Frasier dies. Disneyworld in Orlando was evacuated. And after all that, who did it ? And why ?
Well, listen, you can take your pick. America has been rocked not only by the explosions themselves but by the fact that Americans may have died at the hands of a deliberate attack. They seem shocked that anyone would want to make their political point through such destruction. They are bemused, yes really, that America should be the target of such ruthless, bloody anger. They are amazed that someone could kill innocent people in order to make itself known.
The news rampaged around the world. Flicking channels here in Brussels (we get all Europe’s TV for nowt) every channel bar MTV had the images of the smoking stacks blazing out across the airwaves. It was like a Manga movie, a disaster epic. Every stunning, shocking minute that went by you were sure that they would announce that a giant green lizard had been spotted off the coast of NYNY. They didn’t but still it doesn’t seem completely real. Four planes? At once? Destroying three huge buildings in the heart of New York and roughing up the Pentagon? Am I awake?
But this is reality. The loss of innocent lives is more disgusting than words can express. The murder of men, women and kids to get a political point across is outrageous. The office workers, the cleaners, the lift repair men from Ace Lifts who worked in the World Trade Centre. People gossiping, drinking a coffee from a foam cup, avoiding the first bit of work of the day. The people who jumped to their deaths perhaps hoping against hope that they would somehow survive, wracked with unimaginable fear. Those incinerated in the building by thousands of gallons of aircraft fuel. Ordianry US citizens just like you and me, just like ordinary people in Paris, Amsterdam, Bangkok, Tripoli and Baghdad… But look, and look hard, this is what men of violence do to cities, what British and American planes did to Basra in Iraq, what British and American planes did to parts of Belgrade.
When I spout on about missiles slamming into the side of escaping Kossovan women children and pensioners packed into a train I mean it. They died terrible, flesh ripping deaths. When you fire cruise missiles into packed shelters full of women and kids in Bahgdad they too died terrible deaths. When you kill 5.8 million Vietnamese, carpet bombing their rudimentary homes whilst leaving the centre of Hanoi and Saigon clear so you had somewhere nice to stay when you invaded (a tactic the Nazis employed on London) they too died terrible deaths. When you rounded up every socialist and liberal in Indonesia and had them killed and tortured they too died terrible deaths. We can add Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Laos, Cambodia, Israel…
So ask yourself something. Do you object to violence? Really? Or do you object to “their” violence. Will you object to the American military striking back ? Bombing Kabul or Khartoum or Tripoli. A tactical nuke on northern Afganistan?Will you object if the Israelis open up on the Palestinians ? Will you ?
Because what is the alternative ? More bombs? More security? More cameras in the streets? More phone taps? More subsidy to the arms industry? More dead foreigners whose minute of lives are never reported on CNN they way the Trade Centre’s demise has been. Is that where we are going? On a race to the bottom trapped between GW Bush and the CIA-created Osama Bin Laden? Because it seems that what is wanted.
James Rubin, former Whitehouse playboy and spokesman said “they have attacked every civilised country in the world”, Tony Blair said that we must “eradicate this evil completely” and that the perpetrators of the attacks were “indifferent to the sanctity of human life” within hours General Wesley Clark of the Kosovo campaign said it was “only one” group who could have done this, of course, “it’s Osama Bin Laden.” But remember that James Rubin also said that “Tibet is part of China, that’s settled…Tibet is part of China” (Radio 5 Live), Tony Blair ordered British involvement in a major war without any recourse to international law and General Wesley Clark carried out that war in the full knowledge that the commencement of that war would lead to an increase in Kosovan deaths, as he put it that “was entirely predictable.”
Then Tom Clancy on CNN tried to be a bit liberal and balanced. Islamic people he informed us “were not all madmen.” Of course he meant that men who commit this kind of violence must be mad. Try telling George W Bush who mimicked his first woman victim on TV. “Please save me Mr Bush,” he squealed in a `white trash` high pitched voice, giggling at her imminent death. Try telling Clinton, the cruise missile king or the `great statesman` Henry `0-800 Bomb Cambodia` Kissinger who declared it “an act of war” before he even knew who he was at war with. Because they will be too busy scheming, plotting, advising “the great democracies” (James Rubin) how to strike back.
One furious senator on CNN busted his spleen. “We are at war,” said the completely-not-madman. “The priority of this country isn’t healthcare or nurses, it is security, defence.”
So much killing, so many men of war, so few men of peace.
And you think to yourself ? Is this it ?

Adam Porter
www.yearzero.org www.maomagazine.com
Ruby, i believe that bush was being interviewed by a journo while on the campaign trail, and was asked about the recent execution of a Woman in Texas.

This woman had apparently pleaded with bush, directly, for her life. Bush turned this plea down and had her fried. In front of this journo, bush mimicked her pleas in a whiny voice uttering the words used above by Adam. Pretty sick man.
The most sensible and eloquent post on the subject to date.

Utmost respect.
yeah adam ...
nice post, i think its important for us all to express similar sentiment, especially with the media frenzy and the burgeoning right wing backlash...we all need to express our ideas>>>yoke
Same shit, different century. Wars happen, millions of innocent people die shitty deaths, their comrades take revenge. As it is, was and always will be.

Get over it.
This crap's been going on since the begining of time. Nothing changes, nothing ever will. Anybody who believes that human nature is fundamentally good, and that things would be groovy if we could all just sit down and talk it over is misguided. The best we can hope to do is control the chaos to a limited degree.

Just be happy that this time it wasn't you hurling yourself from a 50th storey window to escape the agony of a fiery death.
Only thing is Mr. Lancy

We didn't have weapons capable of destroying the world when time began.

And you can be grateful that you are not a little Afghani girl about to be blown up as you walk to school!

Are we "civilised" or are we animals?
I'm not making any distinction between a little Afganhi girl or the people in the WTC. I'm not defending either side.

We may not have had weapons of mass destruction at the beginning of time, but we had rocks and we threw as many of them as we could. And we developed better weapons as soon as we could.

I guess I'm just a little annoyed because this article smacks a little of kicking America when it's down.
In any case, the point I think I wanted to make was this: It seems like there are no good guys and bad guys. The concepts of right and wrong are too blurred to mean anything real any more. ALL nations with any degree of power have commited attrocities in some shape or form.

What some people would think of as necessary military action to maintain a degree of peace and stability in the world, others will view as war crimes which should be punished with violence. Nobody is able to definitively say which side is right, because there is no right.

War and death is all this world has ever known and all it ever will know. I'm in a frame of mind right now which is inclined to believe that might IS right because that the best thing you can hope to achieve as a nation is the protection of your own people, and to hell with everybody else.
Was there any particular story you wanted me to read? There was so much thinly disguised glee at the Great Satan finally getting its comeuppance that I didn't quite know where to start.
Indymedia is bloody slow :mad: so I didn't read everything, but I'd say whetever "glee" you discerned is very thickly disguised indeed, certainly in Michael Moore's article, and the others were trying to analyse the geo-political causes and consequences, nobody was "glad" about it were they? Your perception that they were is possibly a product of your own outlook.

W of W
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