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WTF! Look what they've done to the Coach & Horses/Living Bar

TBF Gabi, as much as the management misjudged the place at first, they've become a little more tolerant and kept a reasonable balance. It's probably fair to say that the number of bouncers has been imposed on them to a certain extent by new licence conditions - it didn't help that they originally had a nervous seeming staff member who insisted on calling the OB through direct line every day.

They are, however, heavy handed in their want to protect their beer prices and stop cans sneaking in from the neighbourhood shops, the management keen to crackdown. I'm a bit bored of having the pat down and bags searched at weekends - wait till after the country show when they get all arsey about people bringing in Chucklehead remains.
the Hoot just needs an extra beer or two to look good!

Less mice, better beer, the staff could have a wash occasionally....except that Amy Winehouse girl, she can stay as dirty as she likes. That little girl that looks like a boy, she's funny, she can stay. The hippy in the hat needs to stop singing...the moody trustafarian girl could smile occasionially....her parent's cash can't make her that miserable....erm.....no, they're all alright really and work their bollocks off when there's music on....they've got quicker and better at serving.

a couple of good ciders would be nice.....

I see they've started some kind of mural thing in the front room....is that ever gonna be finished?

When they gonna ditch the newspaper wallpaper?

I do like the hoot more than the gob but never as much as the canning.....I loved the canning.

The albert did soemthing to piss me off last summer, I went in one day and they charged me 50p for a pint of soda water, I went back two days later and was charge £1.50. I complained and the landlord (big baldy fella) just couldn't justify it and said it had gone up, simple as that :mad:
The Albert is a shithole, to be fair. I never go there apart from when Offline is on. There are much nicer pubs.
The Albert is a shithole, to be fair. I never go there apart from when Offline is on. There are much nicer pubs.
"Nice" isn't at the top of my list of things I look for in a pub and I'd probably hate some of your "nice" choices.

The Albert is the friendliest, liveliest pubs I've ever been in, and that's the most important thing to me.

And if you think it's a "shithole" then I dread to think how you'd describe some of the pubs I used to go to back home.
"Nice" isn't at the top of my list of things I look for in a pub and I'd probably hate some of your "nice" choices.

The Albert is the friendliest, liveliest pubs I've ever been in, and that's the most important thing to me.

And if you think it's a "shithole" then I dread to think how you'd describe some of the pubs I used to go to back home.

You probably would, especially as decent food and wine is one of my top criteria for a pub. Horses for courses, innit?

I do really dislike the Albert though, apart from on Offline nights, and a lot of my friends do too. I don't find it particularly friendly and it's a bit smelly. The Grosvenor is the better pub by far - shame it's not closer.
'Shithole' is obviously a totally subjective term.

It's a dive. But I like it that way.

The biggest 'shithole' if you were to define the word in a negative way I ever had a drink at was Nobu in Mayfair. Full of utter cunts.
You probably would, especially as decent food and wine is one of my top criteria for a pub. Horses for courses, innit?

I do really dislike the Albert though, apart from on Offline nights, and a lot of my friends do too. I don't find it particularly friendly and it's a bit smelly. The Grosvenor is the better pub by far - shame it's not closer.

The grosvenor has all the atmosphere of a morgue usually. Nice place to read the sunday papers if u dont want to see any other customers.
Wading through an inch of piss to go to the loo, a toilet cubicle covered in empty wraps and a regularly a broken toilet seat, in an inch of piss.... regardless where you used to drink, it makes it a shithole. I've no problem with drinking there but it's fucking gross in the toilets at times.
That could refer to all too many pub toilets in the area to be fair and I doubt it's anything other than common knowledge. The Albert's toilets are possibly amongst the worst locally imo - it doesn't help that they're both so small and near to seating. There's a bit too much poo-waft at times.

I don't find the Albert that friendly to be fair, but the narrowness of the layout doesn't help imo - it's really good if you're in the right part of the 'corridor' with friends, but you can feel a bit stretched out at times. It's also a place where a few pissed goons can have a disproportionately annoying effect - personally I'm happier where I can spread out and table hop a bit more
Hoot/Hob is alright. I can't get on with the Albert - ceilings are too low. I like a nice high ceiling in a pub.

Altho I'm probably more in line with Ms T as to the kind of pubs I really like - decent food, somewhere nice to sit and (soon) good tolerance for babies.
The Albert ain't that bad really, but I much prefer The Beehive and the Hoot.

I went in the Beehive the other week to use the bog....I walked in, the stench of sweaty old shakey jakes hit me like a sledgehammer made of shit and I turned and walked away....

...it's a stinky doss-pot.
I went in the Beehive the other week to use the bog....I walked in, the stench of sweaty old shakey jakes hit me like a sledgehammer made of shit and I turned and walked away....

...it's a stinky doss-pot.

Keeps the braying, trendy, posers, and yuppies out.

Just good cheap booze, combined with good company is what I look for in a pub.
God I hope I never think it's a good idea to have a baby. The Florence?! :D

They're clever - they've built a whole building out the back to contain the children in - put a bar in the garden just outside it - so theoretically, you can leave the kids in there to play/watch the plasma screens whilst getting on with it!
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