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WTC attacks - the alternative thread

WouldBe said:
Passports are far more aerodynamic than black boxes. You only needed to see the news coverage of 9/11 to see loads of paper floating down from the WTC. These managed to survive the fire ball.

Heh heh, you're joking right? All that paper came from the jet?? Nah, bollocks man, it came from the building. That jet hit the building and exploded into one massive ball of flames. And you and pbman are telling me a passport survived that huge ball of flames at thousands of degrees C???

Funny, you know, people trying to make a case for a passport surviving such an explosion, and without even a slight bit of singing! And it miraculously turned out to be that of one of the hijackers, and not just a passenger.

There is just no way on earth a passport could have survived what we all saw on the telly. Zero chance.

But what is interesting is to see people trying to make a case for the passport doing what the USG said it did.

Who's making the case for a conspiracy now?
editor said:
Didn't you ever read a textbook just before going into an exam?

If I'm about to give a lecture on a technical subject, I'll often read related text books on the journey over.

So what's remotely unusual about the pilots doing the same?

Yes i did.

Not a bad idea at all.

You expect me to take that question seriously? Are YOU serious in asking it? You reckon it's the same as your analogies? No, nothing remotely unusual is there...

And anyway, you can see the poor bastards, swapping between the prayer book and the how-to-do-it book, wondering which one would be more useful to the upcoming operation.
fela fan said:
You expect me to take that question seriously? Are YOU serious in asking it? You reckon it's the same as your analogies? No, nothing remotely unusual is there...

And anyway, you can see the poor bastards, swapping between the prayer book and the how-to-do-it book, wondering which one would be more useful to the upcoming operation.
They were not 'poor bastards'. They were murdering scum.

As for the rest of your post, it's sheer gibberish, probably because you haven't got a sensible answer to my valid point.
My valid point was that your question didn't seem valid to me. The analogy was poor.

They were 'murdering scum' if you like, but in the context of my thinking they were 'poor bastards'. Like as in insincere/ironical sympathy. My post may have been 'gibberish' but I paint my language the way i want to thank you!

But in actual fact the rest of my post consisted of two straightforward answers to your first two questions, both answers of which indicated that i agreed with you. So how you make the connection of it being gibberish is absolutely beyond me. Unless you were asking gibberish questions...
fela fan said:
Fans of government conspiracies invited to contribute too. After all, it's the one you believe, so where's your evidence?
20 Islamic terrorists boarded the planes and then committed suicide attacking the 'enemy', which they considered their mission in life. What more evidence do you need exactly? A sworn statement from Mohammed Atta (who was caught on videotape in Newark on the night of the 10th at an ATM), signed the morning he died, saying he was on his way to destroy the WTC?
Irish Bandit said:
20 Islamic terrorists boarded the planes and then committed suicide attacking the 'enemy', which they considered their mission in life. What more evidence do you need exactly? A sworn statement from Mohammed Atta (who was caught on videotape in Newark on the night of the 10th at an ATM), signed the morning he died, saying he was on his way to destroy the WTC?

How about evidence of the hard, physical kind Irish... you know, just like the kind that's completely missing from your post.

For example, have you got a single scrap of proof that the 19 hijackers passed through any of the airports... you know, like photographs of them at check in buying their first class tickets or in the departure lounges ready to board... what about eye witness statements taken from airport check in and security staff identifying any of the alleged culprits?
bigfish said:
For example, have you got a single scrap of proof that the 19 hijackers passed through any of the airports... you know, like photographs of them at check in buying their first class tickets or in the departure lounges ready to board... what about eye witness statements taken from airport check in and security staff identifying any of the alleged culprits?
How could I have any of those things? I don't work the FBI.

Perhaps you can name some examples of investigators divulging their evidence to the public outside a courtroom. I doubt it though.
Irish Bandit said:
How could I have any of those things? I don't work the FBI.

Perhaps you can name some examples of investigators divulging their evidence to the public outside a courtroom. I doubt it though.

There are literally thousands of examples of criminal investigators from the FBI to Scotland Yard "divulging" photographic evidence to the general public of alleged criminals caught in the act on CCTV committing crimes... and all before their cases come up for trial too. Indeed, they use this method to help gather information from people who know or recognise any of them.

If you want examples, just watch Crimewatch on UK TV once a month.
bigfish said:
There are literally thousands of examples of criminal investigators from the FBI to Scotland Yard "divulging" photographic evidence to the general public of alleged criminals caught in the act on CCTV committing crimes... and all before their cases come up for trial too. Indeed, they use this method to help gather information from people who know or recognise any of them.
What would be the point if a) the criminals have been identified and b) the criminals are dead? They won't release evidence unnecessarily - the public has no need to see the photographs or eye witness statements taken from the airport because no-one's liberty is at risk.
Irish Bandit said:
What would be the point if a) the criminals have been identified and b) the criminals are dead? They won't release evidence unnecessarily - the public has no need to see the photographs or eye witness statements taken from the airport because no-one's liberty is at risk.

The point is: PROOF!

You assert that Al-Q hijacked 4 aircraft... right?

To do that the alleged hijackers must have passed through 3 different AIRPORTS... right?

So where are the CCTV images that actually prove the terror phantoms were ever at any of the airports on September 11? Where are the eye witness statements from check in and security staff?

Have you seen any hard evidence that confirms your belief or are you just another paranoid fantasist from the "it was Al-Qaeda wot done it honest guv" school of conspiracy theorists?
bigfish said:
So where are the CCTV images that actually prove the terror phantoms were ever at any of the airports on September 11? Where are the eye witness statements from check in and security staff?
Investigators do not put evidence on display just to entertain conspiracy theorists.

Have you seen any hard evidence that confirms your belief or are you just another paranoid fantasist from the "it was Al-Qaeda wot done it honest guv" school of conspiracy theorists?
Al Qaeda, the same organisation that tried to destroy the WTC in 1993 and has attacked numerous civilian targets over the years, took responsibility. Mohammed Atta and several others, spotted in Newark on the 10th, were known members. Put two and two together.
There was a program on Yorkshire TV a few weeks back called 'Inside out' where the reporter decided to test airport security in the UK at Leeds / Bradford airport (I think).

The reporter walked through a gap in the security fence. Walked across the airfield and right up to parked aircraft.

No one challenged her

She had to give herself up to security.

So who says the terrorists went through the gate at the airport?

They may have got on another way.
bigfish said:
The point is: PROOF!

So where are the CCTV images that actually prove the terror phantoms were ever at any of the airports on September 11?
So do you need CCTV footage to believe anything to be true?

Surely - by your conspiracy-tastic reckoning - that would have been faked and presented to the world's media in Sept 2001, no?
WouldBe said:
There was a program on Yorkshire TV a few weeks back called 'Inside out' where the reporter decided to test airport security in the UK at Leeds / Bradford airport (I think).

The reporter walked through a gap in the security fence. Walked across the airfield and right up to parked aircraft.

No one challenged her

She had to give herself up to security.

So who says the terrorists went through the gate at the airport?

They may have got on another way.

Ooh, look... a dazzling bit of dribbling from Spudchester Uniteds leading own goal scorer.

Hang on everyone Professor Spudbe; BTEC, has solved the mystery of how the Al-Q phantoms penetrated 3 different airport security systems.

Wait for it... they got in through a hole in the perimiter fence at... Leeds airport!

We're here we're there

We're every f*cking where



Come on you Spuddocks!
bigfish said:
Spudchester Uniteds.
Professor Spudbe
If you're incapable of arguing an opposing viewpoint without acting like an infantile moron, I suggest you post elsewhere.
editor said:
If you're incapable of arguing an opposing viewpoint without acting like an infantile moron, I suggest you post elsewhere.

No, i don't suggest he does that at all. Your emotive language is shining through yet again. Worthless, i'd say.

Infantile moron. What exactly does that mean eh? And what kind of debating technique is it that you rely upon? All you do is ridicule posters. That's it isn't it? Makes up for lost points...
WouldBe said:
There was a program on Yorkshire TV a few weeks back called 'Inside out' where the reporter decided to test airport security in the UK at Leeds / Bradford airport (I think).

The reporter walked through a gap in the security fence. Walked across the airfield and right up to parked aircraft.

No one challenged her

She had to give herself up to security.

So who says the terrorists went through the gate at the airport?

They may have got on another way.

All 19 of them?? That was just one bird. That's all. And that after the Gore commission concluded that airport security for domestic flights was very lax. But no action taken by the bush team. They ignored all the recommendations.

How surprising.
fela fan said:
No, i don't suggest he does that at all. Your emotive language is shining through yet again. Worthless, i'd say.

Infantile moron. What exactly does that mean eh? .
It means that he's posting up a load of irrelevant, off topic, moronic drivel.

But seeing as you're so aghast that I should criticise his infantile singalongs about "Spudchester United, Professor Spudbe, Spudchester and Spuddocks" perhaps you might explain the significance of his toytown diatribe to this discussion?

Perhaps his Spudchester outbursts count as meaningful debate in your world, but it sure as hell don't in mine.

He's acting like a prat and you fucking know it. Or is this an example of the superior debate you claimed pro-conspiracy posters were always displaying?
editor said:
Perhaps his Spudchester outbursts count as meaningful debate in your world, but it sure as hell don't in mine.

He's acting like a prat and you fucking know it. Or is this an example of the superior debate you claimed pro-conspiracy posters were always displaying?

You live in a funny world mate, as has been shown by your posts on the topic of 911. Numerous times.

No i don't fucking know it.

It's nothing to do with 'superior' debate, it's really just simply about DEBATE.

But emotive language is a way of avoiding debate.

But we can see through it. Hey, what about those phone calls eh? PROOF man, proof that the USG weren't involved in the attacks...
fela fan said:
No i don't fucking know it.
It's nothing to do with 'superior' debate, it's really just simply about DEBATE.
Stop wriggling around and answer my question. What does his immature gibberish add to the debate?
Ooh, look... a dazzling bit of dribbling from Spudchester Uniteds leading own goal scorer....
Hang on everyone Professor Spudbe; BTEC...
We're here we're there
We're every f*cking where
fela fan said:
All 19 of them?? That was just one bird. That's all. And that after the Gore commission concluded that airport security for domestic flights was very lax. But no action taken by the bush team. They ignored all the recommendations.

How surprising.

'One bird' and a camera crew. Not the sort of thing you would expect to be walking round an airport unacompanied. This was after security was supposed to have been tightened and when the UK was in a state of heightened security.

19 terrorists didn't all enter the same airport either did they. If they wore cleaning / maintenance clothing who would suspect that something was out of place.

Proove otherwise.

Oh that's right you can't.
bigfish said:
Ooh, look... a dazzling bit of dribbling from Spudchester Uniteds leading own goal scorer.

Own goal!!!!

I admitted on the other thread I had made a mistake due to being out of the avionics field for several years. The fact remains, if you read the links, that you cannot control a commercial aircraft from the ground using the system that has been proposed.

As you have prooved anyone can post any crap they like on the internet. It doesn't mean it's true.

Out of all the web links to conspiracy sites and all the so called experts how many have provided proof of knowledge in their field?

A. No one.

The only person to have provided proof of knowledge is me, and YES I admit it's a bit rusty. At least I've got the balls to admit when I'm wrong.
WouldBe said:
19 terrorists didn't all enter the same airport either did they. If they wore cleaning / maintenance clothing who would suspect that something was out of place.

Proove otherwise.

Oh that's right you can't.

Excuse me but isn't that just another paranoid fantasy that you've plucked out of thin air and are now asking fela fan to... wait for it, disprove?

That's a dazzling piece of footwork if you don't mind me saying so WB... Well done! And it neatly saves you having to go to all the trouble of proving that Al-Q entered the airports by the dastardly method you describe too. Brilliant!
bigfish said:
Excuse me but isn't that just another paranoid fantasy that you've plucked out of thin air and are now asking fela fan to... wait for it, disprove?

That's a dazzling piece of footwork if you don't mind me saying so WB... Well done! And it neatly saves you having to go to all the trouble of proving that Al-Q entered the airports by the dastardly method you describe too. Brilliant!

Guess what mate, that's exactly what the conspiracy theorists are doing. They 'claim' the aircraft were flown by remote control but can't proove they were.

What's the matter? Don't you like it when the shoes on the other foot :D
WouldBe said:
Guess what mate, that's exactly what the conspiracy theorists are doing. They 'claim' the aircraft were flown by remote control but can't proove they were.

What's the matter? Don't you like it when the shoes on the other foot :D

Hang on a minute...

There is no evidence to be found anywhere that categorically establishes the presence of any of the alleged hijackers at any of the three airports involved on September 11. Therefore, it is not possible to claim as you do that they boarded the aircraft and then hijacked them. That's the fairy story part.

So, if the aircraft were not hijacked then that means some other method must have been employed to power them or replacements for them to their final destinations.

here's an hypothesis that attempts to rationalize an alternative explanation for what happened that day.

And here's the authors academic profile.
bigfish said:
Hang on a minute...
here's an hypothesis that attempts to rationalize an alternative explanation for what happened that day.

And here's the authors academic profile.

I cannot despute any mathematical analysis put forward by Downey. The problems I have are with Longspaugh the 'aerospace engineer'.

I have already provided evidence on the other thread that totally demolishes his theory about a global hawk, cruise missile of F16 hitting the pentagon.

From your link
It is possible to produce the appearance of a terrorist attack on the United States by means that do not employ terrorists, as such, but by the simple substitution of one aircraft for another, particularly when the transponders of the aircraft involved are turned off. The only people who need to be deceived by such an operation are the radar operators at air traffic control (ATC) centers.

This is clearly bollocks. From links I have provided on the other thread it is possible for an airline company to track their entire fleet of aircraft, anywhere in the world, from a PC anywhere in the world. This is thanks to the VHF data transmission system that I doubted.

If the transponders were turned off this simply removes aircraft ID and altitude from the ATC radar. A blip is still visible unless the aircraft is flown below radar. Turning off the transponders does not turn off the VHF radio system so this would still be transmitting the aircraft position which could be picked up by the airlines or anyone else with a VHF radio and PC.

Even if you flew below radar level to lose the blip on radar, it could still be possible for the VHF system to get through. The data system also has the ability to connect to satellite radio systems, which if fitted to the aircraft, enabeling the aircraft to be seen no matter how low it flew.

Also from the link (numbers added by me)
1. Four of the named hijackers were not in the United States.
2. The WTC towers collapsed without adequate heat stress.
3. Smaller aircraft accompanied Flights 77 and 93.
4. Most of the alleged hijackers were rather poor pilots.
5. Evidence of the alleged hijackers developed too quickly.
6. Westward excursion of Flights UA93 and AA77 are inexplicable as terrorists hurrying to targets."

7. The US Air Force failed to intercept any of the flights.
8. The hijackers' names did not show up on passenger lists.
9. The hijackers' faces did not appear on boarding gate videos.
10. Black boxes were missing from all but one flight.

11. The Pentagon was not struck by a large passenger aircraft.
12. Cellphone calls alleged to have been made by passengers were essentially impossible.

1. False passports / ID could have been used. This would also explain the surviving terrorists.

2. How much heat stress does a building need? Steel when cherry red becomes quite maleable ant that's at only 400 degrees C (if I remember basic metalwork right). Downey himself claims the fire would only burn at 880 degrees C which is twice the temp required to soften the steelwork.

3. Got any radar tracks to proove that the jets were trailled?

4. As has already being stated by people who have flown, the hardest parts of flying are take off and landing. Neither of which were performed by the terrorists.

5. Can't comment.

6. Maybe it took the terrorists longer to take over these planes.

7. If the aircraft were flying below radar level, no one would know where they were to send fighters to intercept them. They would first have to send up an AWACS, be able to decipher which blips were which and then send in the USAF.

8 & 9. If the terrorists got on board by the method I suggested then ofcourse they wouldn't appear on CCTV of passenger manifests.

10. Black boxes are not indestructible. In the case of the WTC they are certainly not designed to survive 1000's of tons of concrete and steel girders crashing down on them.

11. I beg to differ and have seen photographic evidence on the web of several other aircraft parts, plus eyewitness accounts. Even remains of seat cover fabric being identified by an ex-stewardess as coming from an American Airlines aircraft.

12. Cell phones are possible from aircraft, specially if flying at low altitude. Several posters on these boards have actually done so.

These cock-ups come from only the first few paragraphs. So I gave up reading anyfurther.
For all that's been said and done, I still feel that the 7 questions asked by Michael Moore continue to hold resonance
7 Questions for George of Arabia by Michael Moore

Question #1: Is it true that the bin Ladens have had business relations with you and your family off and on for the past 25 years?

Question #2: What is the "special relationship" between the Bushes and the Saudi royal family?

Question #3: Who attacked the United States on September 11 - a guy on dialysis from a cave in Afghanistan, or your friends, Saudia Arabia?

Question #4: Why did you allow a private Saudi jet to fly around the U.S. in the days after September 11 and pick up members of the bin Laden family and then fly them out of the country without a proper investigation by the FBI?

Question #5: Why are you protecting the "Second Amendment rights" of potential terrorists?

Question #6: Were you aware that while you were governor of Texas, the Taliban traveled to Texas to meet with your oil and gas company friends?

Question #7: What exactly was that look on your face in the Florida classroom on the morning of September 11 when your chief of staff told you, "America is under attack"?
I know that I've posted this before but I think it's quite a good template to work off to establish the 'truth' of what really happened on that tragic day in September.

I would love to have those questions answered

Michael Moore
bigfish said:
Hang on a minute...

There is no evidence to be found anywhere that categorically establishes the presence of any of the alleged hijackers at any of the three airports involved on September 11. Therefore, it is not possible to claim as you do that they boarded the aircraft and then hijacked them. That's the fairy story part.

So, if the aircraft were not hijacked then that means some other method must have been employed to power them or replacements for them to their final destinations.
This doesn't follow.

Say the people that the USG alleges were the hijackers were in fact not, and the whole thing was an attempt to make it look like they knew what was going on. It does not then follow that the planes were not hijacked (by people) at all and were in fact remote controlled or whatever.

The UK govt blamed the Birmingham Six for the pub bombings. They were innocent. Does that mean pubs were bombed in Birmingham by remote control?
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