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Would you eat fish that's one day past its use by date?

I don't even keep smoked mackerel in the fridge.

What terrible disease can I expect to die of ?

Various forms of Norovirus are fast becoming the predominant contaminant in fish and seafood. Pushing 70-odd percent the last time the last time I read anything.

So unlikely to kill a healthy adult but it will give you a hellish few days of shitting and puking (see many past threads here) - And its a tough/resilient little blighter, that can remain active even at fridge temperatures and go from levels that are safe to eat to toxic in a matter of hours - Which is one of the reasons why dates mean next to nothing and freshness is everything where fish is concerned.
As Heston would no doubt tell you... Contamination must be linked to the location of the fishery though?
As Heston would no doubt tell you... Contamination must be linked to the location of the fishery though?

Yes - Levels and types of contamination are linked to geographic distribution of fisheries but OTOH, norovirus is prevalent and rising in all the fisheries most relevant to the UK and US. Partly due to pollution and its low-temperature activity.
Would smoking inherently cut it down though ?

Bearing in mind that this kind of fish is mostly eaten cold...
Properly/traditionally smoked, yes it probably would and the process would introduce compounds that might inhibit viral activity.

However, I'm not convinced that the prepacked smoked mackerel sold in supermarkets has undergone anything like a proper smoking/curing process.

Which is why I would tend to catch the fish and smoke it myself or do as Gem does and buy it from a fish mannie who gets stock from proper fish-hooses daily.

Then you have to bear in mind that the toxins most prevalent in tropical/southern European/African fisheries is off the other end of the scale and remarkably heat resistant, so you are pretty much fucked whatever!
you'll be home for breakfast?

Yes, that is indeed who I was thinking of. Thank you for saving me the effort of image linking for myself :D
Santino, only every time I close my eyes :shudder:

That was fresh though -- bought that day. Nowt to do with use-by dates. It just taught me *never to buy monkfish ever again, ever*
I want pogofish to smoke me a kipper.

I have often been told that I do a very fine smoked trout. :)

Kippers are something I'd leave to the professionals and I can get them fresh from smokehooses just down the river from me. :)
Yup - A bit of fish and/or fsh guts is an excellent thing for your compost - especially if you use organic methods. A fantastic source of a variety of micro organisms that promote digestion and nutrient transfer in the mulch. :)

My compost guide says never put in any kind of meat or bones.
I'm still here. The whole point of buying smoked fish is that it's normally dated ages ahead - obviously not in this case.

Peppered smoked mackerel goes insanely well with beans or indeed neeps, anything that ham might go with... tho not tried it with pineapple.

Fresh mackerel is lush grilled - one of the few fish that can stand up to loads of spices.
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