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Would you eat fish that's one day past its use by date?

Johnny Vodka

The Abominable Scotsman
It's smoked mackerel. It was actually sitting out of date on Morrisons shelves - fuckers. :mad: Obviously, I didn't notice till I got home.

It smells okay and there are no green bits on it.
Smoked mackerel keeps pretty well. You'll be fine. Smoked mackerel is fab with a half and half horseradish & freshly squeezed lime juice dressing. Lemon juice is OK at a pinch, but lime is so much better.
IME, fish can often be off long before its sell by date, however smoked fish does tend to keep a lot better, so you would probably be ok.

If it was fresh, forget it. :)
If you're pretty healthy, chance it.

BTW if you kept the receipt, send that back, with the (unwashed) packaging, complaining that it was sold after its "use by" date. No need to enclose the fish, of course.
IME, fish can often be off long before its sell by date, however smoked fish does tend to keep a lot better, so you would probably be ok.

If it was fresh, forget it. :)


But, if it is past the expiry date, I would take it back to the shop and as for a replacement.
Go for it, you probably won't get food posioning and if you do you can sue the supermarket.
With fish it's the smell and feel of it (not too rubbery) that counts the most, so if it's OK in those respects then it's probably safe to eat. I probably wouldn't though because I know the potentially off aspect of it would make me enjoy the food less.
You should be able to get more than a replacement. Just mention "trading standards" and "selling food unfit for human consumption"
Thought the whole point of smoking a thing was to preserve it?? I'd probably eat it then take the packaging back and complain(you noticed the date when you were throwing the wrapper in t'bin) and get a refund. Sloppy stock checking.
Thought the whole point of smoking a thing was to preserve it??

Remember that "smoked" in the supermarket context can often mean no more than a steep in "smoke flavoured" liquid and a mere whiff of the smokehouse.

Mackerel does not have set EU protection and production standards like Smokies etc.

Mind you, my cats go bonkers for it - which may be a good sign. :)
When I buy things that have sell-by dates in supermarkets, not only do I check them but look behind them to see if there are any newer ones that have a longer sell-by or use by date. When they stack the shelves with milk for example they put the fresher ones behind the older ones so that the casual buyer will just take from the front of the shelf seeing an in-date item. Even so I sometimes find that milk goes off before its sell-by/use-buy date.

I have read that it is not unknown for some staff at supermarkets to over-label use by dates with later ones just to clear stock. If that has happened to the smoked mackerel in question then somebody is going to get a tummy ache or worse.
phone up
take it back
get them to pay costs of travel incurred etc

cheeky twats they are

I think the current trading standards fine is five grand per item for this kind of offence same as for displaying stuff at the wrong lower price and then charging a higher price at the till
If it smells and looks OK, I would - fish isn't exactly coy about being off when it's gone!
Remember that "smoked" in the supermarket context can often mean no more than a steep in "smoke flavoured" liquid and a mere whiff of the smokehouse.

Why would I remember that?? I buy my fish from a proper fish manny :D At the shore :D
I have no idea about supermarket fish!!
I've just remembered where the OP lives, shame on him for buying supermarket fish!!! ;)
I have no idea about supermarket fish!!

Well he did say he bought it from Morrisons! :p

And if it has a sell by date, it is probably similar to the prepacked mackerel I get as a treat for the cats occasionally and I wouldn't say that was smoked in the same way we are used to. :)
Well, I started eating it. Seemed fine, but something made me chicken out halfway through... I probably still had enough to make me ill if it was off. :rolleyes:
Mind you, my cats go bonkers for it - which may be a good sign. :)

I can't bear smoked fish despite consuming fresh fish in massive quantities - and I am not a huge fan of mackerel at all, really - but my cats go absolutely fucking mental for mackerel, they are usually really well behaved when we eat but last time we had mackerel they were swooping in and trying to nick it off our plates, it got quite chaotic. Not being a great lover of mackerel myself, I ended up sharing my portion between them and watching them scoff it like they've never scoffed before....
Morrison's is one of the best supermarkets for fish if you live a long way from the sea - better than many fishmongers, certainly round here.
Almost a good joke, except for the fact that one wouldn't bone mackerel. But be encouraged nonetheless.
Almost a good joke, except for the fact that one wouldn't bone mackerel. But be encouraged nonetheless.

It was worth the effort. Mackerel is full of bones which come out easily enough from the fillets. Pull them with tweezers.
One day off smoked Mackerel is not going to kill you FFS.
What a pussy.

One day off anything isn't going to kill you. I'm sure most of us reach the point that we routinely eat stuff that's up to a week out of date. Although I once ate a sausage soup that had been opened for at least a week and that actually did almost kill me.
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