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Worst film you have ever seen and why?

I saw Hostel 2 in a hostel in Queenstown, New Zealand.

What struck me about it is that in its structure it mimics pornography. There is the bare pretence of a plot to connect the various scenes of sadistic torture together.

I'm not sure what the cultural significance of that is, but whatever it is, it's not good.

J-Lo. Big crappy special-effect snake. Murky water. Bad filming. Did I say J-Lo? Bad acting.

.....Ice Cube?? In some ways it's almost good in it's shocking shockingness; I found myself praying for the brutal slaughter of all the main cast anyway, which was edge-of-the-seat kinda exciting :)
showgirls is a classic!:cool:

reckon the worst film i have ever seen is the tuxeudo. Jackie chan and jenuifer love hewit kinda spoofy spy film. It should be jokes brillience but the script is so shockingly bad it is by far the worst thing i have ever seen in my life and i like my bullshit action films.

Notting Hill.

A friend hired the DVD while I was round for the evening. We spent most of the film discussing how bad it was.........
If weird is Dutch for 'I wouldnt leave a daughter or mother of mine in the same room as him,' then yes.

Starship Troopers and Robocop are both great satires about fascism though.

Must re-watch showgirls to find out the source of your antipathy...
I had to turn Freddy Got Fingered off and I expect I wasn't the only one. An aquaintence of mine raved about it :(
The trouble with being lonely and lazy, is that one watches a lot of late night telly, where these awful films pop up. There are hundreds of them!

Twice recently, I have found myself watching films which were so bad that I gave up and stopped watching. Both of them had Jennifer Aniston in, which is not the reason they were crap, but does suggest to me that she is in a lot of crap films. One of them was called Rumor Has It, or something similar, and the premise of it was that Jennifer Aniston's grandmother had been the Mrs Robinson of the Graduate fame, and her mother had also shagged the same guy, and was he her father? Kevin Costner was the graduate all grown up now. Judging from the dvd cover kevin and jennifer did some snogging at some point, so let's hope they were not father and daughter!

Oh, it was rubbish.

The other one, I can't remember its name, was her being trailer trash and married to some crappy bloke who was even more trailer trash, and I didn't work out what was going on, other than that she was unhappy so can't tell you anymore. I would guess that she turned out to be a good guy, and her husband not to be. *shrug*

About a year ago, I watched a movie that had Locke from Lost in it. I think it was on one of the "True Movies" channels, and I seem to remember that it was something to do with his child being terminally ill or something equally heart warming. I watched it solely because it intrigued me to see him with hair. It was an awful film. Made me cry, though.
In fact every film with Chuck in the title...

You seen "Chuck & Buck"? That's pretty good.

My gf's daughter and her mate wanted to see some film last year but when we got to the cinema it was full. So we all went in to see "Disaster Movie", having never heard of it but not wanting to waste a trip and it looked ok for the 13yr olds.

Fucking hell :( it was awful. Me and my gf walked out, so did a fair few people before us. And when I got home and looked online it was ranked The Worst Movie Of All Time on IMDB with something like 1.4/10. Beat that.
Event Horizon is one of the worst films I have ever seen.

"You thought you could cheat the laws of physics..........AND LIVE?!"
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