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World Cup Final 2023: England V Spain

Also, all these substitutions for Spain feel like a mistake. Changing a winning side
Had meant to say, actually: to get to the final at all is quite the achievement, given how we were all feeling as player after player was ruled out with injury.

Of course, as has been been mentioned more than once, Spain have had their own issues, so mildly interesting that these are the two teams that made it to the final.
Wrong ball in that passage of play; the other players were either running back onto an onside position after the last attempt or hadn't quite made it there yet.

Ooh, and looked like James went down a little easy, there... :hmm:

<edit: ok, no, on replay it looked more legit >
I'd love to watch a couple of football teams play rugby against each other. Imagine how much injury time we'd have.
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