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Work starts on the eagerly awaited new Foxtons office on Brixton Road

people outside foxtons a few years back (albeit foxtons in the angel)


Lovely fireplace in picture 7 - but what is the use of two mini "kitchens" but no dining room?

I guess your complaint is the price is too high? Seems very high to me as well considering the "lived-in" state of the place.

Don't know if you blame Barratts, Foxtons or the buy-to-let brigade for all this.
Presumably on the Barratt Formula this property would yield 5% as a buy-to-let.
You won't get that in your NatWest savings account!

The only bubble inflating faster than Brixton property at the moment seems to be Bitcoin!
900 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, easily paid nowadays.

Last two years its just blown up beyond all reason..but like you say CH1 ...BTL yield is great compared to rest of London...and with mortgage rates at all time lows (<2% to fix with 40% deposit) its so much cheaper to buy than rent if you have the means.

haves vs have nots. tale as old as time.
Foxtons Yuppies Out row In case you missed it, someone scrawled the words Yuppies Out in massive letters across the front of the new Foxtons. Our story on it has attracted dozens of comments, and the story's now been picked up by the Evening Standard and Time Out. Listen out for Blog editor Zoe speaking about the row on LBC tomorrow morning at 8.30am.

Brixton Blog will be on radio tomorrow morning
The BoE was not that keen on bailing out the bankers. As I have posted before. I think the BoE was pressured by government to take action. It was supposed to be independent. But that was shelved when the crisis got serious.

This has nothing to do with punishing anyone. The market is supposed to work by "creative destruction" etc. Its not about "we" wanting to punish them. That is how the system is supposed to work. That is the mantra of neo liberal economics. There is a logic to it. It was not followed. For last 30 years its been what people have been told is the best way.

The problem is that allowing several of the major "High Street" banks to actually go bust doesn't just punish "the bankers" - all of their customers would have been hit.

We need something like the former US law (Glass-Steagall) totally separating the "utility" side of banking that everyone relies on and that genuinely "can't be allowed to fail" from the "investment wanking" side of things.

The problem is that allowing several of the major "High Street" banks to actually go bust doesn't just punish "the bankers" - all of their customers would have been hit.

Not all. Depositors would have been covered up to about £70,000.

We need something like the former US law (Glass-Steagall) totally separating the "utility" side of banking that everyone relies on and that genuinely "can't be allowed to fail" from the "investment wanking" side of things.

We had something, up until the late 1980s, when deregulation struck, and the "Chinese Walls" between investment and retail banking were removed.
What a monumental load of bollocks that is (not saying that it was you who made it up).

No, really - Lambeth CCTV chief claimed we would have to appear in court, identify ourselves etc, allowing mugger's mates to come round our houses, rape our wives and children before burning them all alive.
After receiving YET another piece of unsolicited junk mail from Foxtons yesterday, I took it into their office this morning and asked them to stop sending me letters..

I got a letter from them yesterday, telling me that they have a company as a client that urgently needs rentals for their workforce on Josephine Avenue/Helix Rd/Arodene Rd.

It went straight into the recycling bin.
I got a letter from them yesterday, telling me that they have a company as a client that urgently needs rentals for their workforce on Josephine Avenue/Helix Rd/Arodene Rd.

Strangely they also have a corporate client who urgently needs rentals for their workforce on Merredene Street, Archbishops Place and Brading Road...
Misleading direct mail is covered by the Advertising Standards Authority. A formal complaint would require them to prove that they have all these clients or require them to stop.

I wouldn't feel justified smashing their windows until the responsible authorities had at least had an opportunity to uphold the law.
Trying to infect a council estate with their 'corporate clients.' Kill them in the face now. Fuck their spam and their shiny suits and the shitty 'wacky' cars that scuttle around like oversized festering rats.

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