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Wonky 18th century pub, The Crooked House, mysteriously burns to the ground after new owners take over

If it was rebuilt it would have to pass building regs which would mean completely re-engineering it. And it's unlikely given the shape of the place that the various angles/dimensions are known with any accuracy. It's not coming back.
Makes sense now, the ineptitude of it. They're not hard-nosed property speculators cunningly lining up some new investment land, this is more like the sort of neighbour dispute over a shared driveway that ends up in court and the DailyMail with e.g. one of them going out with a chainsaw and slicing up the new fence that other lot put up. I bet they celebrated, finally getting rid of Marstons and clearing the pesky pub out the way for their landfill quarry bollocks or whatever.

Don’t know where you’ve got that impression from. They seem to have form - and a list of court decisions - for similar. They aren’t ‘neighbours’ as they live in Leicestershire. And given that other pubs they’ve bought have been converted into housing I'm betting they aren’t just planning to use the land as a drive way

‘Arson attack’ pub’s owner lives the high life

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If it was rebuilt it would have to pass building regs which would mean completely re-engineering it. And it's unlikely given the shape of the place that the various angles/dimensions are known with any accuracy. It's not coming back.
Totally agree - Rest in Peace now old pub.
Don’t know where you’ve got that impression from. They seem to have form - and a list of court decisions - for similar. They aren’t ‘neighbours’ as they live in Leicestershire. And given that other pubs they’ve bought have been converted into dealings in betting they aren’t just planning to use the land as a drive way

‘Arson attack’ pub’s owner lives the high life

From not reading that I suppose...
Not domestic neighbours; their quarry/landfill borders the pub and they did share the access road.

And, the 'access road' has been described in various reports as a 'public road', which seems to be the case, as on street-view the goggle car has gone right up to the former pub, they don't tend to drive up 'private roads' and certainly not 'driveways'.
This story just keeps giving - started off as a greedy brewery owner selling a much loved local and quirky pub, and it looked like, it would no longer be a pub - not that big a story but it happens all over the shop - then the mysterious fire , then the illegal demolition, then the outing of the buyers and their chequered past , and all sorts of shenanigans about blocked access roads, etc

It has become a story with legs.
Don’t know where you’ve got that impression from. They seem to have form - and a list of court decisions - for similar. They aren’t ‘neighbours’ as they live in Leicestershire. And given that other pubs they’ve bought have been converted into dealings in betting they aren’t just planning to use the land as a drive way

‘Arson attack’ pub’s owner lives the high life

They probably didn't think it would make national news. Pub fires are normally local paper stuff.
This story just keeps giving - started off as a greedy brewery owner selling a much loved local and quirky pub, and it looked like, it would no longer be a pub - not that big a story but it happens all over the shop - then the mysterious fire , then the illegal demolition, then the outing of the buyers and their chequered past , and all sorts of shenanigans about blocked access roads, etc

It has become a story with legs.

Aye, and the plant hire company says...

Meanwhile, the owner of the plant hire firm whose digger knocked the pub down said the excavator was delivered to the Crooked House site a week and a half ago, but a driver was not supplied as part of the deal.

Denying any involvement in the pub’s demolition, Lyndon Thomas told Construction News: “If you give me your insurance and all your details and I deliver [equipment] to you and then you just tried to knock down your neighbour’s building, what can I do? I have done nothing wrong.

“We just hire a digger to a customer. I can’t be responsible for what they do with the machinery.”

So, the digger was supplied and on site before the fire. :hmm:

Whilst the couple that brought the pub has interests in plant hire, a quick look on companies house doesn't suggest any connection between them and Lyndon Thomas Plant Hire, but whoever did hire it should be easy enough to find...

Mr Thomas told the trade publication the excavator had been provided to a customer with an account who “always pays his bills” but declined to name them.

I don't see any point in rebuilding it brick by brick. The whole charm of it was that the building had slumped naturally but had not collapsed and was still standing. A rebuild will just be a heavily engineered model of the actual thing. Jail time and company director disqualification are the best we can hope for I think, and maybe a confiscation order although I'm not sure about that. Hopefully HE will be pushed to sort out their listing process too.

A brick by brick rebuild was was only possible with the Carlton Tavern, because the local pressure group suspected that the developers were going to pull a stunt, and had Historic England photograph and document every inch of the pub right down to taking plaster casts of all of the tiling, so a detailed record was available for the rebuild. If that hasn't been done for TCH, a facsimile rebuild will probably be considered impossible.

As things stand, jail time is unlikely. Even if it was shown to be arson, proving who was responsible to a degree likely to result in convictions is a whole different matter unless someone comes forward and grasses them. That would probably have to be the match-lighter, and he'd end up doing time too. The demolition of the building is nothing to do with the police, so any remedies to this are likely to be in the hands of the planners rather than the police/courts. The best you can probably hope for is an order to rebuild a pub, rescinding of any permissions granted or pending, and a massive skidmark on these people that'll hopefully affect any future applications they make.

There's also some small comfort to be taken in the fact that Mr and Mrs Taylor are highly likely to be be shitting their pants at the moment and will be for quite some time.
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This story just keeps giving - started off as a greedy brewery owner selling a much loved local and quirky pub, and it looked like, it would no longer be a pub - not that big a story but it happens all over the shop - then the mysterious fire , then the illegal demolition, then the outing of the buyers and their chequered past , and all sorts of shenanigans about blocked access roads, etc

It has become a story with legs.
Move along nothing to see here
A brick by brick rebuild was was only possible with the Carlton Tavern, because the local pressure group suspected that the developers were going to pull a stunt, and had Historic England photograph and document every inch of the pub right down to taking plaster casts of all of the tiling, so a detailed record was available for the rebuild. If that hasn't been done for TCH, a facsimile rebuild will probably be considered impossible.

As things stand, jail time is unlikely. Even if it was shown to be arson, proving who was responsible to a degree likely to result in convictions is a whole different matter unless someone comes forward and grasses them. That would probably have to be the match-lighter, and he'd end up doing time too. The demolition of the building is nothing to do with the police, so any remedies to this are likely to be in the hands of the planners rather than the police/courts. The best you can probably hope for is an order to rebuild a pub, rescinding of any permissions granted or pending, and a massive skidmark on these people that'll hopefully affect any future applications they make.

There's also some small comfort to be taken in the fact that Mr and Mrs Taylor are highly likely to be be shitting their pants at the moment and will be for quite some time.
The demolition is destroying evidence at a crime scene (arson) so could be a police matter (although i'm not a lawyer so could be wrong).
They probably didn't think it would make national news. Pub fires are normally local paper stuff.

Yes. I’d imagine they are shitting it now. Their modus operandi seems to be acquire land/property, trash it, build what they planned and take the small hits on the rare occasion when a court rules against them.

The intense coverage, police investigation and the fact that concerned locals are keen to discuss matters with them couldn’t happen to nicer people
A brick by brick rebuild was was only possible with the Carlton Tavern, because the local pressure group suspected that the developers were going to pull a stunt, and had Historic England photograph and document every inch of the pub right down to taking plaster casts of all of the tiling, so a detailed record was available for the rebuild. If that hasn't been done for TCH, a facsimile rebuild will probably be considered impossible.

As things stand, jail time is unlikely. Even if it was shown to be arson, proving who was responsible to a degree likely to result in convictions is a whole different matter unless someone comes forward and grasses them. That would probably have to be the match-lighter, and he'd end up doing time too. The demolition of the building is nothing to do with the police, so any remedies to this are likely to be in the hands of the planners rather than the police/courts. The best you can probably hope for is an order to rebuild a pub, rescinding of any permissions granted or pending, and a massive skidmark on these people that'll hopefully affect any future applications they make.

There's also some small comfort to be taken in the fact that Mr and Mrs Taylor are highly likely to be be shitting their pants at the moment and will be for quite some time.
That was wonderful when that pub reopened - and we enjoyed a pint or two in there! It was a well-organised campaign, fully justified.
If the pub ends up being rebuilt, of course it won't be the same , but easier to do from scratch than renovating it 🤔

It reminded of me of a church facade I saw collapse many years ago , the developers had to maintain the facade but somehow it collapsed 🤔 and they had to rebuild it (which seems easier to do)

I worked for the Housing Association who owned the building next door , where a scaffolding pole went through the wall. So we went down , sorted out our tenants , and waited for the facade to collapse (a pub was convenient situated nearby 🤣)

That was wonderful when that pub reopened - and we enjoyed a pint or two in there! It was a well-organised campaign, fully justified.

I was impresswed with the quality of the rebuild too. I think we were expecting a cheap and cheerful bodge job but it's pretty much spot-on, right down to the cornicing and architrave. It's arguably in better nick than it was before.
A brick by brick rebuild was was only possible with the Carlton Tavern, because the local pressure group suspected that the developers were going to pull a stunt, and had Historic England photograph and document every inch of the pub right down to taking plaster casts of all of the tiling, so a detailed record was available for the rebuild. If that hasn't been done for TCH, a facsimile rebuild will probably be considered impossible.

The pub moved and subsided regularly due to the mining activity in the area. There is no realistic way it could be re-built 'brick by brick' back to its shape and slopes etc. It's gone. The queston is whether the site can be put to wider community/heritage use off the back of the pressure now on the council and others.

As things stand, jail time is unlikely. Even if it was shown to be arson, proving who was responsible to a degree likely to result in convictions is a whole different matter unless someone comes forward and grasses them. That would probably have to be the match-lighter, and he'd end up doing time too. The demolition of the building is nothing to do with the police, so any remedies to this are likely to be in the hands of the planners rather than the police/courts. The best you can probably hope for is an order to rebuild a pub, rescinding of any permissions granted or pending, and a massive skidmark on these people that'll hopefully affect any future applications they make.

Correct in my view. This is about the future use of the site and what will replace the pub. In my view this should be a community project highlighting the industrial and social history of the area and, critically, blocking whatever plans the odious Taylor's had for the site.

There's also some small comfort to be taken in the fact that Mr and Mrs Taylor are highly likely to be be shitting their pants at the moment and will be for quite some time.

I do hope so. I understand Mr Taylor hasn't been seen at the site he owns next door due to police warnings about concerned citizens keen to engage him in a full and frank conversation.
Fuck these scumbags (from The Times article linked above):

It now appears that the couple have a history of apparently ignoring planning permission. They have declined to respond to speculation about the destruction of the Crooked House.

Mr Taylor also owns the Sarah Mansfield Country Inn, a pub with a wooden-beamed bar in the tiny Warwickshire village of Willey, five miles from their home in Lutterworth, Leicestershire.

Until lockdown it was said to be a “thriving heart of the community”, the only place for its 100 or so residents to socialise in a village that has no shop or church. Mr Taylor is alleged to have stripped the pub of its interior after buying it from a brewer, defying a campaign by villagers who wanted to preserve it.

In March 2021, Rugby borough council approved residents’ request to have the Sarah Mansfield protected as “an asset of community value”, but the decision was overturned on appeal.

“The next day, men appeared with diggers and skip lorries and they just gutted the place, taking out the kitchen, the bar, everything,” said a source. “It was the heart of the community. There was a village billiards team and an ‘early doors’ every Friday at 6pm for the villagers to meet and catch up. They had their new year parties there and there was an elderly couple who had their lunch there every Sunday. Now it is just four walls and looks like it is waiting to fall down. It is devastating.”

Mr Taylor has since won his application to build two properties in the rear car park and turn the first floor of the pub into “letting bedrooms”. Submissions to the council on behalf of Taylor and AT Contracting and Plant Hire outlined his intention to restore the pub once the new dwellings had been built.

However, Emma Worley, a planning inspector, noted “concerns regarding the lack of certainty that the work to the public house would take place . . . and that the public house may ultimately be lost”.
Don’t know where you’ve got that impression from. They seem to have form - and a list of court decisions - for similar. They aren’t ‘neighbours’ as they live in Leicestershire. And given that other pubs they’ve bought have been converted into dealings in betting they aren’t just planning to use the land as a drive way

‘Arson attack’ pub’s owner lives the high life

Pretty much a case study of how weak the planning laws/system are when it comes to serial offenders and antisocial scum like these. Unless the arson can be proved, they are free to carry on doing this, with different company names etc. Maybe the publicity will mean they remain under pressure, but I'd be surprised if there's an outcome that really harms them.

Alongside the impact on the pub and community, they've also wasted fire, police and council time. Particularly fire fighters risking their lives. Fucking scum.
Not sure why it’s photos of Carly Taylor all over the press and not his odious mug. Maybe that’ll change in the coming days.
because she is the one with 'substantial control' - ie owns more than 75% pf the shares - not him.

(plus, she got tits, of course)
because she is the one with 'substantial control' - ie owns more than 75% pf the shares - not him.

(plus, she got tits, of course)
And also perhaps an open social media account.
I’m surprised she is the greater shareholder. From what I’ve read she had her own beauty business (salon?) whilst he made a shed load of cash selling off land to HS2.
And also perhaps an open social media account.
I’m surprised she is the greater shareholder. From what I’ve read she had her own beauty business (salon?) whilst he made a shed load of cash selling off land to HS2.
Putting stuff in the wife's name is pretty commen for tax reasons.
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