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Yes, I know it's the wrong thread but I can't say enough...

M Parris is such a vacuous cunt even the blood lust of revolutionary fervour would pass by. For a whole at least.

I'll now puts this on another inappropriate thread, just because...
Sorry, what was I saying? Did I drop off? Oops, dreadfully sorry, I was listening to a foreign report of some unpleasantness somewhere, although I'm sure there was some balance in my not....

Sorry, what was I saying? Did I drop off? Oops, dreadfully sorry, I was listening to a foreign report of some unpleasantness somewhere, although I'm sure there was some balance in my not....

Sorry, what was I saying? Did I drop off? Oops, dreadfully sorry, I was listening to a foreign report of some unpleasantness somewhere, although I'm sure there was some balance in my not....
Exactly why I don't "get" people using the WS to aid sleep.

What I do these days is safely download science podcasts and listen to them on my phone in addition to the low level ambient music that I always have playing.

I have no TV at the moment so am focussed on Youtube - and mostly sceptic / atheist / scientific stuff.

These young scientists do some debunking in a much more gentle way than most people in this area.


Apparently they're downloadable on iTunes for those who get their media that way.
I listen to "Up All Night" on Radio 5 Live. with Rhod Sharp during the week & Dotun Adebayo at weekends. They do the world football phone-in on Friday & the virtual jukebox on a Saturday. I like it when Jah Wobble is on. Him & Dotun well take the piss out of each other.

The rest of the time it is reports from around the world & news you don't seem to get anywhere else. I have no problem dropping off to it. Well no more of a problem than not listening to anything else or silence.
Two programmes,this week, on Radio 4 that I am listening to....

15 Minute Drama


by Richard Monks

The inquest into the death of a female soldier found drowned reveals she has been the victim of a sexual assault by a fellow soldier. Over five days we hear witness statements and the coroner must decide whether she took her own life.


Book Of The Week

Not My Father's Son: A Family Memoir

Written and read by Alan Cumming

The actor reveals the complexity of the relationship with his father,who renewed contact with him in 2010 following a decade of estrangement. He also makes discoveries about the life of his enigmatic grandfather.


Exactly why I don't "get" people using the WS to aid sleep.

What I do these days is safely download science podcasts and listen to them on my phone in addition to the low level ambient music that I always have playing.

I have no TV at the moment so am focussed on Youtube - and mostly sceptic / atheist / scientific stuff.

These young scientists do some debunking in a much more gentle way than most people in this area.


Apparently they're downloadable on iTunes for those who get their media that way.

If you're into that kind of thing you might enjoy David McRaney http://youarenotsosmart.com/podcast/ which is about psychology, self delusion and human behaviour. Mark Crislip's 'QuackCast' is also quite good but I don't think he's making them any more (lots of back issues though ) http://edgydoc.com/
I'm a new poster and I can't quite work how to quote....I clicked on quote in answer to andysays so fingers crossed.. I caught up with Iggy Pops In Praise Of Beauty today and thoroughly enjoyed it ...lots for me to enjoy on it.
Going on to another station and programme Radio 4's Great Lives this week had Isy Sutti championing Jake Thackray. She hadn't even heard of him 9 months ago until a friend sent her one of his albums for her birthday ...she is now an avid fan.

Jake Thackray hated being known as the north country Noel Coward, but at the height of his fame the description stuck. His songs are very British, but his influences were European - Georges Brassens and Jacques Brel.

The presenter is Matthew Parris.


Ohhhh thanks for that. My mother loved Jake Thackray and used to sing me Sister Josephine as a kid, so his work has huge sentimental value. Going to listen to it right now :)
Something Understood tonight (radio 4, 11.30pm 'til midnight) will cover Iyengar yoga, its founder, possible benefits of yoga, spiritual roots, and the differences between Eastern and Western yoga.
Out Of The Ordinary

On Radio 4

Desperately Seeking Sperm

Episode 1 0f 3

Annie, 35, wants a baby, but she doesn't have a partner. If she could afford it, she could go down the official and regulated route to a fertility clinic and get pregnant using donor sperm. But that could cost thousands of pounds. So instead, she's gone online and entered the world of unregulated sperm donation.

Jolyon Jenkins investigates this shadowy world. It's illegal to sell sperm, but some men are making a living doing so. Others offer free sperm in return for "natural insemination", i.e. sex. Some women report that men who start by appearing to offer free sperm, gradually exert pressure on them to have sex.

But what of those who want neither money nor sex in return for their sperm? Jolyon discovers the world of the "super donor" - men who compete to inseminate as many women as possible, in an acknowledged bid to spread their genes as widely as they can. Their activity can border on the obsessive."It is a bit like stamp collecting really," says one. "I devote three hours per day to it, through travelling to donate or arranging my spreadsheets or doing my photo albums of the children".

The risks to women and their children are obvious - sexually transmitted infection, hereditary conditions unwittingly passed on, and accidental incest between half-siblings. If women could afford to use the official channels, they would be much safer. Instead, they are being driven into the hands of sexual adventurers, serial liars, and hobby eugenicists.

The Communist Cosmos:

"After Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the earth, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev took to telling party meetings that Gagarin had seen 'no God in space.' When the USSR beat America into orbit it was a triumphant victory not just for the Soviet Union, but for communism itself.

Following Sputnik, the first dogs in space and Gagarin's world-changing flight, the USSR continually followed each mission with a bigger and more audacious successor, and their policy of not reporting failures meant that all the world saw was the USSR going further and faster whilst NASA could barely get off the ground. To the rest of the planet, communism was flexing its muscle as the West floundered.

In 'The Communist Cosmos', Angus Roxburgh tells the story of how the Soviet Union saw space as the key to its global superiority; how the space programme's chief designer Sergei Korolev was hatching plans for manned missions to the moon, Mars and Venus long before anyone dreamed they could be possible; and how ultimately Soviet superiority in space came to an abrupt end.

R4 Dead ringers (a lot of stuff about the election results and the coverage of them).

Was 18,30-19.00 today, repeats 12.30-13.00 tomorrow.
Cutting Up the Cut Up - this is a really excellent piece of radio - a 30 minute amble through the history of the cut up.

The writer Ken Hollings examines how an artistic device called the 'cut-up' has been employed by artists and satirists to create new meanings from pre-existing recorded words.

Today's digital age has allowed multi-media satirists like Cassetteboy to mock politicians and TV celebrities online by re-editing - or cutting up - their broadcast words. But the roots of this technique go back to the early days of the avant-garde. The intention has always been to amuse, to surprise, and to question.

The founder of the Dadaist movement, the poet Tristan Tzara, proposed in 1920 that a poem could be created simply by pulling random words cut from a newspaper out of a hat. And it was this idea of the random juxtaposition of text, of creating new meanings from pre-existing material, that so appealed to the painter Brion Gysin in the late 1950s when he and his friend, the American writer William S Burroughs, began applying the technique not just to text but to other media too - including words recorded on tape.

From that point on, the recorded spoken word cut-up acquired a voice of its own, with less random, more deliberate, planned forms starting to emerge.

Radio 4's 'On the Hour' used the cut-up to satirise the culture of broadcast news. The producer of that series, Armando Iannucci, is just one of a number of artists who talk to Ken Hollings about the evolution and impact of the technique.

Other contributors include Cassetteboy, Kevin Foakes (aka DJ Food), artist Vicki Bennett and Coldcut's Matt Black.
Popular 1920s + 1930s music at 'Radio Dismuke' here:- <Radio Dismuke - 1920s & 1930s Popular Music & Jazz Internet Radio Station

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Discover the exciting music from one of the most vibrant decades in popular culture and entertainment. From the boom times of the "Roaring '20s" to the hard times of the Great Depression...from frantic Charlestons danced to by a generation of flappers to sentimental ballads performed by the early crooners...from the hot jazz bands of the top Harlem nightclubs to the popular dance bands of the formative years of the swing and big band eras, the great music of the 1920s & 1930s lives on and is entertaining a new generation of enthusiastic listeners. Radio Dismuke features original 78 rpm era recordings from the 1925 - 1935 decade and can be heard at no cost from anyplace in the world where there is an Internet connection."
How about some non commercial "music" radio? My Mrs has found her love and interest in music again, thanks to Corie Stanfield on Ultimate Music Radio. She will play anything within reason so long as the lyrics are reasonable, be it country,
heavy metal, MOR, the odd bit of poetry and comedy thrown in. Her show goes out on Tuesday nights and is repeated on Thursday's @ 17:00. Ultimate Radio Experience
Once a month she does themes, the last was the media and she is currently looking for suggestions for stuff on drugs.
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