danny la rouge
More like *fanny* la rouge!
Iain Macwhirter, journalist and broadcaster, from his blog:
He goes on to say the SNP should say its Plan B is to “shadow” sterling – use the pound without a formal monetary union. (There is no doubt that this is indeed the SNP's plan B. They just don't want to say so).
It was the defining moment in referendum campaign; an event that will resonate through history; a milestone in Scotland’s relations with the rest of the UK. A Tory chancellor, George Osborne, riding into town, laying down the law, and then riding out again without even giving any TV interviews made even many unionists feel they had been slapped in the face.
He goes on to say the SNP should say its Plan B is to “shadow” sterling – use the pound without a formal monetary union. (There is no doubt that this is indeed the SNP's plan B. They just don't want to say so).
Forget the jargon about ‘lender of last resort’, fiscal sovereignty, optimal currency zones. What matters to voters is that they won’t have to change currency at the border. George Osborne could come back and try to reject parity, but it would be silly. Even if it were possible it would undermine trade with Britain’s main trading partner. His complaint about the Bank of England underpinning the Scottish currency would no longer apply. It would be clear who was being unreasonable.