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Will harry stay?

he'll retire to spend more time with his bungs* until an offer 'too good to refuse' turns up sometime in November from West Ham

he'll retire to spend more time with his bungs* until an offer 'too good to refuse' turns up sometime in November from West Ham


1. Big Sam is the best English manager there is.
2. So we won't need twitchy.
3. If he did ever come back to us then half the supporters would stop going.

The dishonest, lying, self-aggrandising, cheating, tax-evading, bung-taking, didn't know whether to play him or fuck him, he's been off eating missionaries, that's why you're in the reserves, sandra could have scored that, saggy faced twat.
have teh west hams actually come to respect Big sam now ? I always thought he was an effective manager, but he does seem to rub club owners up the wrong way.Redknapp going to WH would be a backward step, at the very least in terms of their stability and consistancy.
have teh west hams actually come to respect Big sam now ? I always thought he was an effective manager, but he does seem to rub club owners up the wrong way.Redknapp going to WH would be a backward step, at the very least in terms of their stability and consistancy.

Yeah, I think so. I think him and the owners seem to get on alright TBH and he's promised to sign the new contract now we're (all but) safe. I think he's a really good manager - he's got them all working for each other, real team spirit and we've not looked like getting relegated all season. When you think of what he took over and the amount of changes he's had to make then he's done really well to do that.

He gets bad press and opposing managers and teams like to moan about "long ball" and "physical approach" but it's pretty much just whining. We haven't had anybody sent off all season. And yes, the ginger pele does like a lofted ball up to Carroll but we also give it to Diame to make a marauding run forward or to Jarvis to beat the full back and whip a cross in. I love the way we're playing, certainly at the moment - long may it continue - and it's funny when people like Ferguson or the Southampton manager get all in a tizz about it.

"War Zone" cos we dared to tackle them and press them. :D

He's already refereed to QPR as they. He couldn't give a fuck.

They probably can't afford him anyway. Will be interesting to see if Fernandes / Mittal sink more money into them chasing the dream or whether they re-organise and actually apply some kind of financial limits. I have a feeling they might be a bit less willing to throw money at it now.
They probably can't afford him anyway. Will be interesting to see if Fernandes / Mittal sink more money into them chasing the dream or whether they re-organise and actually apply some kind of financial limits. I have a feeling they might be a bit less willing to throw money at it now.

Well, they'll have to continue throwing money at it for a while, as they've a bundle of expensive players who they'll struggle to get off their books. Who the fuck is going to want Park Ji-Sung and Jose Bosingwa?

I think they'd be optimistic to imagine they're going straight back up as well. Only 4 teams have managed that in the past 5 seasons.
The game against Reading is awful, just awful. Both deserve to go down :(

Dunno about Arry when they go down. He likes being a manager but wants the premier league jobs :hmm:
Reporter: (crying) Harry, they let you down today.
Redknapp: Yeh, mate.Fackin Hughsie's fault innit.
Reporter: (sobbing)but you're still the best manager in the world.
Redknapp: Cheers, mate. Still, that's life.
Reporter: (Wailing) What next, Harry?
Redknapp: Well, the fackin West Ham job would be lovely if it was available.
Reporter: You'd be great at that.
Redknapp: And they've got a few bob to spend, triffic!
fuck 'arry

he's staying, should we be overjoyed, or should we be weary of a manager that had 26 games to try and sort the nonsense in the dressing room out, instead took every opportunity to blame the players ("not my players are they, have to deal with what i've got don't i") and laughed as he went down the tunnel as relegation was confirmed.

guess what my view is
Notice how he and Boswinga smiled by the tunnel yet only one of them has been shamed in the media? He's got them wrapped around his finger! :mad:
Some QPR fans too:facepalm: . Don't get me wrong, Boswinga deserved all he got from all quarters, but hate that so many ignored 'arry's lack of interest and respect

Annoying thing is, all said and done I would rather he stay than yet another new manger, but will wait and see how successful he, and the board, are at clearing out the players that are not interested (if they can gee themselves up for a premiership game, they are hardly going to have any interested in Tuesday night away at doncaster are they...). I don't think he will be able to bounce us straight back up, and for the sake of our owners getting the much needed reality check i think they deserve, in a way i hope we don't. Reckon it will take 3 years.

QPR went down (with Reading) yesterday with barely a whimper.
No wins in six... no goals in three... and no explanation from Harry ‘don’t call me Houdini’ Redknapp... Just talk of buying more players in the summer.
QPR owner Tony Fernandes must be delighted. And might well be reminding ‘H that he has heard that one before – to the tune of £21 million in January. Not that it made much of an impact on QPR’s season, or it seems Harry’s reputation...
Anyone else with the record of W4 D9 L9 after 22 matches in charge would’ve been shown the door quicker than you can say ‘six figure settlement’. Regardless of the £21 million spent on transfers fees... their accompanying massive contracts... and the five-day bender/ fitness boot camp (choose one) in Dubai.
But Harry comes out spotless.
The fans blame Mark Hughes, the media blame the players (and their wages) and at least one ex-player sites poor old Harry not being able to get the players he wanted in January.
Cristiano not picking up, was he? Did Lionel not text back?
An unwanted ‘at-trick for ‘Arry...
It’s Redknapp’s third relegation of his career – Bournemouth and Southampton are the others – balanced against one trophy. Yes, that’s one trophy.
Yet he is still the 4/1 favourite to be England’s next manager. (Neil Warnock had a better win ratio at QPR, but not fancied for some reason...)
Taking Portsmouth to an against the odds FA Cup win must be the source of some satisfaction – but possibly not as much as the winnings collected from Betfair, when he shocked football by returning to Pompey from Southampton...
The FA’s inquiry proved inconclusive, but Betfair closed his account (he uses son Jamie’s now, I understand).
(The £300k single bet on him being the next Newcastle manager, the evening he shook hands on the deal – only to change his mind the next day - was probably a coincidence).
Where next for Rednapp?
In his four years at Tottenham, he took them to the brink of success - something AVB looks set to exceed in his first year in charge. But always seemed to snatch glorious narrow defeat from the jaws of actual achievement.
(Second thoughts, he will be a perfect England manager!)
In his last – and best – season in charge, Tottenham finished 4th and only missed out on the Champions League because 6th placed Chelsea won it and took up their place. A ‘diabolical liberty’ cried ‘Arry.
But the truth is, Tottenham managed to choke their way to just five wins from their last 14 matches, holding the door open for rivals Arsenal to sneak past them into third place and the big time.
But, once again, it was Chelsea’s fault for winning it... or UEFA’s fault for a‘poxy’ rule... or Daniel Levy’s fault for not backing him... etc, etc.
But it definitely wasn’t ‘Arry’s for plotting his final assault around the January signing of Louis Saha. You can bet on that.
On to Champions League matters now...
Speaking about his future, Redknapp explained with a mixture of anger and regret: "If I can't change it around during the summer and get some good lads in, I wouldn't want to come back. There is a little group I need to get out and new blood in.

"I want to put a team together where I can look forward to coming into work. I don't want people coming in late and me fining players every day. One player got fined more this month than he did in wages - and believe me he earns plenty of money.

"I don't need to come to work every day and have that aggravation. I want to get a group in willing to come learn and take a bit of pride in what they do. There is a good group, but we need to get more in and get some out. Hopefully I have support from board and we have to see what players we can find."
What a massive cunt! :D

He's going to wake up in a skip in about 6 month's time, with a mouth that tastes like a badger's arse, minus a kidney.

"So, what happened sir?"

"I met this fella, really charming, and he just kept going on about how he could save my football team, so I got my wallet out and somehow I've ended up here. What date is it? Where's my kidney gone?"
Well, who could see that coming?

Bungpuss said:
“You can’t have other people having a say at all, I’m a football person and I’ve got a staff around me of football people.
“We’ve got to make the decisions, and if we make the right ones we will have a chance. Otherwise, if other people want to make decisions we’ve got no chance.
“If I don’t get that, then I wouldn’t stick around.

Yeah, ask West Ham, Portsmouth, Southampton and Bournemouth how that one goes.:D
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