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Will Gary Lineker be presenting Motd on Saturday?


Well-Known Member
After Gary Linekers tweet about the Governments policy on migration, he said to reporters that he will still be on air on Saturday?

And that he has spoken to his bosses but will things change in the coming days and will the BBC tell him to cool his tweets or will they tell him to take the week off on let the dust settle?
What did he say?
They’ve all wilfully misread what the footballer said, he just said the LANGUAGE used by braverman was reminiscent of that time (which it absolutely is) not her policies. Stupid distraction, useful to them.

eta, this is what he actually wrote:

"There is no huge influx. We take far fewer refugees than other major European countries. This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s"

its very considered, it's definitely not 'they are being hitler' but all day long the news is about the bloody footballer, absolute crock of shit. That he's being "spoken to" by the BBC about it is properly grim though, what's that about.
On R4 last night, there was some Tory MP saying Lineker had been made famous by the BBC.

Now I know little about sport but even I know he was famous for being a footballer (Leicester and England and Spain somewhere I think?) and for never getting booked and that's presumably how he got into the Match of the Day thing. :confused:
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I find it a bit odd. The Govt are saying that the BBC are supposed to be impartial, but he didn’t say it on a BBC broadcast. He said it on his personal Twitter account. Are BBC presenters barred from expressing privately held opinions via non BBC channels?
I find it a bit odd. The Govt are saying that the BBC are supposed to be impartial, but he didn’t say it on a BBC broadcast. He said it on his personal Twitter account. Are BBC presenters barred from expressing privately held opinions via non BBC channels?
They are if they’re employed as journalists
On R4 last night, there was some Tory MP saying Lineker had been made famous by the BBC.

Now I know little about sport but even I know he was famous for being a footballer (Leicester and England and Spain somewhere I think?) and for never getting booked and that's presumably how he got into the Match of the Day thing. :confused:

Also famous for shitting himself in the World Cup Semi Final :eek:
Is a presenter a journalist then?
At one level Lineker is in an entirely privileged * position in terms of being able to say just what he wants. However the BBC seems to be keeping him on a shorter leash than clarkson was, over his years of extreme racism, misogyny etc. In fact clarkson had a newspaper column which was about being racist on a weekly basis (for money), alongside his BBC work.

* Privileged as compared to more lowly staff, don't mean he has any rights that he shouldn't have, iyswim.
At one level Lineker is in an entirely privileged position in terms of being able to say just what he wants. However the BBC seems to be keeping him on a shorter leash than clarkson was, over his years of extreme racism, misogyny etc. In fact clarkson had a newspaper column which was about being racist on a weekly basis (for money), alongside his BBC work.
“You can’t say anything these days”. Etc.
What an absolute heap of bollocks - clearly Braverman has been scraping the bottom of the arguments barrel. Reference to 1930 Germany, knee-jerk reaction "OOoooooooh my husband's Jewish oooh I'm so huuuuuurrrrrt".

Fuck off to wherever Priti Vacant fucked off to.
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