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Wierd/silly/amusing/good news

McDonald's workers all quit unexpectedly leaving blunt note restaurant is closed

"An entire crew of McDonald's workers appeared to quit midway through their shift and documented it in a TikTok which has now gone viral.
The video, which has racked up more than 2.3million views already, shows the journey into an unstaffed McDonalds, with a note explaining the absence of workers.
"Everyone quit, we're closed," it says."
Nenagh Court told man caught with drugs 'must have a suspicious face'

“He must have a face that is suspicious because he was stopped twice on the same day,” said his solicitor, Ted McCarthy. “The remnants were on him.”

Mr McCarthy said that his client, a farmer, had the cannabis for recreational use.

“He has assured me he won’t go within a mile of the stuff again,” he said.
Judge Elizabeth MacGrath fined Mr O’Connor €150.
This is their site, btw:

I think this is where they're taking donations:

But je parlez-vous francais merde.

In other news, 1000 feral cats released into Chicago:
Flying ants could swarm Euro 2020 final at Wembley

"Swarms of flying ants could swarm to Wembley and cloud the Euro 2020 final, after a radar detected millions of bugs over London and the south-east on Friday."

I've never forgotten my mum's 60th birthday (end of July, 17 years ago) when she hired a beach hut on the Essex coast and looked forward to a lovely mass picnic. It was somewhat spoiled by these things swarming us all day. Really quite grim and gross.
Man finds 18th century ornamental building made of teeth hidden in garden

"For over two decades, John Bostock had no idea that hidden beneath the wild section of his garden, there was a gothic folly dating back to the mid-1700s.
It was only as he prepared to move from his house in in Edgbaston, Birmingham and decided to tidy the section up that he found the 12ft ornate brick structure decorated with oyster shells, bones and teeth from cows and sheep."
India discovers new plant species in Antarctica

"Indian scientists have discovered a new plant species in Antarctica.
Polar biologists stumbled upon a species of moss during an expedition to the ice-covered continent in 2017.
Identification is laborious, and it took the scientists five years to confirm that the species had been discovered for the first time.
The peer-reviewed paper describing this discovery has been accepted in the leading international journal, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity."

"The United Synagogue said it will rename Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue in honour of the England manager if England beat Italy in Sunday’s final.
It has announced on Twitter that trustees had agreed “they will rename Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue Cockfosters and Gareth Southgate Synagogue in honour of the England manager,” if England beat Italy in Sunday’s final."

"The United Synagogue said it will rename Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue in honour of the England manager if England beat Italy in Sunday’s final.
It has announced on Twitter that trustees had agreed “they will rename Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue Cockfosters and Gareth Southgate Synagogue in honour of the England manager,” if England beat Italy in Sunday’s final."
Really curious about what the N stands for now, if it's currently the North Southgate Synagogue then that's pretty great in its own right.
Really curious about what the N stands for now, if it's currently the North Southgate Synagogue then that's pretty great in its own right.

"Whilst there had been Jewish families in the Cockfosters and Southgate areas for some time, it was not until March 1948 that a breakaway group from Palmers Green formed a new shul, initially known as ‘Southgate and Cockfosters Hebrew Congregation’. The shul is therefore two months older than the State of Israel.
Since Palmers Green and Southgate Synagogue claimed the name Southgate as its own, the new shul decided upon the name Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue, as a compromise thought to have been suggested by Judge Ewen Montagu, who served as President of the United Synagogue from 1954 to 1962. The ‘N’ does not, in fact, stand for anything."

History of the Shul | Cockfosters & N Southgate Synagogue
"Whilst there had been Jewish families in the Cockfosters and Southgate areas for some time, it was not until March 1948 that a breakaway group from Palmers Green formed a new shul, initially known as ‘Southgate and Cockfosters Hebrew Congregation’. The shul is therefore two months older than the State of Israel.
Since Palmers Green and Southgate Synagogue claimed the name Southgate as its own, the new shul decided upon the name Cockfosters and N Southgate Synagogue, as a compromise thought to have been suggested by Judge Ewen Montagu, who served as President of the United Synagogue from 1954 to 1962. The ‘N’ does not, in fact, stand for anything."

History of the Shul | Cockfosters & N Southgate Synagogue
Wow. In that case, I can't decide whether that means I think they should definitely change it, because it's not like they're dishonouring the memory of poor N Southgate or anything, or they should keep it because being called the N Southgate synagogue where the N stands for nothing is quite funny. Or if they should keep the N and just become the Cockfosters & N Southall synagogue insted.
Wow. In that case, I can't decide whether that means I think they should definitely change it, because it's not like they're dishonouring the memory of poor N Southgate or anything, or they should keep it because being called the N Southgate synagogue where the N stands for nothing is quite funny. Or if they should keep the N and just become the Cockfosters & N Southall synagogue insted.

I'm torn too, but I think Cockfosters and N Southall just about wins it for me, purely for the randomness factor 😅
Very good news:

Paralyzed man’s brain waves turned into sentences on computer in medical first

"In a medical first, researchers harnessed the brainwaves of a paralyzed man unable to speak and turned what he intended to say into sentences on a computer screen.
It will take years of additional research but the study, reported Wednesday, marks an important step toward one day restoring more natural communication for people who can’t talk because of injury or illness."
Restoration work wipes smile off the face of Dutch vegetable seller

"At some point in the last 400 years a painting restorer probably decided the Dutch vegetable seller was far too glum and should be smiling. Now it has been put right and she is once again enigmatic."

I love this. Next time some twat tells me to "cheer up love" I'm gonna tell them "I'm not glum, I just enigmatic" (or at the very least I'm gonna think that in my head...).
Sounds good to me:

Newly-Discovered 'Borg' DNA Is Unlike Anything Scientists Have Ever Seen

"Scientists have discovered DNA sequences in wetland soil that are unlike anything ever found and which could have “important and unanticipated climate implications,” according to a new preprint study co-authored by a Nobel Prize Laureate, among other genomics researchers.
The authors of the new paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, named these genetic elements “Borgs” after the recurring villains in Star Trek, because they assimilate genes from other organisms."

Borgs are giant extrachromosomal elements with the potential to augment methane oxidation

"We identified at least 19 different Borg types coexisting with Methanoperedens in four distinct ecosystems. Borg genes expand redox and respiratory capacity (e.g., clusters of multiheme cytochromes), ability to respond to changing environmental conditions, and likely augment Methanoperedens capacity for methane oxidation (e.g., methyl coenzyme M reductase). By this process, Borgs could play a previously unrecognized role in controlling greenhouse gas emissions."
A step in the right direction:

London's first fleet of hydrogen-powered double-decker buses hits the streets - Hackney Citizen

"London is the first city in England to put hydrogen-powered double-decker buses on the streets after a new fleet was launched this week.
Transport for London (TfL) yesterday added 20 zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell buses to the 500 electric buses already in service in London.
The move follows investments of £6 million from TfL, £5 million from European bodies and £1 million from central government."
Very good news:

Paralyzed man’s brain waves turned into sentences on computer in medical first

"In a medical first, researchers harnessed the brainwaves of a paralyzed man unable to speak and turned what he intended to say into sentences on a computer screen.
It will take years of additional research but the study, reported Wednesday, marks an important step toward one day restoring more natural communication for people who can’t talk because of injury or illness."

That's fantastic..
I wonder what his first sentence was / will be...

It's really brilliant.
A step in the right direction:

London's first fleet of hydrogen-powered double-decker buses hits the streets - Hackney Citizen

"London is the first city in England to put hydrogen-powered double-decker buses on the streets after a new fleet was launched this week.
Transport for London (TfL) yesterday added 20 zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell buses to the 500 electric buses already in service in London.
The move follows investments of £6 million from TfL, £5 million from European bodies and £1 million from central government."

We have had these since last November in Dublin.

Great news!
A small step in the scheme of things, but huge for this one man obviously. Hope for more soon?

Biden administration transfers its first detainee out of Guantánamo

"The Biden administration has transferred a detainee out of the Guantánamo Bay detention facility for the first time, sending a Moroccan man home years after he was recommended for discharge.
The prisoner, Abdullatif Nasser, is in his mid-50s and was cleared for repatriation by a review board in July 2016. But he remained at Guantánamo for the duration of the Trump presidency."
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