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Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

p.s. is 'wreck of a man' your new weekly buzz phrase? I note you've used it twice in the past couple of days, about a couple of different posters.
No, i've used it solely about you. A 29 year old man so enraged at being banned off a board that he acts like you have for the next week. Enjoy your martyrdom.
A 29 year old man. I tell you no lie.

p.s. Should I ever visit England again, you'd be one of the first I'd seek out, with a bottle of tequila under my arm - you do drink, don't you? I figure that at the end of that meeting, we'd emerge either with a warm handshake, or with black eyes and bloodied teeth. Either way, it would definitely be a memorable couple of hours. :D
We slag off the guardian maybe we hope for something better from them,but the other papers have their fair share of crap.it so depressing
Well quite. The Guardian gets this big kicking, mostly deserved I might add, but really - would you rather read the Times, the Independent or the Telegraph?

On a thread that slags off something, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to say it's the best of bad lot.

I am still waiting for someone to suggest a less terrible national newspaper.
Well quite. The Guardian gets this big kicking, mostly deserved I might add, but really - would you rather read the Times, the Independent or the Telegraph?

On a thread that slags off something, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to say it's the best of bad lot.

I am still waiting for someone to suggest a less terrible national newspaper.
I think the Telegraph is a better newspaper. Sometimes nicknamed the Torygraph, it is clear where it stands on economics and politics and although it has dumbed down a bit it is still a fairly serious newspaper. I enjoy the letters pages. I am on the left and prefer to read a solidly right wing paper so as to be up to speed on what they think. The Guardian is just tedious and too vaguely Liberal to be of interest to me.
About four or five weeks ago I came to the conclusion that the Observer was quite intolerable, so in a moment of madness I thought "lets try the Sunday Telegraph". It's just unspeakable!

What Sunday paper to buy?
Winter said:
Well quite. The Guardian gets this big kicking, mostly deserved I might add, but really - would you rather read the Times, the Independent or the Telegraph?

On a thread that slags off something, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to say it's the best of bad lot.

I am still waiting for someone to suggest a less terrible national newspaper.

On s thread that is designed to do a) I'm sitting here waiting for it to do b) and complaining that it only does a).
I thought this thread was supposed to be about the Guardian being shit, not about how it is the least worst paper or about weird fantasists being bannned for 4 hours?
He is. I'm assuming it is more cryptic than that, but I have no idea what he's on about either. Some kind of reference, apparently.
Well quite. The Guardian gets this big kicking, mostly deserved I might add, but really - would you rather read the Times, the Independent or the Telegraph?

On a thread that slags off something, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to say it's the best of bad lot.

I am still waiting for someone to suggest a less terrible national newspaper.
Which is the best condiment in a shit sandwich?
You're the one whining. I'm just saying that they are the best of a bad lot.

That sort of depends on whether you believe that the politics they propagate make "the best of a bad lot". If you do believe that The Guardian does so, then obviously your faith in what they say will be undimmed. If you look beyond their liberalist view of the world and their accommodation of neoliberalism, then the only conclusion that you can arrive at is that The Guardian is much of a muchness with the rest of "the bad lot", the difference being in the language they couch their accommodationism in.

I'm not at all opposed to people reading The Guardian (or any other newspaper), but I'd like to think that their readership were capable of a little reflexivity as to why it's their preferred "journal of record".
Don't be ridiculous. You are sounding positively overwrought. I'm still hoping that you will suggest a better national daily newspaper.

Think of our modern-day newspapers and broadcast news media as competing retail outlets who are all compelled to buy their "supplies" (stories) from the same wholesaler. This is the actual situation most of our mainstream news media exist in.
Given the above, "better" becomes a matter not of veracity or commitment to political or journalistic ideals, but purely a matter of presentation. The Guardian is "better" than The Times for some readers because it presents the news differently to The Times, and vice versa.
When was that? When it supported the South in the American Civil War? recommended voting out the Attlee Government? Supported the foundation of Israel? Blamed the victims of Bloody Sunday? Supported the SDP? etc etc etc.

Wow, I knew none of that, started reading in the mid eighties, kept me sane in the Thatcher years tbh...
p.s. Should I ever visit England again, you'd be one of the first I'd seek out, with a bottle of tequila under my arm - you do drink, don't you? I figure that at the end of that meeting, we'd emerge either with a warm handshake, or with black eyes and bloodied teeth. Either way, it would definitely be a memorable couple of hours. :D

Maybe it'd be throbbing, petroleum jellied sphincters and an entirely new perspective rather than black eyes or bloodied teeth.
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