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    Lazy Llama

Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

I was going to write a post about how middle class guardian types are so uncomfortable with working classness undermining their progressive liberalism and sense of worthiness that they just refuse to believe any of it is real but what's the fucking point. I hate that this shit puts people in position of almost defending dickhead labour MP's when fuck them all
I don't know how we missed this.

catherine bennett lost her marbles yday, this drivel, and the ' RLB is no feminist, Keir is ' piece, which it turned out she'd nicked from elsewhere - got loads of stick and deleted her twitter account
catherine bennett lost her marbles yday, this drivel, and the ' RLB is no feminist, Keir is ' piece, which it turned out she'd nicked from elsewhere - got loads of stick and deleted her twitter account

When you say 'nicked from elsewhere' do you mean 'was convinced it had already been done by a parody from the Trevor Bastard Universe'? Which just makes the overreaction of deleting her account all that much more joyously absurd really.
When you say 'nicked from elsewhere' do you mean 'was convinced it had already been done by a parody from the Trevor Bastard Universe'? Which just makes the overreaction of deleting her account all that much more joyously absurd really.

ah, that explains it all ! ( same as Streatham FC / Nick Hedges etc ?)
I don't know how we missed this.

What the hell is that? It reads like someone on twitter making something up, having never met a working class woman ever, or even a woman, or possibly even a real person at all. Or words. Or anything remotely resembling humanity. A bot could do better.
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