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Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

I think most of us would be very happy to earn £18K working part-time with no bills and another non-taxable grand a month on top.

Yeah. If she's somehow managing to go through her own salary and another grand on top, despite only paying for food, petrol and fun stuff, she's not being quite as thrifty as she thinks. "I spend it all on the girls." Well yeah, so do most parents, it's just that it's usually in the form of keeping a roof over their heads.
I had a quarter-life crisis which seamlessly morphed into a third-life crisis and then a mid-life crisis. Or perhaps we could just appreciate that lots of people are fucked up and miserable and not do this generational distraction bollocks.
Being generally fucked up and miserable is, of course, far less interesting and Guardian-worthy than having it all then losing or throwing it away in a 'crisis'
Being generally fucked up and miserable is, of course, far less interesting and Guardian-worthy than having it all then losing or throwing it away in a 'crisis'
Well quite, I mean who would be interested in an actual analysis vs dramatic tales which also reinforce the idea that everyone’s life is brilliant unless there’s some special event, which of course you can overcome and if you don’t you’re not really trying I guess.

Also we do need to have lifestyle pieces with 20-somethings who own stylish houses and have terrific wardrobes (buried in paragraph 8: “parents lent them a hundred grand”).
It takes a very specific sort of mindset to think that "I haven't got a high-powered motor, a Notting Hill home and a glamorous TV career at age 25" amounts to a crisis of any kind. "I'm living in much the same way as every other person my age" is a social anxiety largely solveable by dropping the assumption that you're a character in a Richard Curtis film.
At least her grandmother who spent her childhood in a labour camp in Siberia had religion to help her through. :rolleyes::facepalm:

Detained at US immigration, I felt frightened. And very lucky | Emma Brockes

Summary: "US border officials shouted and were beastly to me, thank god I'm white". This story will be retold a wounding amount of times at dinner parties this year.
So she got put in a room for half an hour while they sorted out her paperwork fuck up and she wasn’t allowed to use her phone in that time? And then they shouted at her because she used her phone after they’d already explicitly told her not to use her phone? I don’t know how she copes with the PTSD.
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