Pickman's model
Starry Wisdom
Imagine paying to read itOur age lacks gravitas. That’s why we cannot deal with crisis | Ian Jack
supreme empty guffage here. imagine getting paid to write this waffle. pompous, vacuous and pointless.
Imagine paying to read itOur age lacks gravitas. That’s why we cannot deal with crisis | Ian Jack
supreme empty guffage here. imagine getting paid to write this waffle. pompous, vacuous and pointless.
Imagine paying to read it
It wouldn’t be Sunday without a ranting Nick Cohen column ostensibly about something else but actually about bashing Corbyn.Why are Labour’s leaders so quiet on Europe? Maybe it’s the lure of disaster | Nick Cohen
Utter loony the commies are coming drek.
I think most of us would be very happy to earn £18K working part-time with no bills and another non-taxable grand a month on top.
Satanic panic 2019 remix?Cults, human sacrifice and pagan sex: how folk horror is flowering again in Brexit Britain
Leave voters sacrificing their children to Wotan, or something.
Cults, human sacrifice and pagan sex: how folk horror is flowering again in Brexit Britain
Leave voters sacrificing their children to Wotan, or something.
Leavers do not worship Odin/Wotan/Woden. Herne/Cernunnos is the Leave deity of choice, blatantly.
I had a quarter-life crisis which seamlessly morphed into a third-life crisis and then a mid-life crisis. Or perhaps we could just appreciate that lots of people are fucked up and miserable and not do this generational distraction bollocks.I don't have an Audi TT or know what the word is for alienation, woe is me.
"Quarter-life crisis" do fuck off.
Being generally fucked up and miserable is, of course, far less interesting and Guardian-worthy than having it all then losing or throwing it away in a 'crisis'I had a quarter-life crisis which seamlessly morphed into a third-life crisis and then a mid-life crisis. Or perhaps we could just appreciate that lots of people are fucked up and miserable and not do this generational distraction bollocks.
Well quite, I mean who would be interested in an actual analysis vs dramatic tales which also reinforce the idea that everyone’s life is brilliant unless there’s some special event, which of course you can overcome and if you don’t you’re not really trying I guess.Being generally fucked up and miserable is, of course, far less interesting and Guardian-worthy than having it all then losing or throwing it away in a 'crisis'
She also wrote that Britain handled decolonization better than France, because it didn't have any wars of decolonization.Nougayrède may be the worst of all Guardian columnists (and there is some stiff competition) - Macron supporter, EU supporter.
Her gran was obviously not hard enough on her.At least her grandmother who spent her childhood in a labour camp in Siberia had religion to help her through.
Detained at US immigration, I felt frightened. And very lucky | Emma Brockes
Summary: "US border officials shouted and were beastly to me, thank god I'm white". This story will be retold a wounding amount of times at dinner parties this year.
So she got put in a room for half an hour while they sorted out her paperwork fuck up and she wasn’t allowed to use her phone in that time? And then they shouted at her because she used her phone after they’d already explicitly told her not to use her phone? I don’t know how she copes with the PTSD.Christ
Detained at US immigration, I felt frightened. And very lucky | Emma Brockes
Summary: "US border officials shouted and were beastly to me, thank god I'm white". This story will be retold a wounding amount of times at dinner parties this year.