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Why the Guardian is going down the pan!

Dripping with condescension...
Nine years later, I realise that, despite its gorgeous location, the Pavilion is a shitehole boozer that sells horrible food, the children are still stuck to their screens, despite our best efforts (including joining the sailing club: brief pause for the hollowest of laughs at that one), and something nasty is stirring in my adopted home town.
I ran a tiny cafe, selling the crab sandwiches I couldn’t find elsewhere. But I gave up: the introduction of one of the UK’s first lobster rolls was treated with as much suspicion as if I’d labelled them Bulgarian Homosexual Wedding Pies. A Pearly King from Ramsgate swore violently for a good 10 minutes because we couldn’t do him a fried egg sandwich.There’s a faction here that regards innovation with jittery distaste, and that extends to incomers. Urban refugees are dismissed as DFLs (Down From Londoners), irrespective of where we come from (I’m from Scotland, so I guess that makes me a DFS).
Murray is clearly all about Murray, his pint-toting, “British moon on a stick” shtick a parody of Ukip’s main man. But the irony seems lost on a number of Thanet voters, who reckon he’s quite the card.
It’s a bitter evening, sea winds strafing the sand as we trudge towards the Walpole Bay hotel in Cliftonville, a self-styled “living museum” where I once saw a punch-up between pensioners over a draughty window. Tracey Emin is a regular.
A man in a linen suit and panama hat sweeps past into the hotel, looking for all the world like Colonel Sanders; he’s by far the nattiest dressed of the Kippers who, on this showing, seem to be late-middle-aged women in bad anoraks.

So there we have it; a shithole full of ignorant, un-welcoming, violent, badly dressed ingrates who wouldn't buy her crab sandwiches. Scum.

e2a : missed this one...
Placards here are mostly of the “Frack off Farage” variety, but there are some deliciously “Down with this sort of thing” efforts: “Dear Ukip, it’s not too late to change your mind”; “Racism is illogical, Captain”; “Ukip in, Waitrose closes” (admittedly that last is the work of my husband).
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i mean, you have a hard day pearly kinging and all you want is a cup of proper tea and a fried egg sandwich and some guardian reading ponce in the caff is like "we can't do that, why not have a lobster roll instead". it's enough to make you hand in your pearls.
that is horrid. and why couldn't they do him a fucking fried egg sandwich? what sort of a caff CAN'T do a fried egg sandwich ffs?

Every caff I've ever been in, if you wanted something "off menu", they were happy to do it for you after agreeing a fair price if they had the ingredients. I suspect she deliberately limited her menu in order to attract the "right" kind of clientele (for her).
Oh wow, there is a picture of it... and a sign which they didn't mention in the article though I suppose they didn't need to

I was in a curry house many moons ago when one of the braying hoorahs on the next table demanded a platE of rice with a raw egg broken over it. The previous posters would no doubt have been as outraged as the hoorahs by the waiters polite refusal. It was obvious to me that he was saying that they didn't have any raw eggs (obviously to keep the plebs out!!!) but the hoorahs decided he was thick and foreign and needed an education in what they were asking for. Kept repeating themselves over and over, loudly and slowly. I was forced to quote poetry at them: DH Lawrence - How beastly the bourgeois is, especially the male of the species. I obviously got it all wrong, they weren't hoorahs, merely horny-handed sons of toil rightfully demanding their birthright of eggs wherever they chose to eat. :rolleyes:
I was in a curry house many moons ago when one of the braying hoorahs on the next table demanded a platE of rice with a raw egg broken over it. The previous posters would no doubt have been as outraged as the hoorahs by the waiters polite refusal. It was obvious to me that he was saying that they didn't have any raw eggs (obviously to keep the plebs out!!!) but the hoorahs decided he was thick and foreign and needed an education in what they were asking for. Kept repeating themselves over and over, loudly and slowly. I was forced to quote poetry at them: DH Lawrence - How beastly the bourgeois is, especially the male of the species. I obviously got it all wrong, they weren't hoorahs, merely horny-handed sons of toil rightfully demanding their birthright of eggs wherever they chose to eat. :rolleyes:

The author of the article literally calls the person a pearly king, I very much doubt he was in the full regalia so why do you imagine the author said that? I suspect because the bloke who wanted a fried egg sarnie was too old for the author to label a 'chav'. The whole piece is a screed of class hatred and if you can't see that then it says a lot about you.
Yeah, there is a link to it in the article you linked. She is proud of her husband's work.

Need to pay more attention.:D

It's just that it's so "Wow" that I thought for a moment that it had to be shopped; that no-one could actually make such a placard (seriously) and carry it in public. But no, you're quite right...it's there, for real...and on her twitter account (don't go there!)!

So it turns out that she's some 'mystery' food crit, and very concerned to keep her identity hidden. Hmmm....with even more reason now. Wonder if the 'kippers will out her? Addresses can't be that hard to find? Mind you, her Wiki entry suggests that she might have more than one.:mad:
The author of the article literally calls the person a pearly king, I very much doubt he was in the full regalia so why do you imagine the author said that? I suspect because the bloke who wanted a fried egg sarnie was too old for the author to label a 'chav'. The whole piece is a screed of class hatred and if you can't see that then it says a lot about you.
you need to get away from this idea that the working class has shared cultural values, lifestyle and thoughts. The ONLY thing that unites the class is its relation to capital. It's fuck all to do with eggs.
you need to get away from this idea that the working class has shared cultural values, lifestyle and thoughts. The ONLY thing that unites the class is its relation to capital. It's fuck all to do with eggs.

Well, it's a bit like racism isn't it? Racism is based on pseudoscience and it is a social constrution but that does not make the repetition of, and implementation of policy on the basis of, racist tropes any less an assertion of a particular power dynamic between more and less powerful groups. This person, who is a force of gentrification and an entrepreneurial capitalist, is asserting her supposed superiority over those around her by mocking their taste in food and their general tradition both of which she attempts to associate with the sort of barbarism that leads the uncivilised to support UKIP. The sort of barbarism of 'thick scum' which drives out forces for good like Waitrose. There is NO other reason to bring up these cultural identifiers in this piece, if the author of the piece were in certain parts of London an equivalent piece might include a discussion of the phrenology of the author's working-class interlopers though of course that sort of piece would not find its way into a mainstream newspaper and neither should this have.
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