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Why do so-called American patriots flock to the most unpatriotic people?


Another day on that hamster wheel we call life
It's always struck me how right-wing, pro-military voters in America flock to people like George W Bush (draft dodger) and Donald Trump (draft dodger, won't visit war graves because they're 'losers', cuts money to veterans organisations etc etc etc). They even put draft dodger and all round hypocrite John Wayne on a pedestal as the supposed personification of all things American. Why?
It's always struck me how right-wing, pro-military voters in America flock to people like George W Bush (draft dodger) and Donald Trump (draft dodger, won't visit war graves because they're 'losers', cuts money to veterans organisations etc etc etc). They even put draft dodger and all round hypocrite John Wayne on a pedestal as the supposed personification of all things American. Why?

The missing link between those three is Ronald Reagan.

It's all about the performance.
I didn't know John Wayne was a draft dodger. At least George W's dad was a war hero.
I'm not sure of the facts of this but a Google says he was actually ineligible for the draft due to age and number of children. Apparently he did try to enlist probably to get away from the four kids.
It's always struck me how right-wing, pro-military voters in America flock to people like George W Bush (draft dodger) and Donald Trump (draft dodger, won't visit war graves because they're 'losers', cuts money to veterans organisations etc etc etc). They even put draft dodger and all round hypocrite John Wayne on a pedestal as the supposed personification of all things American. Why?
Are you defining/measuring patriotism as support for the military
Are you defining/measuring patriotism as support for the military

No, just picking it out as something a certain type of right-wing American 'patriot' seems to revel in... while strangely backing those politicians who claim to support it despite the fact that their past actions don't back that up.
It's always struck me how right-wing, pro-military voters in America flock to people like George W Bush (draft dodger)
and his veep cheney

"patriot" is an unassailable adjective here, as is "christian". apply these to yourself and you acquire a teflon coating. the content of your behaviors doesn’t matter, as long you sell it hard enough, which in itself shows "virility", and rightwingism is nothing if not a reactionary posture.

at root it's a psychological wage, and the furious pushback you get when you go after these postures is down to the fact that your attacking a rightwinger's sense of self, not a political position.

(I say "virility" but the reactionary posture is more important, see lauren boebert or MTG.)
When the spark that created a country was the destruction of perfectly good tea. US patriotism can't not be slightly misguided
I think you'll find the spark was the colonists' being asked to pay towards what was in Europe as the seven years war. But hey never miss a chance to show your ignorance
I think you'll find the spark was the colonists' being asked to pay towards what was in Europe as the seven years war. But hey never miss a chance to show your ignorance
Instead of chipping in to Britsh costs...whilst the US saw it as independence...British were fighting the French. US was funded with a lot of help from Louis of France...had the odd sea battle too..lthe extent lead to to the tax environment and brioche line...that caused the French revolution tbf a fair few of the Amercian revolutionary thinkers chipped there as well, mind...But it was tea . And no i didn't Google that and yes, you are still a cunt.

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How did Germans believe in blond, blue-eyed Nordic master race when their leader had dark hair, and furthermore ranted in a ludicrous Austrian accent? People see what they want to.
Having spent some time in the US, I'd question whether what you see/hear is patriotism, or performative bollocks that has absolutely nothing to do with love of country, community or people, and much more to do with enforcing political and economic supremacy over anyone who isn't you.

I think Americans are genuinely patriotic, but the flag waving and associated vommit isn't an expression of that, it's something else entirely.
Having spent some time in the US, I'd question whether what you see/hear is patriotism, or performative bollocks that has absolutely nothing to do with love of country, community or people, and much more to do with enforcing political and economic supremacy over anyone who isn't you.

I think Americans are genuinely patriotic, but the flag waving and associated vommit isn't an expression of that, it's something else entirely.

Mmm, I think this presupposes the existence of a potentially entirely positive form of patriotism that I don't know exists anywhere. It's a bit No True Scotsman, 'a real patriot wouldn't be a right wing headbanger' - why not though?
How did Germans believe in blond, blue-eyed Nordic master race when their leader had dark hair, and furthermore ranted in a ludicrous Austrian accent? People see what they want to.
How is an austrian accent ludicrous?
And why is it less germanic than a bavarian, swabian or frankian accent?
Mmm, I think this presupposes the existence of a potentially entirely positive form of patriotism that I don't know exists anywhere. It's a bit No True Scotsman, 'a real patriot wouldn't be a right wing headbanger' - why not though?

If someone claims to declare loyalty to something, but their actions betray their words, is that not sufficient grounds to question said declaration as being suspect on at least some level?
If someone claims to declare loyalty to something, but their actions betray their words, is that not sufficient grounds to question said declaration as being suspect on at least some level?

Sure, if they say one thing and do the opposite, of course. The point though is more if someone declares their loyalty to someone, and their actions contrast with someone else's idea of what that loyalty means, does that mean they're wrong?
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