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Who Are You Planning To Vote For Next Week:

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Guess l'm just hardwired to be a rationalist pragmatist ('pessimist'/realist?) when push comes to shove.

Points taken, but discussion to be continued after the election I suspect! :D
For those that were asking about the current situation in Stoke Central, the Labour split between Hunt and Elsby, and how Darby is performing, you might find this interesting as a snapshot: http://is.gd/bN2b7

Elsby can't help himself adding comments underneath the article.
god, he does sound like a right prat.

From the article, it sounds like the TUSC candidate was sharing a platform with the BNP. Some mistake surely?

I know ---- I know. :)
Well my ballot paper still hasn't arrived. So even if it does I won't be able to return it in time.

So an enforced abstention now from me.
Parliament if urban75 were the only voters... (representative version)

Labour - 128 seats
Conservative - 14 seats
Liberal Democrats - 156 seats
SNP - 14 seats
Plaid Cymru - 14 seats
Green - 89 seats
BNP - 9 seats
Sinn Fein - 14 seats
Other - 57 seats
No-one showed up to polling station, all candidates run out of town, workers soviets / anarcho communes / complete downfall of western civilisation and tearing up of the rails that the gravy train runs on - 151 seats.

Parliament if urban75 were the only voters... (FPTP version)

Labour - 166 seats
Conservative - 18 seats
Liberal Democrats - 203 seats
SNP - 18 seats
Plaid Cymru - 18 seats
Green - 117 seats
BNP - 12 seats
Sinn Fein - 18 seats
Other - 76 seats

I think we'll agree this is conclusive proof that FPTP needs to be abolished.
not quite sure how you've managed the constituency breakdown there, nor how come 650 seats get filled from just 150 voters, but I prefer the FPTP version meself (the shinners can get the nazi's bumped off, so they're no worry)
god, he does sound like a right prat.

From the article, it sounds like the TUSC candidate was sharing a platform with the BNP. Some mistake surely?

He was indeed. The SP stance, apparently, is that if the BNP already has a platform in a particular area, then they will share a platform with them in order to counter them.

I know Matt personally, and he really is a great guy. I know most of the SP lot in Stoke. I think I should probably leave my personal opinion of his TUSC candidacy to myself.

In fact, considering my proximity to those running the Hunt campaign as well, I'd probably best shut my mouth on that front too. But I'm a right gossipy old cow :oops:
I'm not! But don't think any party out there is about to decimate capitalism for starters...

And there won't be as long as Labour are allowed to maintain their grip on the loyalties of those who purport to be to the left of them.
not quite sure how you've managed the constituency breakdown there, nor how come 650 seats get filled from just 150 voters, but I prefer the FPTP version meself (the shinners can get the nazi's bumped off, so they're no worry)

using the power! of approximation!
Lib Dems, though I only agree with 2/3 of their policies.

If a Green candidate were standing I'd likely vote for him/her.
was gonna vote lib dem but now gonna abstain.


Have been reading some things on Urban about state violence. Chomsky's phrase that 'states are violent institutions' came to mind. I don't want to directly or tacitly endorse the system, so I will be staying at home. Might subscribe to the IWW instead.
was gonna vote lib dem but now gonna abstain.


Have been reading some things on Urban about state violence. Chomsky's phrase that 'states are violent institutions' came to mind. I don't want to directly or tacitly endorse the system, so I will be staying at home. Might subscribe to the IWW instead.
Good man.
It was quite telling, watching a bit of Jon Snow's programme last night.
The studio audience overwhelmingly wanted a hung parliament.

Maybe with the fecking mess we're in thanks to a Labour chancellor cosying up to the banks and blowing the family silver, we need decisions to be made more slowly. Make the feckers realise it isn't about them - make 'em work for a living.
And with the shit we're up against, maybe they'll have the courage to do what needs doing when they all have a hand in it.

Just as some weird impulse made me vote Labour in '97 and '01, I am happy to be following the zeitgeist by voting LibDem again in a constituency where I'm unlikely to allow the Tory in. (we certainly don't want too many of those dodgy geezers with any power.)

As for real social progress and wealth redistribution, that's going to take a lot longer. I suppose we'll get an idea of how long by how many seats the Tories get.
It was quite telling, watching a bit of Jon Snow's programme last night.
The studio audience overwhelmingly wanted a hung parliament.

Maybe with the fecking mess we're in thanks to a Labour chancellor cosying up to the banks and blowing the family silver, we need decisions to be made more slowly. Make the feckers realise it isn't about them - make 'em work for a living.
And with the shit we're up against, maybe they'll have the courage to do what needs doing when they all have a hand in it.

Just as some weird impulse made me vote Labour in '97 and '01, I am happy to be following the zeitgeist by voting LibDem again in a constituency where I'm unlikely to allow the Tory in. (we certainly don't want too many of those dodgy geezers with any power.)

As for real social progress and wealth redistribution, that's going to take a lot longer. I suppose we'll get an idea of how long by how many seats the Tories get.

I thought as you do but then it occurred to me that whoever wins, whatever type of electoral reform we get it will be still be arranged as business as usual.
will vote labour (with clothes peg on nose), as Cardiff North is a straight Labour-Tory fight (so Plaid would be a wasted vote), and the local Labour MP seems pretty good. Definitely a choice of lesser evils, rather than a positive choice.
After a lot of thinking and a couple of interesting PMs from a poster I would not have expected them from I have decided the lot are just a bunch of silly fuckers not worth voting for.

A vote for labour suggests you don't mind what a fuck up they have made and how many people they have killed in illegal wars.
A libdem vote is a vote for sitting on the fence and political horse trading if they hold the power balance in a hung parliament.
A Tory vote is also a waste. The number of that lot that have been coming out with racist shit in a vote grabbing game or are just out for their wallets fattening because of having MP after their name is a joke.
The BNP can fuck off as a bunch of silly bastards as can UKIP who have been coming out with openly racist bollocks for a while now.
The rest are minorities with fuck all chance so it's not worth wasting the ink or computer time on.

Come to think of it that last part applies to the rest of the bastards as well so screw the lot of them.

May I suggest everyone vote monster raving loony just to fuck the established parties off.
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