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What two days of the week would you go into the office if required?


the refinement of my decline
I think at some point before the end of June I am going to be asked how many days I want to do in the office. My working week is Mon - Fri and I reckon two days is the minimum I can get away with. So the question is what days would people choose?

At the moment, I am thinking two consecutive days so my preference will be either Tue & Wed or Wed & Thu. That way I don't have to lug a laptop about more than necessary. I'm wondering if I am missing anything? It might turn out that I can choose the days I want to be in week to week. We shall see.

Still interested to hear peoples' thoughts. My preference is definitely to be in the office some of the time as I have found full time WFH a little isolating.
dunno really.

i am not really enjoying working from home, although it means i can get up half an hour later. if i still had a nearly 2 hour journey to work, i'd probably like it more.

can see two consecutive days being a possible benefit to save setting up / moving stuff too often, but if i was told i had to do two days in the office, i'd probably make the decision based on particular things that tend to need doing on particular days of the week in my job rather than any specifics.

and / or fitting round others - i can see the first stage of getting people back to offices being based on having maximum of x number / y proportion of people in on any one day.
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If I imagine the office-based bit was the whole of my job, then Monday and Tuesday. As Yossarian says, there’s a bit of a productivity loss as the week goes on, and I have the kind of job that I’d it doesn’t get done in office hours it eats into my evenings and weekends.

Tempting to do Tuesday and Wednesday, but I know that I’d make a psychological blending of Monday into the weekend if I did that.
This time last year, were doing 6-7 days which was a killer. Down to 5 and that's what we need to survive. Financially and mentally.
What if your job is growing weed at home?

I think it's a really shit idea to grow weed at home, just because it takes up so much space. Even in the loft. You could do something else with it. But then, where else are you going to grow it? On the drive? In the back yard?

At someone else's house!
This time last year, were doing 6-7 days which was a killer. Down to 5 and that's what we need to survive. Financially and mentally.

Mate, what are you doing? Working 5 days is such a bad idea. There is nothing more valuable than the time you have on earth. Nothing. So if you are paying so much out that you need to do 5 days then do something else. I know I sound like a tit but life is so short.
Having worked the plague I don't want you filthy lot back in the office breaking things I have to fix.

We've had some more external clients back recently and those of us who've worked through were watching their un socially distanced behaviour and keeping them at a great distance. Luckily they've all gone home to isolate now after an outbreak.
Work in the office Friday, then you can go out for beers after work. Also work Monday, so you can leave your laptop etc. in the office and not have to lug it around when you're out for beers on the Friday night.
Mate, what are you doing? Working 5 days is such a bad idea. There is nothing more valuable than the time you have on earth. Nothing. So if you are paying so much out that you need to do 5 days then do something else. I know I sound like a tit but life is so short.

Thanks, but we have to do this in order to survive. We work for ourselves, so it's not always easy. But sure, would love a proper break... fresh air, fresh perspectives... away from it all.
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Been working 5 days a week in a shop since May last year. Can't do my job from home.
Thanks, but we have to do this in order to survive. We work for ourselves, so it's not always easy. But sure, would love a proper break... fresh air, fresh perspectives... away from it all.

Oh well, that's different. More power to you. Hope you're not too badly affected by all the shitness.
Saturday and Sunday, no question. I like working at weekends in a quiet/empty workplace, then being off work while everyone else is working. Saturday and Sunday commuting is so easy, and I've got all the excuses in the world not to spend the weekend in crowded pubs, clubs and tourist attractions. I think I just don't like being around people :thumbs:
I find it amazing so many people can earn a living sat on a computer in the box room in the first place.
I wouldn't want fixed days in the office. Some days I go in as I need to be there on that day. Scanned documents aren't always possible or suitable. I might need to sign something or pick up a bundle of physical documents. So flexibility works for me

I'd prefer to go in on whichever days I need to be there.
I wouldn't want fixed days in the office. Some days I go in as I need to be there on that day. Scanned documents aren't always possible or suitable. I might need to sign something or pick up a bundle of physical documents. So flexibility works for me

I'd prefer to go in on whichever days I need to be there.
I'll need to have fixed days for childcare.
We are planning to have a "team day" in the office. That's likely to be one of Tues/Wed/Thur.
I'm in 2 minds about Fridays. Mrs mx doesn't work on Fridays, and I'm pretty sure would rather I wasn't around on her day off. :hmm:
Friday, then pub with mates after work is attractive, or I'll completely lose touch with my Reading mates.
I expect my second "office" day will end up being dependent on client stuff.
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