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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

11.22.63 is the show I started watching, so yes, that one. I have no intention watching Goodnight Sweetheart, as I've not even heard of it till now.
Ah, Reno, you're there.

Last night I watched half of this desperate nonsense:


I've had a download of the first one for ages, feeling it was my duty as a German to watch this, but I never got round to it. I think it was the biggest German film in ages there. I tried to watch a previous film by the director and found that unwatchable.
I've had a download of the first one for ages, feeling it was my duty as a German to watch this, but I never got round to it. I think it was the biggest German film in ages there. I tried to watch a previous film by the director and found that unwatchable.
I might just look out for the first one, but I think an hour of the sequel is all I can manage.

It was quite charming to see what counts as a "tough inner-city school" in the German imagination.
Aliens, Directors cut. In really good quality. Still got it. I'd forgotten how slimy wayland-yutani company man is. Good acting, gives off perfectly ther air of an opportunist groper.

Goodnight Sweetheart was fairly forgettable with a couple of decent observations, typical ITV gentle comedy with added time travelling adultery played for laughs.
it was wank, proper wank. They never left that pub or the present day front room of rodneys house.
Aliens, Directors cut. In really good quality. Still got it. I'd forgotten how slimy wayland-yutani company man is. Good acting, gives off perfectly ther air of an opportunist groper.

it was wank, proper wank. They never left that pub or the present day front room of rodneys house.
Must have been cheap as chips to make, then.
Aliens, Directors cut. In really good quality. Still got it. I'd forgotten how slimy wayland-yutani company man is. Good acting, gives off perfectly ther air of an opportunist groper.

...the added scenes are very brief and you wonder why Cameron ever thought it improved the film to remove them - the bit about Ripley's daughter explains the whole maternal thing with Newt that runs through the whole film whilst the sentry guns are just generally frickin' brilliant - why would you not show that bit..

..one of the clever little bits of Paul Reiser's performance is as he comes face to face with his nemesis at the end he lets out this little whimpering noise....I was involved in ( ...what I thought for a moment was going to be... ) quite a nasty road accident and actually spontaneously emitted exactly the same noise as I clutched the steering wheel ! :p
...the added scenes are very brief and you wonder why Cameron ever thought it improved the film to remove them - the bit about Ripley's daughter explains the whole maternal thing with Newt that runs through the whole film whilst the sentry guns are just generally frickin' brilliant - why would you not show that bit..

..one of the clever little bits of Paul Reiser's performance is as he comes face to face with his nemesis at the end he lets out this little whimpering noise....I was involved in ( ...what I thought for a moment was going to be... ) quite a nasty road accident and actually spontaneously emitted exactly the same noise as I clutched the steering wheel ! :p
It wasn't his choice to remove the scenes, he was contractually obliged to bring in the film at a certain length. The extra scenes come to around an extra 25 minutes. It was already a long film and that pushed the film to a length where theaters can't get in enough screenings in a day. While I find the extra scenes interesting, I think the shorter cut is better paced.
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the drone guns bits absolutely should have stayed but I suppose when you have to make sacrifices for the cinema release you have to weigh up all the other neccesary and equally cool bits that cannot go without compromising the entire piece
An old History Channel doc on Fletcher Christian and the Bounty.

Last Days in Vietnam - stunning doc about the fall of Saigon in 1975. If it's on BBC player, I highly recommend it.
I've been trying to catch up on old DC cartoons as I remember them being pretty good. Batman Beyond was last nights run of progs. 1) just over 20 mins long each. Just enough to get the ads for stretch armstrong and lego in. 2) 20 years in the future, overly 'coolified' title sequence. 3) Old Bruce Wayne lol

but despite that some strong episodes and Amanda Waller turns up as an old lady, much diminished in bulk.

Interesting that, no waller in the new films.
I've been trying to catch up on old DC cartoons as I remember them being pretty good. Batman Beyond was last nights run of progs. 1) just over 20 mins long each. Just enough to get the ads for stretch armstrong and lego in. 2) 20 years in the future, overly 'coolified' title sequence. 3) Old Bruce Wayne lol

but despite that some strong episodes and Amanda Waller turns up as an old lady, much diminished in bulk.

Interesting that, no waller in the new films.

Erm, Suicide Squad?

That's definitely Waller bringing them together.
Erm, Suicide Squad?

That's definitely Waller bringing them together.
Missed that, to busy ogling quinn probably, but will re-watch trailers to confirm what you allege
yes must be, she is much wider in JLU but then thats cartoons, everyone was massive. Supermans chest was wider than the doorframes
krtek a houby said:
Last Days in Vietnam - stunning doc about the fall of Saigon in 1975. If it's on BBC player, I highly recommend it.

I watched that last night. Very good, I agree. I liked the bloke who described it as a microcosm of America's entire Vietnam War fuck up. Some scary stuff in the end credits about the re-education centres for the folk left behind, too. One poor sod got 13 years hard labour.
I watched that last night. Very good, I agree. I liked the bloke who described it as a microcosm of America's entire Vietnam War fuck up. Some scary stuff in the end credits about the re-education centres for the folk left behind, too. One poor sod got 13 years hard labour.
Last Days In Vietnam also on you-tube well worth watching as krtek and others have said.Quite a story.
watching The Office (proper version) for the first time, on s02e01 now. Kind of hits home in places how you can waste your life doing shit you don't care about for 40 years just to earn a living. Even Tim's dreams are put to one side for £500 extra a year.

Gareth is such a knob
Can you suggest a more balanced doc on the same ground?Fwiw I didn't think it portrayed the Americans in a good light.

I have to offer a counter-doc for my point to be valid?

No US-assisted state terror against the southern regime's own citizens in its struggle with the NLF. That organisation isn't mentioned at all. Nothing about the utter devastation wrought by one of the most brutal military onslaughts against a peasantry. Nothing about the many hushed up atrocities of the kind perpetrated at My Lai. It was a lament on the loss of the south to the horrible Commies (like at Hue) and the ruddy brave blokes seeing it out. No northern or southern Communist figures interviewed.

It's of interest to me but you don't need a detailed knowledge of Marxist-Leninist politics in that part of the world or to let the northern Stalinists' own murderous authoritarianism off the hook (because they fought the Yankee imperialists) to see the bias. It's pro-American intervention propaganda with the US merely helping the south out against the evil north, and the heroism in helping a few collaborators escape.
Doctor Strange (2007) animation. Films out sooner or later so I thought I'd see this. Bog standard origin tale really but nicely done with some decent animation and a good sense of the mecurial arrogance that drives Strange
The American-Indian horror film The Other Side of the Door, a variation on The Monkey's Paw/Pet Sematary. It has all the hallmarks of the modern PG-13 ghost film: jump scares, creepy kids, a skinny apparition with long hair and a crumbling house. It really just exploits India and it's folklore as a backdrop to weird goings on and yet it's reasonably effective for what it is if you are in an undemanding mood.

It's about an American family who live in India and the wife can't get over their young son's recent death. She is told about a temple where she can briefly be reunited with her dead child to say her goodbyes, as long as she doesn't open the door to him. And guess what! Of course she breaks the main rule, ghost kid follows her home and so does a scary Indian goddess whose job it is the keep the dead from sticking around, so they can get reincarnated. Spooky hijinx ensue.
Sunday Bloody Sunday.

John Schlesinger, 1971.

Despite the title, nothing to do with Ireland or the 1905 Russian revolution. It's a love triangle movie, featuring Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch and Murray Head. The latter is the bisexual connecting point between the other two. What I couldn't really get was what they see in him, as he's a sort of smug pampered housecat in human form. It's also a glimpse into a world that's almost entirely vanished, the Observer-reading Hampstead intellectuals (the Observer still comes out, of course, but only in a degenerated form, much like the latter-day descendants of the Hampstead intelligentsia). I love the look of these early 70s films, it's something about the kind of film stock they use.
London Has Fallen

It's like a bunch of patriotic 11-year-old American kids - ones who have just learned that there are other countries, and those countries are bad - scripted a movie that was then made by a half-decent FX crew.

The documentary What Happened, Miss Simone? which had some interesting footage, but which didn't tell me much I didn't already know about Nina Simone and which was of course rather depressing. It seemed a bit in the surface and here is a lot of stuff it didn't touch on.

I also watched the first three episodes of the alien invasion TV series Colony because it got some good reviews, but so far find it mediocre and it's like a lot of other shows I've seen and didn't stick with. Like a lot of these things it's very plot driven and weak on characterisation.
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