Bring back hanging
Jimmy's Hall - Ken Loach's latest. Insipid and at times flat out embarrassing. It's supposed to be the story of Jimmy Gralton but it's really Wind that Shakes the Barley part 2 crossed with kicking Bishop Brennan up the arse - Bishop Brennan here being the real Bishop Brennan and the ACA (for those who don't know the Army Comrades Association/Blueshirts was a proto-facsist group) and Brennan's arse is Communism. Every bad part of Loach's history is here - the hectoring earnestness, the long-windedness and the the treating the audience like historical illiterates etc. The last half hour of this film is the worst i've seen from him on this score - uninspiring speech after uninspriring speech. All the good bits of Loach's work, stuff that usually makes an appearance in even his small films - Navigators for example - the humour, the sense of accuracy, the warmth, the energy and optimism the collective nature of both the actors and the characters they play - all missing here and made even worse by the utterly lifeless performance of the actor playing Gralton. An utter shambles i'm afraid.