Last night - The Broken Circle Breakdown - Belgian film. Country band singer meets tattoo artist, has child. It looks good if a bit over shiny and if you're into country music I suppose the soundtrack is ok. It's a very sad story from the off. Not my sort of thing really but some will love it and it will make them cry like babies.
This morning - The Hit. Had this on the hard drive for ages. Stephen Frears film with Tim Roth, Terence Stamp and John Hurt. I think butchers and Frances have both recommended it in the past, I'll third it. It's a great 80s gangster flick, Tim Roth's first big film role, great performances all round and the story, while mostly told from inside a car is pretty solid too.
Is this a U75 clique thing or can you explain a little further?It's times like this when this site misses dubversion.
Dubversion - prolific poster of the post.
#He was never short of an opinion and his view of American Beauty didn't co-incide with yours
Finale of Breaking Bad (well, the last 3 episodes in one glorious movie length binge )
Never watched a single episode
Compliance. Totally unbelievable sensationalistic load of crap that makes you go when you see the 'A True Story' bit. About a bloke who pretends to be a cop, rings up a fast food restaurant and coerces the manager, her husband and various others others into abusing one of the employees. Totally unbelievable until I googled it, found out that it did actually happen and there were as many as 70+ similar incidents. If that wasn't bad enough, the bloke was never successfully prosecuted for it. Another one I wish I'd not bothered with.
I won't evangelise but it's very, very good and worth a watch.
there is a point where Walter becomes not a figure of sympathy and grudging respect for a good man driven to bad things. The point where he becomes a bona fides monster and a horrible human being. I'm not talking about when he finds the smashed plate missing a shard way back in season 1. A shiny penny to whosoever can guess which point he became truly evil to my mind.
jesse's g/f scene?
Half did it for himself, half did it for Jesse, she would have destroyed them Thats where I went 'you evil piece of shit' and lost all the sympathy I had for Walter
Half did it for himself, half did it for Jesse, she would have destroyed them both.