Something From Nothing - The Art of Rap. Ice-T gets his foot in the door to talk to a surprising number of 'classic' rappers about what makes them tick and how they compose / freestyle / conquered the world. It's weird really; surprising number of comic, self-mocking moments from a lot of the real talents, discombobulated mumblings from several others who seem a bit, um, chemically enhanced (beyond the industry standard). And sometimes the most apparently poetic/ articulate rappers on recordings being not so fast when just plain talking. Mostly what's weird (for me what grew up with these guys and their music) is how OLD they all are now ... and how the most obnoxious aspects of young men's posturing never really go away and don't improve with age...
It's quite nicely shot in bits (there's a recurring signature of landing in city X and having some instagrammed-and-filtered-to-blazes wonky helicopterscapes and a burst of classic hip hop for each one) but it mostly looks like a chaotic handheld reality documentary. Interesting bits: some truly revealing stuff about work methods, how rhymes get written and the particular challenges of the genre; Dr Dre coming over as a maniacally focused professional with no time for bullshit, let alone criminality (2 weeks out of the studio in close on a decade), various early-80s legends in various states of mental decay, Nas being quite funny, Eminem freestyling (ferociously) and Kanye West coming over as a whiny entitled little brat. (so no change there then.)
Overall - could be a decent TV documentary really, worth a watch if you like hip hop, probably 20 minutes too long, just like everything else.