A fun jaunt of sorts and not what I was expecting (which is always good). It walked the line (back and forth) between an indie and a big budget hollywood production.
However I am always (apart from very rare exceptions) turned off by any film that feels it has to rely on the protagonists (or anyone else for that matter) narration. I think this film could have done without, we don't need to be spoonfed everything, and not everything and every outcome has to be fully explained. One example is the explaining away how he got away with the affray in his apartment as he was moving? I could come up with several explanations very quickly, so bothering to say "it turns out that the apartment once belonged to arms dealers and the police assumed the attack was a case of mistaken identity, so I was in the clear" just devalues everything.
John Connor I think it was called.
Disney Sci Fi. Fun enough for what it was, but felt a bit empty in terms of the landscape it all played out in. I didn't get the feeling that there was much of a civilization, when only one or two characters tops represented each of the groups involved.
I'm not sure why but the end, where John has to live on earth sleeping (or whatever) to live on Mars seemed pretty unsatisfactory. Also John had no way of knowing that if he died on earth that he would die on Mars. There seemed to be no connection between the bodies, so the logical conclusion would be that he would not die, and would live on as a copy.
Hold on, wasn't John Connor that guy from Terminator? Humm, I wonder what the film was called then.