"The Dark Knight" - very good, excellent performances, especially from Heath Ledger, and some good moments. However thenend confused me
Why couldn't they pin the deaths Two Face/Harvey Dent did on the joker rather then making Batman the villain. I mean I know they had to make him into the Dark Knight but still...
Watched 'Burn after reading' recently - ended up watching it twice as I wan't corpus mentis first time...
It's not brilliant but it's pretty good - best moment for me was the 'unveiling' of the chair but an unusual chair does not a masterpiece make!
Because a doomy ending means they can create the perfect story arc to the hopefully brighter third film, and I'm desperate for there to be a trilogy where the third, more upbeat film, is actually good.
The Uninvited - excellent film
I tried to guess the twist, then it seemed like it didn't have one and then bam! there it was
It's a remake of a Tale of Two Sisters - much less confused and with a clearer narrative. Nowhere near as good visually though.
Ooh right, I think I kept intending to watch that and never did. Hmm
Nine to Five
Good answer - I am just too literal sometimes. I am soon going to turn into my Dad and start grumbling "Rubbish! That just wouldn't happen"
I can't help but smile and dance to that tuneI love it. And Dolly's theme tune is great to strut to on the i-pod
I saw this wonderfully fucked up Korean version of Hansel & Gretel, about a man who gets lost and ends up in this incredible house with a sinister yet friendly family who won't let him leave. At first the family reminded me of the Dentons from League Of Gentlemen, but it gets even creepier than that. The production design is amazing with the house looking like something out of one of Tim Burton's nightmares.