Orang Utan
They cannot crucify you if your hand is in a fist
I've only read one story and his introduction, soj
I've just put a hold on it on the library system so will hopefully get my mitts on it soonI've only read one story and his introduction, soj
Like Ringo i'm reading Saul Bellow.
The adventures of Augie March - terrific so far.
How's it going? I'm 75% through Humboldt's Gift. It's dense, heavy stuff.
He bombards and beats the reader with literary and philosophical ideas, quotes and references until your head swims but at the same time keeps you reading ferociously. One of those hard work but worth it authors.
The long pages of philosophy use a similar trick to Easton-Ellis in American Psycho when he describes the rules for sartorial elegance for 5 pages at a time. I imagine you literature grads will know the name of this technique? You could skip it and miss none of the plot but by following the characters' obsessive analytical mind you get a deep incite into their deranged personality.
Agree, Though I think Augie is slightly easier in that it is an everyman type of novel with identity at the heart of it. Terrific so far, I'm about 40% through it. Augie is complex but malleable. Bellow's chrarcterisation of family life is very rich. A writer to savour.
Brief review: http://thisreviewerslife.tumblr.com/post/68393585127/stoner-john-williams (spoiler - it's brilliant, read it)Picked up 'Stoner' by John Williams in the airport lounge last week since I finished the Mantel book I'd been reading. It's full of "the best book you've never read" style quotes by famous authors - and it's actually pretty good, found myself really feeling for the character as he drifts through life.
The Quiet American by Graham Greene
I've got a tonne of stuff by him from a friend on the kindle to read but not started in on it yet. He's well respected and what I have read (his one on Chinese anarchism and a few articles) has been good - be interested to hear your take on this. One of the ones I have to go is on history of Chinese marxism IIRC,should have the one you're on too but not got the ebook handy to check.The Origins of Chinese Communism - Arif Dirlik.
No,though got but again not yet read Meisner's Marx Maoism and Utopianism. Will upload what I have somewhere and PM you a link if I manage to work it out....
Dirlik seeks to challenge Meisner's Li Ta-chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism. Have you read it?
I'd be interested in any PDFs you might have, by Meisner as well.