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*What book are you reading? (part 2)

Just finished Hilary Mantel's Back to Black and about to start Taoism for Dummies
I've only read The Road of his other ones. Are they all that fucking bleak?

The ones that are not bleak are the weakest :D

Child Of God and Suttree are proper grim but that's the point. His portrayal of the sadistic brutality of man set against the harsh but beautiful, poetically depicted landscapes are what makes them powerful.
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I wasn't that bothered about The Road, some of his later books read like he always has one eye on the screenplay that will follow. I still want to read everything he does though.
Have you read The Wild Sheep Chase too? Can't remember which comes first. Both are great.
I can't remember what I said as I read too many books at once, but I am reading Morrissey's Autobiography (not sure why it already a Penguin Classic, but it is very enjoyable. I like how he expresses his disgust at life and humanity, but he is a bellend), The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, another excellent wordsmith, Lone Wolf & Cub Vol 1 (an attempt at classic manga after being tainted unfavourably towards it by Ultimo) and Philip Pullman's Grimm Tales For Young And Old. I should get off the internet.

Kozure okami aka lone wolf and cub is a classic series and has some good movies

the first two or three movies were hacked together to make a dubbed movie called shogun assassin.

to be honest i don't think it's that good and i would recommend some of his other stuff

for exampple gues what movie this manga influenced


the guy behind this did a lot of serious samurai manga

personally i think Kubikiri Asa aka Samurai Executioner is much more accessible and a better place to start manga wise
Yeah, I've seen Shogun Assassin - some of the fight scenes are shot for shot reenactments of the manga. I really enjoyed it. At first I thought 'oh it's just fight after fight' but there is a great story too. The drawing are great - really dynamic. He depicts movement so sparingly but so effectively. Better than Ultimo for sure! Not suitable for my school library though.
'I sing the body electric'

Ray Bradbury short story collection. V. Good indeed. Not what you expect from sci fi of that era, far more subtle and far more skilled in prose style
I've yet to read that one but can't wait to!!

I am making headway in this book 'The Spirit Level' now, and putting my dyscalculic head through torture at the same time. There's been a number of moments where I have totally recognised my own actions/thoughts in there too. Some quite surprising, some stuff I already knew.
About to start on Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, after having read thousands of pages of fantasy lately I need a bit of a change. Have got the Wasp Factory and The Master and Margarita lined up for when I'm done with this one.
3 of my favourite books
Quentin Blake - Words & Pictures
Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski - Maps
Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book
Philip Pullman - Grimm Tales For Adults
Chris Beckett - Dark Eden
All brilliant, esp the latter
Fore edge.
Diastrous ex had a habit of writing in biro there, generally some comment which he thought was profound but which had little relevance to the title and none to the rest of the book (he never read the ones he wrote on). :mad:
Diastrous ex had a habit of writing in biro there, generally some comment which he thought was profound but which had little relevance to the title and none to the rest of the book (he never read the ones he wrote on). :mad:

Like 'STALIN RULEZ' on a copy of War and Peace? ;)
David Brin 'Otherness'

a short story and essay sci fi collection (again) all based on the eponymous theme

I quite like it even if I am not sure I agree with some of his conclusions. He seems to see otherness and 'the other' as purely subjective experience, doesn't really relate what his feeling/ideas of otherness are in relation to very clearly. Still, only half way through so he might get more into the matter later.

fans of the genre will know him from the Uplift books, a great set of books about how everything in the universe has been 'Uplifted' to sentience going back billions of years to the mythical first intelligence- except humans who did it spontaneously. And had to hastily hide all records of whales and dolphins once they realised the wider galactic community would react very poorly to our having killed them all during the 23rd century
I'm reading Morrisseys biog. And it's a laugh. Except the bit where the guy out of the sex pistols asks about the area of manchester called Collyhurst "Is this this a rough area of manchester?" yeah, someone reply's people walk round in their underpants round here. Now Collyhurst is a hard area - but in the 70's no fucker walked about in their grundies - My dad was from Collyhurst and he used to go on about his mate who, when they were little just didn't own a single pair of kex - this kid did have a long jumper fastened with a pin in the middle, sorta between his legs. But that happened in the 50's and 60's. Not the 70's, no way.

And there's another bit where Moz goes on about Collyhurst Perry boys - Who'd bang you out. And then ask what you're looking at. But to me that just is the very esscence of manchester.. A decent read though.
Republic of Thieves - the VERY long awaited sequel to the Gentlemen Bastards series (Lies of Locke Lamorra, Red Seas under Red Skies). Worried that it might have been a duffer after such a long wait but Lynch seems back on form.
Ooo I really fancy this. Is it as good as I'm expecting it to be?
Oi Orang Utan - what's the Pullman book like, you ignorant bugger?! :p

I had to give the fucking Spirit Level book back to the library before I finished it, cos some other cunt wanted it apparently. I was just getting to what I think may have been potential solutions/ideas bit too :(

So now I'm reading a proper trashy book called 'The Congress of Rough Riders' by John Boyne. Mainly cos it's got a cowboy on the front and the story is tied up with Buffalo Bill. It's quite bad though. Commas spilled everywhere like Onan's seed, big chunks of bland filler...there are some okay story-telling bits though, enough to keep me reading it. Deary me though - could well have done with a bit more fucking editing.
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