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What are you playing at the moment?

I started Disco Elysium properly last night and its sucking me in. I can't handle the corpse smell from the hanging body I'm fuzzily investigating, so needed ammonia. No money, one shoe, weird and interesting thoughts. The p/b bookshop owner gives me nothing, a lecture in fact about handouts etc.
who gives me the 100 real I need for ammonia? Spokesbod for the dockside strikers. We also discussed scabbing and the like.

Still can't hold my stomach down when approaching the body, even with ammonia. This is is a strangle place but I like it.
There were time while playing it I thought "Why isn't this the official game of U75"? Investigate a murder through the haze of your epic hangover whilst ruminating on the fundamentals of communism.
There were time while playing it I thought "Why isn't this the official game of U75"? Investigate a murder through the haze of your epic hangover whilst ruminating on the fundamentals of communism.
from the answers options in given situations there is a way to play 'apolitical' (liberal-ish) in this by the look of it. But who would do that when theres clearly something else at work here- a spectre haunting Revachol
ive been meaning to do another play through of disco elysium but with a completely different build. big, burley and stupid rather than weak and wise. hopefully this time I can punch cuno in his snivelling little face.
I've played a lot of Brotato and Football Manager the last couple of weeks.

I've got pretty good at Brotato now and managed to beat a few of the levels with the different characters. Will likely go back to it over time.

I got round to playing Dome Keeper for the first time. Feedback on Reddit was mixed, but I really liked it. The mining is fun and I'm enjoying figuring out how the domes work. Played it from late evening until now.
I bought this 4 years ago on early access because i am a transport nerd. I also stopped playing it in 2020 after moving on to some other game. Now its early access has ended and its been properly released I'm giving it another go. It's a lot more complex now than it was when i last looked at it. Brilliant soundtrack of Soviet era tunes too.
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I plan to get this at some point!

Steam sale this week. I decided to get game pass for a couple of weeks though as there are a few games that have been on my wishlist for a while that are on there. I'm just testing them really to see if I want to play any of them properly.

So far I tried Snowrunner which I liked but I think I'd get bored of pretty quickly.

Now playing starfield. I have very low expectations.
Right so today I have played:

Starfield: Spent an 2-3 hours on it. It didn't hit for me and I'm being brutal in my run through these games so I've got rid of it from my pass and my wishlist. I thought I might love it especially as everyone else would have had huge expectations, but it didn't hit me and the reviews are telling me it won't.

State of decay 2: This had been sitting on my list for a little while as I sometimes think I might like games like it. I loaded it up and it's okay, but actually I don't think I'd want to put the time into it.

The outer worlds: This one has grabbed me really quickly. By Obsidian and I hear it wasn't liked at first, but has good reviews now. As game pass does not let you use the DLCs I think I'm just going it buy it in the steam sale.

I don't think game pass will work for me. I'm a very slow player most of the time and not very good at games so I can see myself ending up not using the most of it, or getting sucked into a game for months I could have just bought for cheap on steam or GOG. It's quite handy for just trying a few games though as I might have gone for starfield and that state of decay out of curiosity.

Going to get Hades in the sale for sure.
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Finished Subnautica today. Really enjoyed it but felt a bit flat on completion so could do with something else to occupy me similarly straightaway (used to play it for a couple hours before work most of the week and the odd few hour stint on weekends)

Tried playing pubg today for a bit earlier but really cba with it, which is no bad thing.
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Started playing Xcom WOTC again. I think the constant interruptions actually make it better. :D
Yes love XCOM. I found out there is very unlikely to be a follow up which is a shame. I've seen another version called mutants something but not sure anything will come close to XCOM.

I bought a steamdeck a few months ago and have been riding it to victory. Oddly surprisingly good piece of kit.
It's amazing don't regret buying mine at all and it got me into rougelite games.
Yes love XCOM. I found out there is very unlikely to be a follow up which is a shame. I've seen another version called mutants something but not sure anything will come close to XCOM.
Yeah, Jake Solomon left Firaxis and is doing something totally unrelated. He did Midnight Suns, which is a card based superhero thing with lots of social stuff. Its not much like Xcom tbh.

Do you mean Mutant: Year Zero? That was decent. There's loads of games that are similar, I liked Gears Tactics and Warhammer 40k : Chaos Gate Daemonhunters and also Mechanicus. All good tactics games. Jagged Alliance 3 also decent. And Battle Bros, obviously, but we're getting further away from Xcom now.

War of the Chosen is pretty much perfect though, really fast paced and you're getting rewards almost constantly.
Yeah that's the one - Mutant: Year Zero! I am going to give it a go at some point. I didn't know Gears tactics was that I always thought it was a spin off of gears of war or something. I'll check some of those out.

I'm definitely going to give WoTC a play through again. I completed it on a low difficulty just because otherwise I don't think I'd ever have finished it. I think it's timeless.
Yeah that's the one - Mutant: Year Zero! I am going to give it a go at some point. I didn't know Gears tactics was that I always thought it was a spin off of gears of war or something. I'll check some of those out.

I'm definitely going to give WoTC a play through again. I completed it on a low difficulty just because otherwise I don't think I'd ever have finished it. I think it's timeless.
Yeah Gears Tactics is a spinoff from Gears of War but it's a proper tactics game. It does a really good thing of giving you extra actions if you do certain things, so you can string stuff together and kill half the board in one turn. There isn't a vast amount of variety though, so once you do that twenty times it gets a bit samey. :D
I've been playing more 40K: Boltgun recently. They recently added a feature which actually shows the path to the next mission objective point, which is actually really useful because a major issue I found when playing it was "ok so I've murdered everyone on this level in the name of the emperor WHAT DO I DO NOW oh I have to interact with this random piece of scenery to move to the next level do I"

However I'd advise turning it off until the point when you're fairly sure you've cleansed the level because otherwise it encourages you to just go straight to the end and ignore all the powerups and ammo you will need to deal with the next bit.
Steam sale so picked up that Disco Elysium that you lot seem to like (£3.49). Also Shadow of War (£1.74) as quite enjoyed Shadow of Mordor on PS4 even if I never finished it. Civ 6 (£2.49) which I'm unsure I'll ever get round to playing, but sunk a lot of hours into 1 to 4.

Pushed the boat out, spending 17 quid on Half Life Alyx, but that's something I do want to play and was quite surprised when I went to buy after getting a second hand Quest 2 and finding it still full price.
Shadow of War is not bad, but it's very much just Shadow of Mordor, but more. Which is great in that SoM was great and all, but it does kind of wear thin by the end because of it. It doesn't really add anything that was missing and SoM was pretty much perfect on its own anyhow.
Shadow of War is not bad, but it's very much just Shadow of Mordor, but more. Which is great in that SoM was great and all, but it does kind of wear thin by the end because of it. It doesn't really add anything that was missing and SoM was pretty much perfect on its own anyhow.
Yeah I didn't finish shadow of war unfortunately but I did enjoy it. Shadow of Mordor was great.

Civ 6 is great definitely worth giving a try.
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