One of my favs innit!!!
Nah, not really....Wow, you like Hole as well ???
eh?so which is it to be ?
I got the BIGGEST Shitlist going, mate. But why would you be on it??Have I made your shitlist or not ?
Why would you?? It's long enough as it is... but it's not for the likes of you. Though you have made it on another list....m OH, NOOOO, of course not???
Are we just going to flirt on every single damn thread???? I think people may get a tad bored Drew....
Are we just going to flirt on every single damn thread???? I think people may get a tad bored Drew....
I reckon *most* urbanites would think it was both awesome and lovely. But, anyway, your (two's) callGood point, I'll just see ya later