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Western Vegans pricing Bolivians out of their staple diet, driving poverty

I've never even heard of quinoa but this reader response seems more balanced:
Vegans, who represent less than 1% of the global population are not responsible for the soya production which "is now one of the two main causes of deforestation in South America, along with cattle ranching".
Vegans are not the only people that eat quinoa, and it is due to it's increased popularity with non-vegans that has caused the price hike - it's a bit like oysters, which were a working class food until their popularity caused a supply and demand situation that drove up the price, and now they are the food of the rich.
Embarrassingly, for those who portray it as a progressive alternative to planet-destroying meat, soya production is now one of the two main causes of deforestation in South America
Soya is grown as cattle feed. :facepalm:
However, a rummage through the shopping baskets of vegetarians and vegans swiftly clocks up the food miles, a consequence of their higher dependency on products imported from faraway places. From tofu and tamari to carob and chickpeas, the axis of the vegetarian shopping list is heavily skewed to global.
What an unsubstantiated crock of shite.

Compared to what? Imported beef where the feedstuff is moved half a continent, then the meat is frozen and ship across an ocean?
What an unsubstantiated crock of shite.

Compared to what? Imported beef where the feedstuff is moved half a continent, then the meat is frozen and ship across an ocean?
I've family that used to be fisher-folk. When they were still in business their catch would be frozen, sent to China and then re-imported back to Norway. :facepalm::mad:
Good return from the meaties after the "I don't eat Horse, fools" smugathon. I bet they've been sitting on this for WEEKS
Soya is grown as cattle feed. :facepalm:

After corn, soy is the most grown crop around here.

Soy flour, soy protein and soy oil are ingredients in hundreds of commercially prepared foods that include margarine, beverages, cheeses, cake mixes, soups, candies, meat alternatives and frozen desserts. At home, any cook can prepare unique and tasty dishes using Canadian soy products, from applesauce cakes baked with soy flour, to miso soup made from soy oil, to a Mexican salad created with canned Canadian soybeans and corn.

Soy foods can be extremely healthy because soybeans contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats and protein—in fact, soy protein is nearly as high in quality as the proteins in milk and meat. At the same time, soybeans are good for heart health because they have no cholesterol and are very low in the saturated fats that contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Soy products can also be ideal for people who are lactose-intolerant and can't consume conventional dairy products. Soy milk, for example, is an excellent source of protein, B-vitamins and iron, and can be fortified to provide the same levels of calcium as cow's milk.

But Canadian soy doesn't end up only in human foods. Much of the soy meal that remains after the beans are crushed for oil is used as healthy protein in animal feed, while some of the oil goes to non-food products such as soap and cosmetics. Soy oil is also a source of biodiesel fuel, which has been used commercially in Canada since 2001.
Its bullshit but alongvwith hitler was a vegan good ammo to throw at the po faced wankers*

* not every vegan is a po faced wanker but when you combine the two its usually epic.

Like the matt the child porn enthusiast hippy shitbag
what a load of hypocrisy hunting ooh look someone trying to lessen their damage to the earth and creatures, can't be having that! fucksake :rolleyes:
It's more like you can't do right for doing wrong. Putting the onus on vegans is ridiculous.

Everything about the global food industry is wrong. Wrong for the consumers, wrong for the environment, wrong for the farmers, wrong for the poorer countries, wrong for the richer countries, wrong for the animals. The only people it works for are the supermarkets and other big food corporates.


Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It puts the aspirations and needs of those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations. It defends the interests and inclusion of the next generation.
from http://www.foodsovereignty.org/FOOTER/Highlights.aspx
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